Open DNS vs Google DNS which one is the safest?


None. Use Unbound.

For speed of resolution Google is nice tho.

I just use whatever free open DNS is closer to me


Some with dnscrypt and unbound

Depends on your definition of "safest".

>he's too dumb to run his own resolver
back to you-know-where

Give your data to google... fucks sake OP...


BIND > unbound

legitimate curiosity over here?
Ok lets say I run my own DNS server, to which other servers should I connect it to?

Are there free functional DNSsec servers out there?

>to which other servers should I connect it to?

You don't "connect it" to anything. You have it query the root nameservers for the domain you want. The root nameservers will give you back the nameservers for the tld of your domain. You then query those nameservers, and they tell you the nameserver in charge of the domain you want. You then query those nameservers and get the IP address of the domain you wanted and cache the result. This is the same thing all public DNS servers do.

The root nameservers are,, etc.

>I dont know what forwarders are

Why do you think those are relevant here?

because it is generally quicker to query a forwarder than it is going through the root servers to the nameserver of the domain. and because you clearly didnt know what a forwarder was.

OK, So with this I got my own server caching other servers data so my resolutions are kept withing my reach and are nobody else's business.

What if I want to set this on a residential ISP connection? Many ISP's in my country are becoming aggressive towards residential users setting up services

oh look it's this fucking loser again

A forwarder needs to make all the requests you would have to make, plus the additional requests to communicate that information back to you. The only time it's going to be faster is if you compare the case where the forwarder has a request cached to a case where your local resolver doesn't, and that's a stupid comparison.

I know what a forwarder is. It's entirely irrelevant to someone wanting to run their own DNS server, and you don't seem to have any idea what you're talking about.

Your requests will actually be known to more servers if you run your own resolver. Every nameserver in the chain, from the root nameserver you use down to the nameserver of the domain you actually wanted will know what domain you were trying to resolve, and all of those requests will have come from your IP instead of say, google's. The difference is that you're only querying nameservers instead of data mining services.

There is no simple way for your ISP to prevent you from running your own personal DNS service. The requests look the same as a normal DNS query to a public resolver without packet inspection

> The only time it's going to be faster is if you compare the case where the forwarder has a request cached to a case where your local resolver doesn't, and that's a stupid comparison.
Since it is google, that would be pretty much every request where my local resolver doesn't

Meanwhile 90% of your requests are going to be cached, in which case your local resolver needs to make zero requests while a google resolver needs to be contacted over the internet each time.

>caches never expire
>all you do is visit the same website over and over again

When you make a request to a website that isn't in your cache, it's likely because you just started browsing a website and are about to make several more requests as you continue browsing. Those subsequent requests are going to pretty much all be within the cache expiry period, and you're going to make a lot of them.

How many requests do you think you've made to Sup Forums in the last hour?

>websites only ever use javascripts in a single domain
and again
>I only ever browse the same website
>latency doesn't matter to me