It's officially over.
RIP Reddit
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off
That's bad for us, it might bring some fags if some redditor mentions Sup Forums
Prepare yourself, Hiro-kun
Context? I can't find anything this recent in
u/spez's post history.
Was he really intentionally replacing names in comments?
lmao if you think this place isn't already the most popular reddit tourism spot
Hopefully they'll just switch to voat.
>you will never cause this much butthurt
Already have.
never thought they would stoop this low.
Fuck off, literally no one cares.
I do every day when I tell Sup Forums the PS4 is the best console
You cared enough to shitpost.
It's even worse in that no one even knew about this invisible admin tool until he had a hissy fit and used it to shame his moderators.
Nice try. Go fucking back to /r/the_donald
I care, I care deeply.
OPs thread is a shitpost. Not technology related and it's about fucking reddit, which anyone should say fuck that website.
What? I don't even know how to use Reddit, I tried once but its just fucking weird.
>no one cares about the 26th most popular website in the world secretly editing its users' content
You did it again. If you don't care then why are you still here?
No really, nobody cares about Redditors, except Redditors.
not fucking technology
Nobody will care, just like when they banned the fatty haters.
>he thinks reddit censorship is something new
This. If you defend reddit, you have to go back.
you seriously think the cocksuckers that frequent reddit give a fuck about this sort of thing? statists always look for a new dick to suck, and authority can do no wrong.
>implying hiro isn't editing our comments right now
fuck off reddit
Post pony on any board that's not /mlp/
Rake in the butthurt coins
Post a thread about reddit on Sup Forums
Rake in the butthurt coins
It's not 2011 anymore. Only barneyfag spergs at pony anymore and he's been called more cancerous than ponyfags.
>2011 was 9 years ago
Of course he can edit comments if he has root access to the database.
that's the scary part. he can 'plant' anything at will.
Yeah that is obvious, I wasn't clear, I meant that there is no evidence of it having ever been used on the site until now.
Are you 12?
It's only a matter of time till reddit closes /r/the_donald and they all flood to here.
prepare for influx of leddit refugees
>static ip
>have an opinion he doesn't approve of
>slaps some CP onto your comment about tomatos and contacts the authorities
Your life is now ruined.
Why would they even bother coming here?
Most are fucking normies and will just bitch and whine for a couple of days then go back to posting shitty memes(kinda like here)
If its like the Trump subreddit, then they already come here
SV "woke" liberals would secretly defend this because locking the person up is for the greater good.
baka desu senpai
srsly whats your problem with crayon pop?
>could have tampered with stonetear's posts, that guy who wanted advice on how to wipe hillary's emails
Wow, you are unbelievable retarded. How do you even function in daily life?
he has a point
>FBI has authority to install malware on your computer
>FBI plants CP
>FBI decides to investigate you
>you go to jail
Nice digits but everything I just said is completely on the table considering what this sick fuck is trying so desperately hard to defend.
If he really wanted to ruin people's lives, he would just release dox on prominent moderators of meme-right users, which would be really easy if you have all the ip addresses they've ever used on reddit
kek, i would do it, get some stormbabbies fired
>he fell for the "the alt-right is real" meme
>Say you're gonna make a game about Ebola chan
Or, at least, take fugging ages.
So many buthurtz
the meme-right doesn't have prominent people
controlled opposition
No one cares, fuck off
>you will never cause this much butthurt
I will. But I'm not constantly pushing shit online for a fucking five minutes of fame. I'd rather be known for a huge world shattering accomplishment.
Lots of /r/nba is coming to /nba/ General right now, is this the end of Reddit? Is this their Digg redesign moment?
Yes. Prepare for a migration. There is nothing out there that compares to Reddit (no one likes voat) so this is the natural destination, especially considering how intertwined t_d and Sup Forums are and t_d being the 2nd most popular subreddit for the last few months.
>reddit is going to shit because of active censorship by editing
>Sup Forums is shit already because of edgelords
>normies are finally beginning to see that Facebook is echo chamber shit
>Twitter is not total shit but will probably be acquired and either shut down or left to rot in the sun
this is spez
I'll get started on the logo
>He posts anime
I care. Once everyone leaves Reddit, where do you think they'll head?
Here. Fuck that. We need a containment site.
>Twitter is not total shit
>bans user exposing accounts openly posting cp
>accounts openly posting cp still up days later
Saudis own Twitter and it is going to shit at an alarming rate
butthurt much
hey guys
how do you upvote?
lol I just decided to delete my reddit account and come here. Nice site so far, the comment system is weird. Anyone want to break me in with a personalized "go back 2 reddit?"
>Sup Forums imposes filters for baka desu and senpai
>all is good, it's just a joke
>reddit admin spends an hour editing comments
>reddit throws a fucking tantrum
of course.
if this sort of thing happened on Sup Forums, we all would've laughed it off. it would've been just screaming anime girls and "MODS = GODS" as far as the eye can see.
get a life, reddit.
>word filters and editing comments are the same thing
Nobody gives a fuck
this senpai desu
EDIT: wtf? mods edited my post ???!
Reddit is an actual website for adult conversation monitored by adults with a set of standards, this is a shithole where you can log in and expect to see animal cruelty, child pornography, or both with any click, monitored for free by neets. There is quite a difference between the two.
>animal cruelty, child pornography long have you been here? that's 2007 Sup Forums.
2016 Sup Forums is tame and boring.
shut up white bitch
how do i log in?
does user Heaven still posts here?
Animal torture webms are posted every day on Sup Forums. I think the last time I saw cp on Sup Forums was about a week ago.
>people still believes that they have freedom on the Internet
The closest thing to freedom on the Internet is this shithole like it or not.
Anytime there is a large movement towards voat it then gets ddosed into the ground.
You have all the freedom you want, but if you want to go around saying dumb ass shit you better do it on your own server.
t. someone who has no idea what's going on with spez and reddit and pizzagate and whatever but hates when people cry "muh free speech!" whenever some site bans them
Everybody that isn't a faggot has always known reddit is a shit-hole run by filthy cock-mongering jews; this isn't news.
I frequent the_donald's IRC and it's pretty obvious they've been waiting for something like this to happen. Just shit post and spam so much that you piss off the admins so much they'll do something drastic. I have no respect for either parties but this shows the absolute incompetence of the Reddit team, and his retarded actions will fuel a whole new wave of conspiracies to come.
Why did the ledditors think he wouldnt do that shit anyway? It's a private website they can change every post ever put on leddit to "I want Spez's cock" and there isn't anything you can do about it.
Sup Forums is primarily anonymous.
If your post got changed to contain something you didn't say, it wouldn't really matter.
On Reddit, you have an identity. Having your posts altered thus allows the admins to impersonate you.
im not reading that clusterfuckof trash.
can one of you asshole redditors give me a synapsis. because this whole thread is also garbage.
Speak for yourself.
I once got a forum with 10,000 shut down, plus it's wiki.
I received death threats for months
T_D harassing spez and mod team for months, hoping they would react in a way that could back their conspiracy fuelled subreddit.
As of yesterday, spez actually admitted to changing certain users comments, which led to this whole shitstorm.
who the fuck is T_D?
internal warfare or shillarys vs americans?
or both?
1. Trump supporters from Sup Forums make a subreddit (user-run, user-moderated subforums) to talk about and promote Trump (r/the_donald).
2. Reddit admins constantly antagonize them and threaten to shut them down for harassing other anti-Trump subreddits (r/politics), even as those other subreddits freely harass users of the Trump subreddit.
3. Reddit alters their site's algorithm to severely limit the number of submissions from the Trump subreddit from showing up in the sitewide "most popular current posts" aggregator (r/all).
4. Trump wins. Every other subreddit loses their fucking minds.
5. The site's head admin starts editing posts on the Trump subreddit that criticize him, revealing that the admins have the ability to essentially forge evidence and frame users.
Keep in mind that it's possible for people to be criminally prosecuted over posts made on social media, so the fact that these posts can be silently modified by a third party causes a giant legal clusterfuck. "Did this user really post child pornography, or did a third party edit their posts to make it look like they did?" and other such things are now a possibility.
Never mind Reddit and Voat, I just hope takes off.
Terrible move from spez. You are not going to win an internet war with Sup Forums.. I get he was pissed about the harassment hes received but c'mon, take it like a man instead of doing shady shit like this.
>tfw you'll never again feel the rage as you make chikun threads
Sure you did, kiddo.
like that poor fat fuck from the presidential debate in the red sweater
can't take a joke? :^)
thanks man.
>Donald Trump saves America
>the_Donald destroys Reddit's credibility
2016 is the best year
It's been a pretty good year, for the most part.