What kind of phone does Sup Forums use?

What kind of phone does Sup Forums use?

iPhone 5S here.

Moto X Style

How big can you stretch your asshole ?

Why would you ask someone that question?


Galaxy S4. I hate it.

I'm really eyeing the Pixel XL + Daydream View, but I'm wondering if I should wait until next year when they make the bezels smaller and add front-facing speakers.

Blu vivo 5r
can't believe its only 200$

iPhone 6s, best iPhone you can buy

Moto G4, non-plus.

It's nice but I'd prefer something better. And with a smaller screen.


7+ Matte black

You do realize only extremely mentally ill people (ie homosexuals) use iPhones, right?


see and pic related

that's funny because on my 7+ I've never used a dongle once


t. Android Lollipop


Well I'm married to a woman and never wanted to have sex with a man, so again, no.


Galaxy S4. It's not too bad, except the battery went to shit.
I'll probably end up replacing it with a Redmeme.

see A "feminine" cock is still just a cock user.



give it up lagdroid

>buys a phone with a removable battery
>doesn't buy another battery when OEM one starts to die
Are you actually retarded?

You do realize only extremely mentally ill people (ie homosexuals) use iPhones, right?

t. poorly mcpoorperson


128GB as well I hope


256 ;)

see and

I know the battery is replaceable. The main reason I want something else is so I can flash it and get rid of all the Google shit.

>look mom I posted it again!

>Tan Pelaez

fucking flip deserves it

see and pic related

see and pic related

>Sup Forums is now Sup Forumsoogleshills
what happened?!

Moto X Play. Got it on a bargain

see and pic related

We know that iphones are expensive in india, pajeet.



Hell yeah boy, I'm also rocking the Moto X Style (Pure). Easily my favorite Android device, such a comfy phone for the size and surprisingly smooth compared to current flagships.

People ask about the "ThinkPad of phones" and I think the X Pure is it.

While I love my X I belive the ThinkPad of phones goes to the HTC HD2 old af (when speaking of smartphones) and still running the latest version of Android.

t. Thinkpedo

I don't understand this. People are using iPhones for real? What's the point of it ?

see and pic related

iPhones are extremely expensive in poo in loo land and the US. You need to have thousands in savings for when your iPhone blows up and causes third degree burns. Not only that but the burns leave permanent scars and possibly damaged eyesight.

I know apple copies samsung to stay relevant but this is ridiculous desu.

see and pic related

I think it may be an attempt to become muslim suicide bombers.

>actual software updates

yeah, it's the worst

So iMessage is a plus? Wow iPhone users are really strange.

I personally don't really give a shit about it, but that's what all the Android fags constantly cry about not having

Why the hate desu??

This has been irrelevant for a while now. Everyone is using whatsapp and kik these days

You call 978 confirmed vulnerabilities and backdoors "security"

>>actual software updates
>what are OTA updates

see don't forget iPhones can also be used as hand grenades. Though apple should really work on fixing the "randomly detonating without warning" bug.

t.ex-iphone 6s user who had his iPhone swell up and break for no reason while watching tv in my sofa and then watching it fill my living room with smoke.

Are there really roms out there of 7.1 for the HTC HD2?

It is crazy that the HD2 is still technically usable with modern Android, although I wonder how smoothly it runs at this point?

that's weird, there's only one popular cell phone company that's well known for exploding phones. Sam-something... the even had to stop all production of said phone. weird.

I know I guess it's the same copycat deal that's always been going on with samshit vs aplel.

That's why I got an HTC 10.

to be fair, that $500 black friday deal is pretty tempting. that red HTC 10 is fucking sweet

LG V10

>implying I think apple is any better
I remember when this board valued freedom and privacy. and now all you fags have devices that send your data to the government/advertisers. installing Roms without Gapps is no better and most of you have chinkshit sending your data to China. congrats.

HTC 10

You must be new here


I hated it in the beginning because half of its storage space is taken up by Samsung AND Verizon's fucking bloatware. 8 GB of free storage.

Recently I've started hating it even more because it's starting to slow down and freeze. Also the battery lasts for about 10 minutes now on active use. I know, I know, the battery is replaceable, but still.

Had a iPhone 6 plus then got touch deceased now using a Lumia 650. Besides the underpowered snapdragon it's a good phone.

iPhone 7 Jet Black
I used to swear by Android, but I got 3 jobs and school now, so I can't rely on a buggy phone with a flashed custom ROM made by pajeets & niggers
iMessage is very nice too

Galaxy s6 from Verizon. Can't think of a much lower stopped than that

>Inescapable payment plan
>No rooting
>7 metric tons of irremovable bloatware
>Battery is even worse because of it
>VZW's Updates Like Molasses program

Thing is, I don't see many good options out there. I want to move on from this commitment, but I don't know where to move to.


Go full Google. Get a Pixel and move to Project Fi.
It's lit senpai

>paying over $600 for a phone that will be obsolete in 2 years

>describing literally every smartphone ever

Not this faggot But a pixel is definitely not ripe yet. After the next iteration or so is when it'll be a very attractive option. I understand the specs are worse, but the 5x is more appealing to me than a pixel.

Blackberry Priv

I really hope someone makes another landscape slider soon

not iPhone. stay mad

I had an iPhone once. Worked for EXACTLY two years, then slowed down to shit and eventually broke. What now?

you could still sell it for money than any android

Did you get it rooted? I'm worried the software isn't compatible with non-plus phones.

HTC One m8

Galaxy S3 soon to be upgraded to an S5.
Yup - poorfag.

Nexus 4, as many years and counting.

I got the LG V20 because they took the IR blaster out of the S7 and I have three different brand TVs in my house that I use daily.

The second screen is pretty dumb I guess but I do like the back button more than I thought I would and the screen is really nice. Really good quality camera. Didn't come with any bloat besides the Sprint shit. My S6 had a ton of apps I could only disable, but not uninstall.

The only thing I miss is the Samsung Alarm app. It had a widget that let you turn the alarm on and off from your home screen, which I used oddly often.

RN3P. The official Sup Forums phone.
Bonus: I'm on CM13. Is anyone running CM14 yet and are there decent builds?

ZTE Grand Max+. I got about 6 months ago for $60. About over the phablet size that I wanted to try, but it was dirt cheap and still does everything I want it to smoothly enough.

Moto G 2014

That phone is kind of a meme. It has been unofficial selected to have as many android versions as possible ported to it.
Kind of how doom is tested on every piece of hardware.

In kind of a similar situation. Galaxy S7 Edge. Forced to buy it because my dad wanted to buy his and get the buy one get one free deal. 2 year contract and can't get out of it want a new phone.

Zenfone 3

>wait until next year when they make the bezels smaller and add front-facing speakers

Redmeme note 4

Xperia XZ. It's pretty good. Camera is pathetic however

>3 jobs and school
poor collegefag buys an $800 phone
>can't rely on a buggy phone with a flashed custom ROM
so don't flash custom ROMs?

moto g3