What is the perfect smartphone size for you?

What is the perfect smartphone size for you?

6 inches. Anything smaller is for manlets.

three fiddy

12 inches

5-5.5 is perfect. 4.7 is okay too. I don't really like smaller.

5 inches. Anything larger is for fat people with sausage fingers.


4.5 to 5.2

5.5 is doable - using a Moto G4 right now without difficulty - but I'd rather have a 5 or below screen and 720p for lower battery consumption.

>being obese

4.7" to 5.2"

i used to think 5.5 was perfect back when i had my HTC one, but at the end of the day
iPhone 5s/SE got it perfectly
nothing beats it's size & sexyness

I have an S7 Edge, which is 5.5. It's a nice size, but a larger one would be nice too.

>shit taste
It all makes sense now.

I had a 5.5" phone (Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 PRO) but I kept dropping it, replaced it with a 5.15" Phone (Xiaomi Mi5) and I haven't dropped it for over Three months now.

6.0 no compromises

Smallest phone possible so it's easier to carry around.

>shit taste
How so?

>wearing girl pants


>implying you always have to carry your phone in your pants pockets

I have a Lumia 950, and it barely fits in any of my pants. Have to take my phone out of my pocket to lift my leg 90 degrees

4" max because I use my phone as a phone, not as a portable twitter device.

8 inches. Anything smaller is for cuck manlets.


this is the correct answer

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

6 inches, anything bigger won't fit in my vag.

>using a girl purse

>mfw no good smartphone

>t. woman who keeps her phablet in her purse

4 even i think is the best
fits in all pant sizes
not too small not too big

My 5.5" fits in all my pants pockets.

Fuck asia
I want a 4 inch phone again
fuck this 5.1in bullshit, I wanna use my phone one handed

Nexus 6 is the perfect sized phone. I don't want to go back to 5.7 inch.

I've always used 5 inch phones so I think I can handle bigger displays like 5.5 or 5.7 inch

current phone in pic
plan on upgrading to a

>t. iPhone cuck

>different usecases are cucks
t. windowscuck

5.5 inch

>TFW my dream phone will never happen

>6in AMOLED 2560 X 1440


>t. manlet with girly hands and short thumb


8 inches across, asshole. bigger than yours.
Big phones a shit.

>8 inches
>can't use a >4 inch phone one handed
sure m8...

it's uncomfortable as fuck and I can't reach the top quarter of the screen.
Do you hold your phone without putting the edge into your palm? I can't without dropping the damn thing. Awkward as fuck.

>it's uncomfortable as fuck and I can't reach the top quarter of the screen.
I can with my phone. My hand is probably smaller than yours too.

>Do you hold your phone without putting the edge into your palm?
I do put the edge into my palm, not that pinky shit

Literally never had problems with the 5 inch phones I've had


where? A for me.


4 because it's comfortable with one hand. Anything that I need with a bigger screen I'll just use my iPad or my other tablets.


Unless you have giant nigger hands like Shaq

I have huge troubles really gripping my phone to any degree like that, because my fingers are too short. pic related.

Around 4.7" is fine for me; can still use that with one hand while gripping it properly.

5.5"+ is for hambeasts and/or retards who need to carry a TV because they can't stop watching shitty plebfeed for more than 15 minutes or so.

Your fingers don't look short at all nigger

That's exactly my point.

4.7" is the correct answer.

Anyone buying bigger is a retard who should just buy a tablet and anything smaller is for women/manlets

It's European!

I pray that Sony is still making compact phones when my 2013 Moto X finally dies.

been said the 4/4.5 inch is going to make a comeback

It needs to.

If my S5 was a 4.5-4.7" while retaining all else including battery size, it would literally be perfect. The annoying 1 hand use is the only thing letting it down.

4.7 is the sweetspot for me

I'm pretty sure Xiaomi is selling a phone like that.

5.5" 1080p

used 6.5" xperia z ultra for a while. it was awesome, changed it for s7 and for a few days it was a nightmare

This picture is absolute bullshit. It's not just about the screensize:
>iphone 7+ (5.5")
158.2 x 77.9 x 7.3 mm
>nexus 6p (5.7")
159.3 x 77.8 x 7.3 mm
>literally the same, that is what this bezel autism all about, having bigger screen without increasing the size of the phone.

Why whould you compare an iphone 6 with a stone age note 3 anyway?

>tfw I have to use the 4s to compensate for my large penis

the iphone se is the fastest phone of the year dude

>be giant
>have lg g4
>can't type with 2 hands because the phone is too small


4.7–5 inches.

I have a 5.5in device right now (OPO) and while it's not too bad in terms of usability, I just find large displays underwhelming. I bought this phone because I thought having a "phablet" would make for an enjoyable video watching experience, but really you need at least a laptop for that. Therefore I see no reason for the large display on a phone.

In the future I'll pursue a smaller device (←5.2in) unless the larger phones have some other killer features.

You sound triggered, user.

give it back Tyrone

>6 inches
LMAO at this low test manlet

>2560 X 1440 on a fucking phone
I bet even your desktop don't have a resolution this big

>having only one phone
>being this poor
>staying a pleb

It was 5.5 but I started using the 5.2 HTC 10 and the difference is really negligible.

Somewhere between 5-5.2 inches. My last two phones have been the Oneplus 1 and Oneplus 3 that are 5.5 inches and that's just barely the biggest size I can tolerate but I pretty much only bought them for the custom ROM support. I wish Oneplus would update the Oneplus X since they're the only company that actually gives a fuck about the custom ROM community at this point.

5.5 and above is only better for things like watching movies but watching movies on a phone sucks ass anyways compared to a laptop or tablet.

6 is too big

5.5 is perfect

5 - 4.7 is okay

4 and less is way too small

4.7" tops. Anything larger is too bulky and inconvenient. If only they would make these screens Full HD and not ultra-retard 720p because muh pixel peeping omg...
are we really going forward in technology nowadays?

4.5 - 5 is nice, and I have big hands

A phone the size of a Nexus 5 is perfect, so that's anywhere from a 4.7"-5.2" screen depending on the bezels.

5 inches + 1080p screen
rocking the Google Pixel

6.4 inches.
Mi Max master race.

>been said the 4/4.5 inch is going to make a comeback

The SE is the third best selling iPhone after the 7 and 7 phat.

I think there's a very large contingent of people that don't give a shit about the larger phones because they aren't gaming and watching media 24/7. If you need a phone with some apps and a bit of social media there's no need for a gigantic screen.

>~4 MB JPG
Jesus fucking Christ

4" at the most.
I dont do anything on my phone where the benefits of having a larger screen outweighs being able to fit it in my pocket without it being visible through my jeans.
Disclaimer: am >6' and not fat.


am 5'6" w/ small hands and it works perfectly

I have a Moto Z right now and it is the best phone I ever had.
5.5" is perfect.

5.2 rn and it's a bit too big for one handed use. my nexus4 was fantastic in that regard

i love my iphone SE, if only for the size. pretty so-so on iOS, better in some ways from Android, worse in other ways

but you can't buy an Android phone with premium features like you can with the SE.

i don't need a fucking tablet i need a phone thx

iPhone 5S/SE is nice size, I could probably go with the 6/7 4.7" and that'd probably be nice, but anything above that is questionable. could *maybe* do 5" but the Nexus 5X 5.2" was just a bit too big. 5.5 and higher (which is what most flagship android phones are these days) is too big

i guess if i drove around in a car all day it wouldn't be bad but i'm on public transit n walking around 90% of the day so smaller is better

But I have have 2 4K monitors...

I think 5.0 inches with small bezels is the best all around size. 4.7 is a bit too small and 5.2 is slightly too big.

I love that album

6,4" here. I love my Mi Max.

>not getting a Mi Mix

I thought the same until I got zenfone Selfie with 5.5inch screen
I'm going to buy a xiaomi mi 5s cause 5.5 is just way too big

same until i got a Nexus 6

love that phone but holy shit 6" is too fuckin big for a phone i'm gonna carry with me all day

4 inches. I use my phone in one hand a lot. I can touch all 4 corners with ease at this size. I don't use my phone as a media consumption device or an Angry Birds machine so, I don't care for phablets.

i like 5.5 with small bezels or 5.2 with regular bezels