What is the best Obscure distro that isn't a popular distro like
>any other shit everyone already knows about
I was thinking about CRUX
distrowatch isn't helping, post good obscure OS's (BSD's not welcome)
What is the best Obscure distro that isn't a popular distro like
>any other shit everyone already knows about
I was thinking about CRUX
distrowatch isn't helping, post good obscure OS's (BSD's not welcome)
Other urls found in this thread:
Does Alpine count as obscure in your mind? It's certainly good.
>avoid systemd
>avoid GNU/autism, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus autism
is autistic
Lindows (keep it secret)
so then Debian?
does CentOS count?
At least pretty obscure on the desktop, but I am quite happy with it.
Hannah Montana Linux
Funtoo, DragonflyBSD, Sabayon, LXLE, Porteus and lastly ReactOS in a few years
9front plan9
my nigga
pick one
CRUX isn't obscure. You're just dumb.
The best obscure GNU/Linux Distro is obviously and clearly either Fognix or [LFS with only the bare minimum needed to run a DeviousYarn interpreter].
Void Linux? Seems pretty obscure to me.
I remember getting my nonfree broadcom working after a whole dayEnjoy your autism my sweet senpai
only linux that isn't retarded and actually fosters a free ecosystem rather than a walled garden
Still in development but looks minimal as fuck.
>In GoboLinux you don't need a package database becausethe filesystem is the database: each program resides in its own directory, such as/Programs/Xorg-Lib/7.4and/Programs/KDE-Libs/4.2.0.
Sounds memetastic.
Bedrock Linux
if you wanna try crux heres a bunch of ports to make it a bit easier
Bedrock, fuck yeah. Currently running that.
Lfs, stali, gobo look interesting. Might try.
PclinuxOS might be a good one for newbies/normies.
q4os, pre riced windows xp/win7 like debian distro which is great for nudging people into linux
onodera u autistic fucking ricer
suck kori's dick fag
yeah I saw that and you gave me the idea, there are virtually no retard guides online, is it just like installing Gentoo or is it easier?
Yeah I use crux
Linux is the best obscure distro
Source Mage.
Sweet OS
red star os
Hikarunix is great if you like playing GO
Trenta OS
Too bad you can't download it anymore
Why did you go back to sysv? sinit and minirc worked fine the last time I tried it.