What's your recommended cheap router for home and light home server usage?
Looking for a cheap (50$, 60$ max) router to get on black Friday .
Europoor so american deals don't apply to me, currently looking at:
Also routers general!
What's your recommended cheap router for home and light home server usage?
Looking for a cheap (50$, 60$ max) router to get on black Friday .
Europoor so american deals don't apply to me, currently looking at:
Also routers general!
Some SFF box with 2 Intel NICs with pfsense on it.
Everything else is a joke.
that router looks bad ass
that router is a meme
Yes, let me just get an old box and purchase 2 NICs for it.
Edgerouter LITE plus a nice metal gigabit switch and some decent enterprise-grade access point.
Go be underage somewhere else.
Just because I don't have a fucking neckbeard doesn't mean I am underage.
I don't need a fucking third box just for pfsense.
It's the same size as any router, you underage twat.
I didn't tell you to go put it in a ATX case.
Something around the NUC's size is more than enough, there's even smaller stuff for cheap.
What do those fancy routers have that those shitty $2 tplinks don't? Serious question
Edge router lite
EdgeRouter Lite seems to be a bit too much for what I am willing to spend, is the EdgeRouter X 5-Port good enough?
Mainly looking for Gigabit speed on LAN and decent WI-FI with good port forwarding.
You can check this one
Nevermind, this one doesn't have wireless
Same question here, my router is dying and needs to be reset every 30minutes or so
i own a WR1043ND v1.
it can't sustain more than 170Mbps WAN-to-LAN throughput.
if i were you i'd get a cheap AP and a mikrotik router.
>$50, $60 max
Expect to buy a shitty router then. You won't find anything remotely respectable at that price range.
You're Polly gonna have to drop 150 famalam, unless you get an RPI and a switch box and make it urself
We have black friday in europoorland?
the one in OP has legs, and it looks cool.
Can anyone recommend either of these?
I was ideally waiting for the 87u but these are on sale for Black Friday
the asus one has 2 antennas more so obviously it's better
It's not really a like for like comparison.
I get that the Asus is more for lots of devices doing heavy stuff but it's actually cheaper. What do you mean?
Get the MikroTik hAP ac and never look back, OP.
holy shit, are these actual non-botnet routers?
>made in Europe
even if it's latvian botnet, it's "better" than the cisco botnet.
>small has wireless support and has an sfp port
What's the catch?
Wrt54g of course
remember to redeem the copy of DOOM included with your purchase of a demon altar
There are many non-botnet routers.
Question: how do I know if I need a new router? I purchased mine like 5 years ago and it still seems to work fine. Am I missing something?
Don't listen to this retard.
Get a Mikrotik hEX.
It's shit.
That altar looks like you can sacrifice a goat on it.
Any shitty computer with a Intel Quad code + 2 intel NIC's.
>It's shit
Care to elaborate?
I'm no good with networking router/modem shit what are the actual benefits and any tutorials or guides that can help me understand this a bit better?
Just saw
>no AP function + no sfp port
So can anyone recommend either of these routers or a better alternative for the price?
>Care to elaborate?
Yes. Integrated APs are shit.
In which ways? Bandwith? Latency? Because wireless on this thing supposedly reaches 450~500mbps transfer speeds. blog.quindorian.org
Anyone know of some good cisco resources? I have a j1921 and I think i've got the dialer setup right just need some documentation on NAT etc.
Well, I just recently upgraded my own router. I had a Linksys WRT54GL which I originally bought in 2011 and now I'm using a WRTACS1900 which was released last year I believe and even though my WRT54GL was working fine before, I am seeing a huge difference in performance.
I guess upgrade your router when it's at least 10 years old from release.
An asus N56U OR N65U with padavan firmware fits your criteria
I mean they both have different specs. There is a comparable option in the list of Asus routers but it's like asking whether an RX 480 or GTX 650 is better.