What's your favorite piece of technology and why Sup Forums?
Mine has to be my shiny new x220 with 9cell + ssd.
What's your favorite piece of technology and why Sup Forums?
Mine has to be my shiny new x220 with 9cell + ssd.
lmao weeaboo
>Laughing at anime on a Japanese image board
kys you dumb fuck
>Complaining about chinese food in a chinese restaurant
I think you should fuck off, mate.
I don't own much interesting technology besides the few computers I have.
I suppose I would go with my trusty 7950. It runs well on GNU/Linux with the free drivers and isn't so old that it's slow as shit.
My favorite piece of technology is Sup Forums because it allows me to talk to all my friends :3
the truth hurts sometimes -_- i didn't come here for feels
>-_- i didn't come here for feels
Lmao stupid weaboo
My Thinkpad R51e with GNU/Linux installed
and My Yahama Electone E-5 organ
I want to fuck Youmu.
Delete this senpai
Oh I forgot to add why
My Thinkpad R51e is just a really cute laptop to use, it's not exactly the most practical thing to use anymore but it just makes me feel comfy whenever I use the thing.
And my Yamaha organ is just a really fun instrument to play, and I really like how it sounds.
I want to garden with Youmu
I wish I was a ghost like Youmu
I wish I was dead
She's not a ghost but half-phantom.
virtual reproductive instinct replacement because anime girls are cute
oh hey there *notices bulge* owo what's this?!
Have the same Thinkpad, thing stopped charging batteries on its own. My old-ass T40 still charges a battery though.
Think the R51e popped a surface mount fuse the charge circuit but I don't know what kind of fuse to buy to replace it.
>tfw no Youmu gf
My 5k iMac. This screen is fucking gorgeous.
I've been waiting for something like this since like 2006.
My sansa clip +.
Serving me well for 5 years.
I don't actually have any
Do you actually have friends here, besides user?
Cause I do.