Which type of user are you?

Which type of user are you?

>tfw you realize you're a casual user

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Gee I sound like a poweruser/hacker


None of the above.
A phone is a phone.
Not a smart-phone.

Power user describes me pretty well, although that guy seems to be smiling, so there goes that.

Tripfags out.

Akiko desu. I fucking hate cellphones from the start and don't want to be called while away unless something is on fire.

I have my desktop for the power.

Well shit i'm the greenhorn.

Power user, I guess.

>power user
>cares about mobile phones

Story of Ricky:

Power user

well I flashed the DarkestKiddyRom 3.1 from XDA onto my Nesux X so I guess i am a hacker tier

This is old.
Used to be the power user, now I am more of a business user.
It stopped being fun to care about phone features when smartphones came out.




According to this chart I'd be a hacker since I use custom ROMs but I barely use my phone for calls and texts anyways.

Your category

Nope, I have a GF and a job, I just install CM the day I get my phone and then only have to worry about flashing updates.

A power user, but instead of being consumerist scum like pic related, i keep running my old original Moto X with CM.

I don't think adjusting built in settings and installing applications on a phone should be considered a "power user" as any person with half a brain can do that.

>want a clean texting interface with the fastest possible input

None of them.

I treat my smartassphone as an agenda. Sometimes receive some calls, or send texts. Play some Clash of clans, just for the sake of having a smartphone.

It lasts 4-5 days with a charge.

i want to date akiko....

i don't have a smartphone

Who thought of that gay name?

>using a phone
I guess you use proprietary software too.