>$1000 for mid tier cards
>everyone wins
Nice bait retard, enjoy the sage.
Other urls found in this thread:
Higher monopoly prices would be offset by all the money they save by having to compete with AMD and having to convince developers to use their stuff, leading to cheaper cards
Why would they reduce the price for their cards?
Because Nvidia is for the gamers. They're a business to make money yes, but they also want to help the community develop as a whole and readily contribute. AMD does nothing but take from the community and adds nothing to it other than bad drivers and low quality hardware that is falsely advertised and overheats due to poor cooling design.
Mainly because they save costs having to compete with AMD, but also because everyone will be buying them anyways, making them enough money
So, they have no opposition and they will sell for less?
Boy, did you ever finish high school?
You're either a paid shill or extremely stupid.
There's a reason why the Rx 480 is the best selling GPU in amazon and why AMD now has ~30% in the desktop GPU market share.
Also watchdogs has been the worst game I've ever played and I deeply regret ever buying it.
I came to this thread just to reply to this post.
That was one of the dumbest things I have ever read on this site.
This is a reason why nvidia would be making more money, not why they would reduce prices for their cards.
This isn't even an argument.
Why would they reduce the price for their cards?
Do you have any examples of monopolies ending up in lowered prices?
>he thinks the little diagrams he saw about competition in high school is exactly how simple reality is
that's cute
>There's a reason why the Rx 480 is the best selling
yeah, cheap knockoff shit always sell better than the original. People are retarded, what else is new?
I never saw diagrams, we had actual class showing effects of Monopolies that we then compared with German great depression and concluded that Germans were better off than communities with monopolies.
Has in inelite returned?
>he thinks the little class he had about competition in high school is exactly how simple reality is
that's cute
Provide proof that it isn't, if you can't then get on your knees and suck my dick.
>15% better performance than the GTX 1060
>33% more vram
>cheap knockoff
Are you mentally and physically retarded?
it's either a troll or a fanboy
either way you're not going to make any progress with this individual
>it's another butthurt AMDrone desperately cherrypicks episode
>literally encyclopediadramatica.se
please don't drag Sup Forums in here
You do realize DX12 is going to be in more and more games right?
Yes the GTX 1060 is amazing for playing half life 2 and call of duty 2 but it shits itself in new game titles.
Face it, Nvidia failed you and more people will start to switch over to AMD.
>posts nvidia sponsored games
Why is there so much console war shit on Sup Forums lately?
>yet another desperate cherry pic
>muh DX12 maymay
You AMDrones literally are just broken records. How does it feel being 100% predictable?
OH yea, I love it when you play with my balls, suck on it harder.
You do realize nvidia gpus do not have full hardware async compute right?
>literally every game except my desperate cherrypicks are nvidia sponsored
That's an argument FOR buying nvidia, not against you retard
That's because we're at the "5-10" stage retard. You can't even read a simple graph
There's over 15 DX12 titles you moron. That list is gonna keep growing and nvidia won't magically give you full hardware async support through driver updates.
Do you even know what full hardware async support is?
>There's over 15 DX12 titles you moron.
not a single one is "actually designed for DX12" retard
>nvidia won't magically give you full hardware async support through driver updates.
No you will get it with new cards obviously retard.
We're still at least 2-3 years away from DX12 being relevant. You wont be using the same card then anyways retard
It seems you don't know how to read graphs.
Not sure how you can be so certain that nvidia cards will eventually outperform AMD ones in DX12. That's fortune telling.
While I also consider it to be likely, it's not certain. But I'd also predict the gap to be much smaller, if perf is measured in perf/$ and not perfmax. (or perf/W, kek AMD)
If all the good games are nvidia sponsored, then what?
Why buy a card for games you won't be playing?
>>There's over 15 DX12 titles you moron.
>not a single one is "actually designed for DX12" retard
source: my ass
>No you will get it with new cards obviously retard.
good goy
>We're still at least 2-3 years away from DX12 being relevant. You wont be using the same card then anyways retard
More like another year. That DX12 list will probably grow to ~50 games by the end of 2017.
>That's fortune telling.
No, literally every single new technology has eventually been done better by nvidia.
That's just how it works when your R&D budget is 10 times larger
I'm saying in terms of perf/$.
>source: my ass
Well then, where's the game that's designed from the ground up for DX12? That looks muche worse in DX11? Cause I sure missed it retard
Except now nvidia fucked itself over by not including full hardware async support in their fucking GPUs. Rumour is going around volta won't have that either.
that's what the graph shows
And I'm saying the gap would probably be smaller.
Closer to the current gap in DX11 titles.
Because they're not retards putting shit it that isn't even needed yet.
Again, you're so fucking retarded for comparing the DX12 performance of DX11 cards. the 480 is primarily a DX11 card too retard
There's no units on the graph for you do judge the gap retard
AMD has a problem with designing cards for games that don't exist, and nvidia has a problem with designing the games for their cards and not the other way around.
But there is, there's a unit of '1' between the AMD and nvidia lines at the '5-10 dx11 games with duct-taped dx12' because that is now.
The current gap is that wide. From that you can judge what the future gap would be.
>Because they're not retards putting shit it that isn't even needed yet.
>DX12 has literally existed for like a year now
So how many DX12 exclusive titles are there?
Actually, Mantel is Primary 480s API.
"5-10 DX11 games with a last minute ducttaped DX12 mode"
>STILL can't even read a simple chart
read again retard
I see zero DX12 exclusive games.
Here's a hint: Exclusive means 'doesn't have a DX11 mode' in this context.
You guys are fucking retarded.
AyyMD innovates but Nvidya has more money and then does it better
Not this time. Despite have trillions of trillions of dosh they did not include full hardware async support for their GPUs.
Nvidia is gambling DX12 won't become popular which is extremely dangerous especially if their volta GPUs also lack full hardware async support.
Saying the same AMCuck thing over and over doesn't make it true
>Nvidia wants to help the community
>AMD does nothing but take from the community
I'm not even usually a participant in this war, but this is literally wrong.
AMD is the one who pushes its innovations as open standards, and Nvidia is the one who releases them as vendor-specific extensions.
Both are obviousy a type of tactic for market dominance with different advantages (subtly pushing your technical decisions you are better at as the standard vs having something competition doesn't), but technically open standards contribute a lot more to the community than vendor-specific extensions and frameworks nobody else knows how to implement, incompatible with everybody else.