What terminal emulator do you use, Sup Forums?

What terminal emulator do you use, Sup Forums?

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What's lxqt's terminal? That's what I use. Been thinking of switching back to gnome-terminal but then it'll drag in half of gnome's stuff with it. Is there any terminal besides gnome's that uses vte3?



gnome-terminal since im homosexual and use Gnome



wtf there isnt one terminal in linux ?


it just werks. even the name says that it just werks.

Terminal *emulator*

config plis


enlighten me
also, in 3 sentences, tell me what's the big deal about typing every command down instead of navigating and operating your system with GUI and pointer device.
serious question, not hateful argument

The difference between terminal emulators is comparable to Internet browsers. They achieve the same goal but with different features

As for why a command line interface is useful. It depends on what you're trying to do. For example you need to ssh into a server somewhere or you are trying to launch a program but you have some parameters you want to specify. Only autists use CLI when GUI is more accessible.

What's a light and faster terminal emu that supports fake transparency?
urxvt sucks dick.


Why would I need anything else?

thanks for this, me personally, i have ever only used terminal.app when i needed to launch multiple instances of the same app or when i quickly needed to edit hosts file so seeing here people using it as the main interface always fascinates me
