So, can we agree that credit/debit card chips were the worst technology meme of 2016?
>half the stores STILL don't have chips working, leading to an awkward song and dance as you try to swipe
>that is, if the chip even works, as failures in card processing are now far more common
Why did we have to take the European's broken trash and implement it?
So, can we agree that credit/debit card chips were the worst technology meme of 2016?
Other urls found in this thread:
all stores have that here
stupid amerikek
Agreed. Europeans try to say that they are "ahead of the game" but they fall for meme after meme and now have a refugee crisis. Europe, no thank you.
>not using cash for everything
>letting the botnet know about your shopping habits
Most stores where I live got wireless credit/debit card contact this year.
Chip has been available for at least 10 years, no?
>we have horrible shit
>you're the dumb one
Nice logic, bro.
They can tell where you shop and how much you spend. If you buy tons from a sex toy shop then yeah, that's revealing. Buy from Amazon, Walmart, Grocery Store, etc. and they don't know what you're buying at all.
>american technology
Is the america is secretly 3rd world meme real?
We've had chips for as long as I have had a bank card and can remember and I'm 22. Literally every card reader has contactless
Contact chips (EMV/"chip and pin"/"chip and signature") only really started in the US this year.
Wireless chips started in the US around 2004 or 2005, but banks cheaped out and the chips were easily cloneable. It was covered on national news and it fell out of popularity. Now very few cards have contactless (wireless) chips in the US.
>We are unable implement it
>It must be bad
That's really a shame, I'm a big fan of the contact-less card
>It's another "americans are so retarded they can't use a chip on a card" episode
Contactless is really ill supported for a variety of reasons.
#1 is that newer contactless implementations may expect EMV, which means if the point of sale software/store doesn't update their shit, it won't work even if the reader supports it.
#2, reader needs to support it.
#3, retailers hate the idea of making paying with credit/debit easier as they hate interchange (fees they pay the banks for accepting the cards at their stores on every purchase) so they're trying to push QR code mobile app shit that goes to a bank account instead and disabling contactless readers.
#4, they really cheaped out when they started with the contactless chips in credit/debit cards in 2004/2005 and they were easily cloneable. That led to a rash of stories about how they were risky, leading to a lack of trust in the contactless chips by the public as a whole, leading to banks removing the chips so people would stop complaining.
What's the benefit of the chip anyway? My bank made a huge fuss about sending me a card with one
It's revenge for introducing us to credit cards, the biggest scam of all time.
It's supposed to prevent card present fraud that results from card cloning. In reality, EMV is flawed in a way that allows banks to blame consumers for fraudulent purchases.
>EMV, also known as"\Chip and PIN", is the leading system for card payments world-wide
>We have discovered that some EMV implementers have merely used counters, timestamps or home-grown algorithms to supply this number. This exposes them to a \pre-play" attack which is indistinguishable from card cloning from the standpoint of the logs available to the card-issuing bank, and can be carried out even if it is impossible to clone a card physically (in the sense of extracting the key material and loading it into another card). Card cloning is the very type of fraud that EMV was supposed to prevent.
>We found flaws in widely-used ATMs from the largest manufacturers. We can now explain at least some of the increasing number of frauds in which victims are refused refunds by banks which claim that EMV cards cannot be cloned and that a customer involved in a dispute must therefore be mistaken or complicit. Pre-play attacks may also be carried out by malware in an ATM or POS terminal, or by a man-in-the-middle between the terminal and the acquirer. We explore the design and implementation mistakes that enabled the flaw to evade detection until now: shortcomings of the EMV specification, of the EMV kernel certification process, of implementation testing, formal analysis, or monitoring customer complaints.
>half the stores STILL don't have chips working, leading to an awkward song and dance as you try to swipe
That's a problem with the stores jewing out on POS systems, not on the technology itself.
That's a problem with the stores jewing out on Internet infrastructure and trying to push all their transactions through a fucking 56k dial-up line.
>that is, if the chip even works, as failures in card processing are now far more common
I have never seen this happen.
TL:DR the problem lies solely with the merchants
>Meanwhile in Europe
Literally hold the card a second in front of the terminal.
>Why did we have to take the European's broken trash and implement it?
Because our implementation is garbage. It's not even chip and pin in most cases. We technically only need chip and signature. So your card can still be used if stolen.
The chip readers also take four times as long to use even if it accepts your card on the first attempt.
I've switched to using cash and Apple Pay where available.
We can insert the chip, but half the time the reader doesn't have chip reading support enabled and you're supposed to swipe. Even when it is enabled, it's fucking slow and says DO NOT REMOVE CARD for upwards of ten to fifteen seconds. That's not retardation on part of the consumer, it's shitty technology that's balls slow.
Thanks. I didn't really know that one could "clone" a non chip card. Glad to see banks are still trying to fuck me over
The magnetic stripe is a static value, you can buy the equipment to read and write cards for less than $100 and do it easily with PC software. Hell, you can read someone's card and then put it on the magswipe of an old hotel key in seconds.
>That led to a rash of stories about how they were risky, leading to a lack of trust in the contactless chips by the public as a whole
The average person didn't know shit about this. It was retailers refusing to update their readers that kneecapped contactless payments.
Even if you did have an RFID enabled card they'd look at you like you were a fucking alien if you waved your keyfob (and later wallet) over their card reader because no employees had been told such things were possible.
Shitty american technology you mean. In Europe all this process takes less than 10 seconds, that if you insert the card. But since I live in a 1st world country I have contactless so I don't need to insert the card.
>mfw yuropoors fell first for the metric system meme and now this
top kek
lel you Americlaps are still using chip n pin? Everything is contactless now senpai
>Introduced all the way back in 2002-7 in Europe
Git good.
>Not Europeans
You're not American as well nice bait thread.
>you're not american
Guess they gave me one of these by mistake.
try not to live in a 4th world country, cuck.
here, in civilized word chips were being used for 7+ years over the swipe.
NFC/contactless been here for like a year or so.
So much closer to cred stick but oh so far
NFC payment master race
Give it back Juan
>So, can we agree that credit/debit card chips were the worst technology meme of 2016?
I think I can remember as far back as fucking 2002 or something our cards had chips.
What the fuck are you even saying? 2016 what the fuck.
Actually I remember we switched from the manual credit card that old machine thing to chips
We had this and then credit card chips started.
stone age amerishits don't even have paywave.
What do you do when the Arab/Slavic/Black girl behind the counter is a samsung fanboy and turns off NFC when you try to use apple pay?
I am from kebabland and I very rarely have any issues with credit card chips not reading. what kind of shitty infrastructure do you guys have? can't be much worse than ours.
oh you have no idea.
I never had to swipe. Always used the chip.
I live in Brazil for fucks sake.
>We had this and then credit card chips started.
So Europe basically went from stone age tech to chip readers and don't understand why American retailers are annoyed that they have to spend literally billions of dollars to replace electronic swipe readers that are perfectly functional?
With some credit cards you didn't even need to sign if the dollar amount spent was low enough. You could go to the grocery store, buy a few things, swipe your card and that was it. Now it's a 90 second procedure and takes far longer than cash.
What Americans are most pissed about is the length of time it takes. We had these VISA adds a few years ago that presented this ideal image of a perfect consumer world as a well oiled machine enabled by the credit card. And then some asshole tries to use cash and fucks everything up. We're now at the opposite extreme, where cash is now faster than using a card.
>live near a fucking warzone
>poor as fuck region
>card chips work flawlessly
>nfc support is common
just wait out, op. you'll be as good as us in a few years.
>half the stores STILL don't have chips working
why would you agree to have a middle man between you and your money
Americans how do you justify 3rd world countries having this technology working with no issues while you struggle so?
It works very well and is almost instantaneous. The problem is your shitty internet.
>I'm in such a hurry
>spent 3 hours aimlessly wondering in the market
fucking people, never cease to amaze me with triviality of their existence.
dubs of autismal edge
Shit, ~5 years ago with my retail job we were discouraged to swipe. We used chip, and some cards warranted ID. Honestly, it was still pretty fast, faster than digging for change. I live in Canada, is it really that bad below the border?
This is what the average person knows. In the US we get told about these on the nightly news
fuck off
>With some credit cards you didn't even need to sign if the dollar amount spent was low enough. You could go to the grocery store, buy a few things, swipe your card and that was it.
>If someone steals your card there's nothing stopping them from making smaller purchases with it
>This is a good thing
That's not a bad thing because Americans aren't liable for fraud in such cases. The bank accepts the risk of loss from fraud in exchange for making purchases more convenient so you're more likely to purchase things with their credit card.
This guy knows what's up.
>it's a good thing that you can use someone else's credit card without knowing their PIN
>it's Europeans' fault we're shit at implementing that worked flawlessly over 10 years ago
How is the process so slow over there?
Over here it's:
>Put your card in (~2s)
>Wait for it to check your card (~1s)
>Enter pin, (~4s if you're slow)
>Wait for transaction to process (~3s)
>Remove card and put it back in your wallet (~2s)
Now with contactless it's:
>Place card in front of reader (~1s)
>Put it back in your wallet (~1s)
I'm sorry Americans maybe it's time to move past 56k modems?
you are SO wrong. SO SO WRONG. Most of the time the bank does NOT accept liability, and you sign it away when getting a check card.
The only safety is getting a CREDIT CARD (not a debit card) that has fraud protection, and not many offer zero liability to the American consumer
For debit, under the law under debit networks (which require PINs to process), that's correct.
The $25 signature waiver only applies to credit cards (or debit cards processed on the credit network, which has stronger consumer protections), and those grants started by Visa/Mastercard in 2003 to waive merchant liability for chargebacks. If the merchant accepts for under $25 without having a signature and the cardholder disputes it, the bank has to eat the charge.
Are Europeans goldfish?
>take quick and efficient European technology
>make it slow and awful
>roll it out poorly
>shitpost on Sup Forums while sending checks in the mail
>Paying with a credit/debit card.
Good goy.
>Wireless chips started in the US around 2004 or 2005,
Contactless came around in the late 90s and banks adopted it by around 2000-2002.
>paying in cash
>being suspicious and weird
Seriously, that's from the Department of Homeland Security.
The first major contactless rollout I remember is the Speedpass fobs at Mobil Stations in 1997 (And E-ZPass for electronic tolling before that). The first major rollout of contractless in credit/debit cards themselves was around 2005 with Chase BLINK (Their name for MasterCard PayPass/Visa PayWave).
Meanwhile in an actual developed 1st world country.
it's not so much that users are unable to use it, it's that stores for some reason implement card readers that HAVE chip readers, but their POS software isn't updated to use it yet.
EZ Pass is just a barcode scanner. BofA had contactless cards not long after Visa and I think the same company supplied it. This was 2001-2002.
>turns off NFC
u wot
AMEX has Expresspay in 2004 as well. Which was originally key fobs, but gen later integrated into cards.
>get new credit card
>it has one of those "chips" europoors on Sup Forums keep raving about
>go to mcdonalds
>order two mcdoubles, a mcchicken, 20 chicken nuggets, 2 large fries, and a mcflurry
>attempt to slide the chip
>"you have to insert it in the slot underneath, sir"
>the slot takes 30 seconds to find
>60 more seconds for it to "verify"
>beeps when it's done
>go deaf from beeping
>by the time I get to a table, my food is cold and a random shooter has gunned down everyone in the restaurant
>have to tip the shooter
>he only accepts credit cards
>"you have to insert it in the slot underneath, sir"
>get shot because I can't find the slot in time
>now $130k in debt from hospital bills
how the hell is this any better?
Amex didn't introduce ExpressPay until 2005
>In 2005, American Express introduced ExpressPay, similar to MasterCard PayPass and Visa payWave, all of which use the symbol appearing on the right.
>August 2005
>In June, American Express began issuing new Blue cards with ExpressPay™ contactless payment technology in all 50 states. The ExpressPay feature will also be available on Blue Cash from American Express, Blue for Students® , Blue for Business® credit cards and Blue Cash for Business. [1] American Express had been testing ExpressPay since 2002, piloting key fobs with the ExpressPay feature in Phoenix and New York City.
So yeah, they piloted it as early as 2002 in select cities, but it was exceedingly rare.
>invented another way of getting cucked
I Denmark we have NFC on our cards now which is accepted most places.
We only have to type pin if we want to buy stuff for over ~$30
Europe here. The chips and contactless payments work so well I wouldn't even consider using something else. 95% of stores have contactless payment terminals and where I live (a major city) transactions rarely take more than five seconds to process.
Burger here, idk what the fuck OP is talking about with reading errors, I have 2 cards with chips one of which the plastic has started cracking almost completely around the chip and I have never once had a read error. They are really fucking slow though.
this is why i just use my iPhone 7 Plus™ with ApplePay™ for everything
Useful tip for everyone. Once you place the chip end in the slot you can type in your pin and hit accept. When it loads it will automatically register the buttons you hit and it will take less than half of the usual time.
The stores where I live have better debit machines therefore I'm smarter than you.
"Sorry sir, Apple Pay does not work if the card it's using has a chip. Please physically insert the chip on your card." - CVS cashier
> falling for the plastic jew
Lmao, thats why you are poor
>mfw I'm Canadian
>chip cards have been here for years now
>almost everywhere has pay tap now
How fucking 3rd world is America right now? Jesus christ.
Do people really not know what the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd worlds are? You guys are embarrassing yourselves.
So it's essentially just a case of the U.S being too cheap to build up the backend infrastructure? That's less the fault of the tech and more the fault of retailers and banks, it's essentially the same as blaming car makers for having a bumpy ride when you're driving over roads full of potholes.
Seriously, here in Finland the only time you see the "DO NOT REMOVE CARD" on the reader for more than a second or two is during rare high-traffic times like just before Christmas or Mid Summer's Eve.
>Go to any store
>The slot is always taped over so you can't use it
>Have to use an old magnet strip card
Literally what the fuck is the point
but it works fine
Same here, Denmark.
Now we have wireless credit cards too. Literally takes 0.1 sec to complete a purchase.
Mexico here
I don't even like my country but this statement holds true
Chips everywhere
I was comparing the banks in my country roughly six months ago and only two of them offered a card without contactless payments. All the other ones pretty much force you to take an NFC-enabled card.
>the slot takes 30 seconds to find
how stupid can a human possibly be?
Cloning mag stripe cards if pretty much trivial, but with chip-and-pin solutions it's basically impossible. In the U.S the main problem is that retailers are just too cheap to build out the infrastructure required to support chip-and-pin solutions when the cost of fraud falls on the credit card companies anyway.
If you ask me, credit card companies should just start to roll over the cost of fraud over to retailers and consumers. That'll speed up the rollout of proper chip-and-pin infrastructure significantly.
I think he's obviously just parodying murricunts, who aren't exactly known to be very intelligent.
my card has a chip and apple pay works fine
amerifat btw
This thread again
>Data caps
>Still using SMS
>Chipless cards
>Imperial system
Ameritards why do you like being so cucked?
European why are you so self righteous and obsessed with Americans?
We're "obsessed" in the same way that visitors at a zoo are "obsessed". It's just amusing to watch you scream and scream and fling your shit around, convinced that it makes you superior because all those people have stopped to watch you.
You're just jealous and envious of our freedoms and guns while you watch your white wife get fucked by arabs and later get arrested by thought police for being against multiculturalism and diversity.
My mastercard paypasses are accepted literally everywhere and working great for years, never had any problem with them, doesn't matter if I use the chip or contactless. I guess it's just badly implemented in the US.
>this is literally what burgers believe
lol, this can't be real. no one can lack self awareness this severely.
It's not even that, the only delay when I shop is waiting for the cashier to scan the items, I'm done inserting the card and my code by the time they've scanned all the items and only have to press "OK" which then takes less than a second to complete in proper stores that don't use dial-up.
I'm in Canada and I've yet to encounter a store with a chip reader that's broken. Maybe it's time to get yourself a better country Senpai.