When will Python 3 be abandoned and development of 2.x resume?

When will Python 3 be abandoned and development of 2.x resume?

Python 2.x is legacy, Python 3.x is the present and future of the language

python3 has been out for 8 years adoption rate is still 30%

it's time to give up

what number is this 30%? All the major libraries support python 3 and there is no reason to write python 2 code anymore

If only there was a way to expose all the posters who claim that. I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of them doesn't even program or doesn't program anything more important than a Hello World.

You're free to volunteer for Python 2.x maintenance.

> salty.png

The real world where we make money instead of porting niche libs.

>doing anything more complex than hello world (so sdl games or scraping web pages) in python


Too late. The kind of purist who hates Py3 can go to Go.

I guess microsoft will abandon development of windows 10 for 95 and xp

This whole split in the python community is such a shitstorm

Who ever heard of a segment of the programmers just refusing to adopt the latest version

Can you imagine if people were this autistic about Java?

So by now, those who refused to move to python 3 must feel really fucking stupid. If they would have just began using python 3 when ever they could 8 fucking long years ago, we wouldn't have this thread.

Don't make fun of my dreams man. I would kill for a simple win95 like os that supports modern hardware.

>Who ever heard of a segment of the programmers just refusing to adopt the latest version
C programmers who will not move to C++

is this Sup Forums meme of the month now?

It's more akin to stop pushing windows 10 and return to windows 7

Well, python 2 will end development in 3 years.

except c is a totally different language with legit uses on embedded platforms

> C++ is C evolution


You can use C++ on bare metal embedded if it's not an 8 bit cpu you just can't easily use STL

also C is such an ancient language, so much is already built up around it. Python is not even comparable to C in this way

>caring about the future of one of the worst languages

delte this

>if it's not an 8 bit cpu
also if it's an 8 bit cpu


Topkek found the retard

As someone whom never used Python regularly before, and is now using it daily I can only kek at the 2 vs 3 issue. For a language that prides itself on doing everything the "python" way it is hilarious to see them break backwards compatibility.

Why couldn't they just. Make python 3 backwards compatible?

More like, why couldn't they make it worth being incompatible.