Android is better than IOS
Android is better than IOS
notifications are definitely better
heres your (You) faggot
2 cents has been deposited in your apple account
which version, because I know your phone isn't running the latest and greatest
It's much less secure.
>This OS sucks because it requires me to actually use my brain!
no, the OS sucks because it requires root privileges and modifications to not be a total piece of shit
It sucks
As if my morning shit is better than my late night shit.
>2 dollars have been deposited to your paypal account
N5 here. I got KK, L, MM and N to choose from. I chose KK. N will be nice once xposed gets updated and working.
The fact you're defending Android's lack of security is scary, how are you this invested in your shitty platform?
Dell XPS here. I got XP, Vista, 7 and 10 to choose from. I chose XP. 10 will be nice once [random customization hack here] gets updated and working
good choice, KK was the best Android version ever released
>all these claims
>no citations or any source worth 2 suits
>thread is already progressively becoming a shitstorm
Never change Sup Forums
Maybe because i am not an idiot, and know how to keep my phone secure without being treated like an idiot?
Oh who gives a fuck
You either like the accessibility and ease of use of apple or you prefer androids customization
Seriously anyone who thinks one is clearly better needs to shave their neck beard
I don't think you do know how to keep your phone secure. Are your file system encryption keys stored in memory? Please let me know how long it will take you to change this?
Except that I don't have a bears
I think you missed the point
The only reason I'm still on iOS is because of iMessage. I literally cannot communicate with anyone without iMessage because now everyone sends obscure emoji and other stickers and shit that don't show up on my Android. Fuck apple, it's really annoying.
Come on, answer.
i actually want to move to iOS. I want something that just works
t. rajeesh vijayan koothrappali
It's more open than iOS. In terms of programming, performance and design, it's worse.
It's universally accepted except by extremely mentally ill people (ie homosexuals) that Android is better than iOS.
Also see webm related.
not really
you posted the sd card meme again
>Encryption keys stored in memory
So it's worse because for some phones you have the ability of wasting $229.99?
only reason im still on ios is because of 4 years of updates and imessage
>90MB write speed
>90MB read speed
>256GB of v-nand
Please enlighten me as to how it's a meme as I'm about to buy 4 of them.
They're $149 now you retard. Also how is it "wasting"? You're paying to extend the amount of storage on your phone.
most Android phones don't accept or use them
Yes. It's just so much better in every way.
t. Phone poster on Android
>Note 7
>HTC 10
>Moto G4
>Axon 7
>LG V20
>Moto Z
>LG G5
>Sony Z5
>Honor 5X
Are you LITERALLY retarded?
So I shouldn't buy them because there are a few cucks who suck google and oneplus off everyday?
okay, so the phone that actually receive OS updates don't use them
>what are OTA updates
I really hope you're just pretending to be retarded.
>Android phones actually receiving OTA updates
top kek
So what data do you have which is so large and fucking crucial you have to access it at a moments notice on a device with ~8 hours of battery life
What the fuck are you on about?
why cant android do updates for 3 years?
By default keys are read into memory then never removed.
because they gotta sell new hardware
fuck me I didn't think that they would be that stupid
Well at least I am not storing government secrets on my phone
Are you storing any secrets on your phone?
apple does it and they update their phones for 4 years
Yeah but they also cripple older devices. In fact the majority are afraid of updating their iPhone because of this well known fact.
source: my ass
Blackberry os is best
(»_«) baka
I work on a popular streaming App in the UK, we typically support versions of iOS for 24 months. It's in this time that we see the previous version drop below 5%.
Nougat was released in September, is your phone running it?
Yeah no he's got a point though. Android is better but the only point to making this topic is attention whoring and circle jerking. Probably leftover behavior from plebbit which is basically just one huge circlejerk.
Hmm, I make mobile games using ue4. Selling on both platforms so I use both daily. While iOS nets me more money from the app store the OS is lousy in comparison to android.
Android can...
>Give detailed logs from logcat, iOS is tragically bad at logging outside of xcode.
>File system access
>Multitasking that's not shit
>Can install unsigned packages if I want to
>Can run all kinds of emulators
>Can play webms
>Has a Sup Forums app
>Can download torrents while the screen is off.
>Can program and compile full apps on the device, no desktop needed.
>Can be a webserver if you like.
The list goes on but in a nutshell when you get an android device you get a computer, you can do with it what you like. I have a nice iPhone 5 and an iPad 4 and other then development work I literally never use them because they do nothing useful for me. Any normie shit you can do on both, like Facebook, but for computing, for innovation, for fun iOS sucks balls so badly it's embarrassing.
>downloading torrents on a phone
Android 7.1 as on the Pixel, yes.
>File system access
>Multitasking that's not shit
>Can install unsigned packages if I want to
Jailbreak not required
>Can run all kinds of emulators
Jailbreak not required
>Has a Sup Forums app
Jailbreak not required
>Can download torrents while the screen is off
Jailbreak not required
If you dont mind giving all your data to google, and the occasional crash and lag, you are totally right.
>>File system access
You don't even need to jailbreak for that. Any of the dozens of free app stores have file managers
not him, but mostly porn and e-books
It still doesn't make it good.
>Android is better than IOS
No shit Sherlock.
I notice time and time again that Android users actually care about technology and are knowledgeable when it comes to tech and are usually tech enthusiasts. iPhone and Apple users in general only care about image and the fact that "le all my friends use it so I have to too!" (typical hipsters) or they have no fucking clue how technology works (the elderly and children) This is the hard reality that even the most devoted Macfags are finally beginning to realize.
>A study conducted by students at University of Lincoln and the University of Lancaster in the UK has revealed some interesting traits of iPhones and Android users. As a part of this study, 530 people were interviewed with questions about their phones as well as their personal life between 2015 and 2016. The researchers said, "We found that iPhone owners are more likely to be female, younger, and increasingly concerned about their smartphone being viewed as a status object," the researchers were quoted by CNET to say.
>The research churned out interesting data and even though some aspects of the results were predicted in advance by the researchers, they were admittedly surprised by some others.
>"Key differences in personality were also observed with iPhone users displaying lower levels of Honesty-Humility and higher levels of emotionality," the researchers said.
How many years have you been inside your house for?
Its ok, I've been outside and I have friends and colleagues. I don't need a university study to tell me about social trends, because I AM social. Besides, most of the girls I know use Samsung phones, not by a large margin, around 60/40 Samsung to iPhone.
>broke my s7 edge
>need new phone
>Google pixel isn't available via a carrier
>the only choice I have is an iPhone 7+
> they have no fucking clue how technology works
If they have no clue and they can use all that modern stuff - that's beautiful, I think.
Meanwhile, dnsutils/inetutils on my iPad hepled me to debug OpenVPN issues many times.
>Give detailed logs from logcat, iOS is tragically bad at logging outside of xcode.
What do you need to see logs for if the device is running correctly?
>File system access
Yeah, having a file system has allowed Android to advance leaps and bounds ahead of iOS, oh wait it hasn't. I mean this argument might of held water a few years ago but iOS has a document picker API that allows third party devs to serve content to and from their apps, i.e. Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud Drive. It's great because the developer doesn't really need to career where the document is coming from, they just say hey let the user see their documents. And ta-da!
>Multitasking that's not shit
The iOS approach to multitasking has proved superior imo, and Apple have been steadily adding more background modes, for calls, downloading data and updating app state periodically, getting geo-location updates, and more
>Can install unsigned packages if I want to
You can install unsigned apps on iOS, the author just needs to publish an install manifest and its URL
>Can run all kinds of emulators
See above, also Xcode?
>Can play webms
Fair point.
>Has a Sup Forums app
>Can download torrents while the screen is off.
Jesus Christ man. Pay for stuff or steal at home.
>Can program and compile full apps on the device, no desktop needed.
Xcode for iOS would be sweet, but there are some pretty nice iOS development setups
>Can be a webserver if you like.
I get that it's cool, but why? Also, apps are totally able to send/receive over ports while in the foreground, so providing local network access is like really easy. I dunno man, you seem to be clutching at straws.
Not him but you deserve a (You) too my friend.
>saving documents = file system access
How many years have you been inside your asshole for Mr. Macfag?
I agree