Best hacker movies to watch or Internet related movies???
Best hacker movies to watch or Internet related movies???
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Revolution OS.
Who am I with English subtitles
Already watched whoami anything other.. Has anyone heard about mr. Robot tv series.. Its recommended on imdb as a good hacker seriea... I will post its review tomorrow
First season was good. Second season was utter crap.
You're a loser cunt son of a bitch pieces of shit
only for the band at the end of the movie
D-does anyone w-want to watch hacker related movies?
Starting with hackers (1995) then moving on to wargames and finishing up with zero day and citizenfour?
Set up a cytube channel and I'll watch it with you.
I actually had fun watching this movie
cytu be/r/z3r0_c00L
See "23" by Germans. The film's about an 80s hacker from West Germany getting it along with the commies to hack USA facilities. Partly based on a real life hacker who got killed in mysterious circumstances. You'll need subtitles as the language is german.
We are Legion
its your run of the mill soap opera with tech lingo sprinkled in
it goes from 'whatever' to 'unwatchable' before episode 3
Came here to post this.
Best hacking related movie.
Get in here
30 mins until wargames starts. One of my favourite movies ever.
The first part was kind of silly but then it got serious and that's when the film really takes off.
le matrix
I still think sneakers is probably the best hacker movie, and it was pretty much the first too.
Sneakers was good. Great cast.
ya. this.
but also Hackers and Wargames too
documentaries the defcon one is quite good