I know AVs are fucking worthless but still you need one just in case you visit some site with any kind of crap Ublock...

I know AVs are fucking worthless but still you need one just in case you visit some site with any kind of crap Ublock fail to block, which free option is the lest annoying/intrusive for that purpose?

>inb4 le cumun sense XD
I told you the only purpose is to block crap injected in random pages, you piece of shit, I will never open as admin "HOTPORNWITHDOLPHINS.AVI.EXE"
>inb4 umatrix
>inb4 break your internet and waste your time manually disabling everything on every fucking site you google

So, what is the non autistic /freetard/Sup Forums common subhuman way of this?

macOS doesn't have that problem

You download your animu girls with transmission?


Windows Defender is pretty good.

Windows defender is a fucking shit and not even supported anymore in windows 7

is this a hackintosh


No trust me. Windows defender is pretty good now.

Last time i used Avira i was still on XP and that thing was fucking relentless with its nagging. I'd say it probably reached Clippy-levels.

>Starting up, first thing to get the HDD working fulltime is stupid Avira
>Start menu doesn't even want to pop up but sure as hell Avira will pop up
>"Hayy update to the latest version get tha dealz!"
>"Update required annoying .NET framework runtime installs that take forever
>"Hayy XP is shite so i wont stop bothering you untill you get Win7!"
>Hello Ganoo/Linux good to seeya

Windows 10 has its own antivirus

>b-but muh freedoms

Kill yourself

Just don't be a dumbfuck. Just don't click shady links.

Except it does you fucktard.

ummmm you haven't heard? apple doesn't get viruses

Pro Tip: in Ublock Origin you can enable anti-malware blocklists. They're exactly what anti-viruses do.

No point in installing one. Enable the anti-malware list and take a look at Cnet's download site.

>I enjoy being watched while masturbating and have a cuck fetish

Apple doesn't disclose their viruses.

What are you people doing on Sup Forums? Not every exploit relies on you to make a mistake. A while back windows had an exploit where you only needed to look at some text displayed in a crafted font and suddenly an attacker would get kernel level control.

Fuck me, somebody's ban just ran its course again. Seriously mate, haven't you got anything better to do? I genuinely feel sorry for you :(

Fine, yes, we're all on Sup Forums, but you never seem to leave. And you pretty much just contribute the same thing, repeatedly. Is it some kind of rebellion against the removal of desktop threads?

If you answer this honestly and with more than "she*" etc., I'll stop reporting you.

will you erp with me

Just pirate something good like ESET or Kaspersky

they didn't ban desktops, they didn't feel that they should be contained to a single thread
ew no

also why would I be banned?

Gentoo is pretty good.

Pirated Kaspersky, obviously - objectively best, and really the only "real" anti-virus with proper laboratory and not meme scanner with backdoors open.

Even if it reads your data, Russian FSB will not use it against you - unlike NSA

Because you're a wanton spammer.

I thought they did? Well, moved them to a different board, at least.

all threads are desktop threads

I'm using ESET at the moment (and for the past 7 years with 0 issues) but its annoying killing keys every 3 days

keep larping

Yeah no they banned desktop threads. Which is absolutely autistic considering that homescreen threads are totally fine. And for some reason so are speccy threads. Honestly if I was going to make changes to the board I'd banish speccy threads to Sup Forums where they belong before banning desktop threads.

I'm so disappointed in you.

This is true. Not a lot of things the mods do here make any sense. I mean I can shitpost for days and then randomly get a warning for saying nigger, I mean wtf.

>So, what is the non autistic /freetard/Sup Forums common subhuman way of this?
You've already posted it. Avast if you're running on a toaster (based on my test with three shit computers).

Also consider the alternative of sandboxing your browser with Sandboxie and just scanning files with VirusTotal.

Anything that manages to exploit an updated browser isn't going to be caught by your AV. At best you can hope some update to it will remove whatever trash was installed on your system but it's really too late by then.


Enjoy your baked in malware

How can I do that?

Install Avast free and forget about it.

>> source, I did a lot of research on the best anti virus to suit my needs.

You can DL official version and then just extend trial every 30 days.

Bitch I already do that, and sandboxie fucked up my browser data twice and forced me to restore a week old backup losing some bookmarks, fuck that shit


Well, fuck you, man.
>forced me to restore a week old backup losing some bookmarks
Firefox Sync. Keeping important data in your malware sandbox is stupid.

>but still you need one just in case you visit some site with any kind of crap Ublock fail to block

You can't get viruses just by browsing a site, unless your browser is a piece of shit that questionable Web sites are specifically designed to take advantage of. You certainly don't need u-meme or whatever other extensions you're using to block ads, for that matter. Your HOSTS file can already do this, and you shouldn't be running JS on untrusted domains ever.

>So, what is the non autistic /freetard/Sup Forums common subhuman way of this?

You're retarded. You're preemptively dismissing every logical solution to your paranoia. If you feel this unsafe browsing the Web, then I've got news for you, user - you're a paranoid freetard just like the rest of us. Why aren't you using GNU/Linux already?

Browsers update every few weeks, AVs update every few hours

I had no issues in the past fucking decade, last time I got malware I was using windows 98 and I was 18 years younger using a mcafee trial outdated since 1994, I know I'm too paranoid since pretty much everyone manage their personal crap and banks from a windows 10 machine ridden with addware but still

I'm sure your passwords and data are safe in the firefox servers, its not like someone could target them instead of a random computer from one of the billion internet users, uh

It uses client-side encryption.