Tfw your downloads folder is filled with thousands of images from Sup Forums

>tfw your downloads folder is filled with thousands of images from Sup Forums
At least if they were named properly. Who thought renaming files like this is a good idea?

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw randomize file names to avoid doxing

maybe if you didn't use a file manager from the 90s then you could actually see preview images of the files you've downloaed.

>over 3.1k images
>over 200webm files
The fuck is wrong with me?

>>over 200webm files
Shit, I forgot. At least I sorted hose between nsfw and sfw.

Wouldn't help too much..

post that pic



Lurk moar

>tfw d0xed cause only autis with randomized filenames

Does anyone know who this delectable woman is?

SNES TV input switch!

Just get webmindexer

How about images? I only have 650 webms, but in Downloads alone I have 3000+ images.

I thought I had a problem
>1000+ webms
>600+ images

good thing is that I try to rename most to find what the fuck are and rename after based on what I want to post.

Downthemall anyone?

Over 4000 pics.

Since September 2016, my last clean install.

There's nothing particularly erotic about this picture but I'm aroused for whatever reason.


Is this bait? That's nothing. And I save shit manually.

I've been around 2003 and lost everything pre-2010. Imagine ;_;

Ychan master race

DownThemAll is better.


I use JDownloader for everything but Sup Forums pics get scraped without original filenames, although I can organize folders. Alternative?


write a script you fucking idiot, jesus christ. Sup Forums is not obfuscated at all

You're mistaken. Ychan allows monitoring of threads from multiple boards, even if the entire browser is closed. I have 23 threads being monitored until they each 404, and they are all sorted into different thread folders inside a Ychan folder on my hard disk. Not only that, but the application also saves the html of the thread so each image can be seen in context. It is clearly superior.

DownThemAll works on every website. YOur tool might be neat, but it's one-site-purpose barely justifies its usage..

am i newfagging too hard or something cause i dont get it?

1337 as fuck

Ikr :^)

You arent one of us, you would never understand.

Tanya George you newfag

Dump for great justice?

Shoulda used DuckDuckGo.

>over 200 webm
nigga pls

What the fuck am I missing here? Why do people use an addon to fucking save images on a webpage?

I've probably watched more anime than you at least

Pic related. Sup Forums's spam filter won't let me attach it with the post


You're saving the thumbnail, fag


>downloads folder
you piece of trash

>I'm going to resort to insults just because



Are you saying you don't know how to expand all the images in a thread? Clearly I shouldn't have given Sup Forums the benefit the doubt.

At that point I'm already downloading another thread by the time you complete sorting thumbs from actual files. Also works on other sites too: Your method (objectively inferior, just like you) would fail.

make your own downloader instead of relying on other people you fucks

>At that point I'm already downloading another thread by the time you complete sorting thumbs from actual files.

>Also works on other sites too
So does the fucking browser.

I literally thought I was missing something important about dta. Good to know it's just retards being retards as usual.

I don't have to. DTA works perfectly.

No, you can't download from imagefap an entire gallery.

What you want?
Khajit has goods

Wait, I thought we were talking about ebin memes on Sup Forums and not about some retarded degenerate fetish porn website? Anyways, I have no idea what kind of website imagefap is so I don't fully understand what you're implying.

There's no point in naming and trying to organize them. I tried for many years and it just eventually breaks down.
t. a guy with a 20,000 plus file Sup Forums folder

Use whatever you want, nobody gains or looses anything for your choice.

I only sorted whatever I download from wg, per threads.

I understand. Thousands of Shiznat images are gone forever. ;_;

>>over 3.1k images
>>over 200webm files

Is that it?

i just feel weird if i upload a file name and it's not all random numbers. i dont want you to see what i name my images so i can remember them, that's like seeing into my soul

I have more than this on my phone.

that bitch looks unhappy to be there but she looks healthy

I have around 10k items in my Sup Forums folder.
all named too, so I don't end up like OP



Russian grils don't usually smile in photos, not ussually after the western "princess" looks as much as a more powerful one.


Not always.

>posting former russian child model

Who the fuck are these semen demons?

how do you know that?


i asked how do you know that.

>people on Sup Forums actually think unix time stamps are random numbers

literally telling you that's what I was going to reply, how does that faggot know she was a child model?

torrent plox

Look at his name that should tell you everything

Who are you quoting?

i want to know what this does to the signal

this is me desu

I want true user

otome > hime

Thanks, user.



holy fuck how did you find that bitch man, you had to have gone through all the followers or something she's all the way at the bottom

Nope. She's on the lower right at the top of the page...

I'll get banned if I post it, as a matter of fact I need to delete my previous posts...

Error: You cannot delete a post this old.

Holy fuck Sup Forums sucks

ehh, you told us enough, user.

>created 2010
please go

I think he's full of shit and it's pretty good b8. Had me looking for what the fuck you're trying to prove for about 5 minutes.


>deleting posts

What would I lie for?

It was literally nothing.

'scuse me user I have Sup Forums x, this is what I was referring to

Nasty pedo scum please leave this board, in fact leave this Earth as a whole.

i don't know about him but all my files have a created date of 2013 because i moved the files over with copy when switching to a new system

i suppose i could write a batch script to fix it but i won't

Fuck you, she's an adult. Can't you see?

Fuck me? Yeah unfortunately for you pedo scum I'm 19 faggot.

>unfortunately for you pedo scum I'm 19 faggot.

I bet. Not literally you literal faggot. I like adults mostly, the loli are just aesthetically pleasing :^)

ahh man you just keep posting pedo stuff, I wish mods would purge you mang


kek, deleting won't save you scum. you're on a watch list already

so edgy right?