/bst/ Battlestation Thread

Old thread is daed


picture of me at my battle station


hi todd

I'd take a new picture, but both secondary desks are a terrible mess and there's the bare wall where my third monitor used to be looks terrible. I'll have to find something to put there.



TV signal sucks, but the wi-fi connection is actually pretty good.

best grill edition

yeah dmg is p good
might want to do something about all that asuka though, really makes the whole setup worse

How long is your table?
Nice IBM Keyboard


Guess how much of a manchild I am?


Happy holidays Sup Forums.


thank you!

I know that set up, ur always on the Mechanical Keyboard threads.

table for mouse and keyboard is garbage
i'd like some wall mounts
what do Sup Forums

trying to find a functional set up that performs like a home theatre and desktop pc for games
this has been working fine so far but the issues come with headphone amp/receiver a little too far unless i scoot up real close, table is a little wobbly and when i move it out of the way it's still taking up a lot of space in the room (doesn't fold)

Dorm room edition

Sleep is for the weak



> Samson Go Mic

Was ist das auf dem rechten Monitor?

foobar2000. Album is Bild relatiert.

First time Ive bought anything big during a black friday.

Was für Vorteile bietet foobar2000 gegenüber dem Windows Media Player?

I know this is Sup Forums and all but how do you guys seriously have anime all bet your rooms and shit? do you really never have company? or do your family and friends not care?

all over*

>do your family and friends not care?
well, you certainly do more than anyone else I know combined

>getting this defensive
it was just a question you fucking weeb

and that was an answer
you're the retard on an anime imageboard on a holiday complaining about anime

spotted for having no actual friends lmfao.
If your friends would judge you for that shit then theyre not actually your friends just acquaintances

They don't care or see it as a meme

are you serious? me and my friends dig on each other for literally anything.

>on a Mongolian beef board
again, it was just a question. you're the one taking it so negatively

can I ask how old you are?

Nice picture

asio playback. overriding the default kernel audio resampler with a highquality one, which enables bit-perfect audio. only recommendet with high quality audio dac's though.

sell everything

buy something worthwhile which fits.. this looks like a infrastructural mess

I'm pretty sure he wasn't complaining and even said "I know this is Sup Forums." is that what you do when you get called on your faggoty hobbies and likes? piss and moan like the manchild you are?

are you questioning the personality of anonymous?

>hurrdurrr anomymoose
God I hate this board sometimes. you people need to stop living the Internet in real life. it's fucking pathetic.

it's not about your understanding. it's about the understanding of all and the collective mind of ours.

your voice is heard and unheard all at the same time. what matters is what you move with it.

you're gay lol

you're ignorant


i guess this is your lowest performance of the day


Moved to a new house, sold a monitor, got a 1070.

i have so much whisky to spill but none left for you, cheers mate

lol whiskey, which is the way it's spelled sand anyone who ACTUALLY drinks it could tell you that, is for faggots. pleb drink. kys

Should I use it with the Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro and the Focusrite Scarlet 3i3 as amp?

thanks for correcting me though. i'm open for any kind of constructive criticism.

yes this will work pretty good. you'll instantly notice a gain in punch, dynamics and clarity

New Ikea desk

spoken like a true faggot that pretends to drink whiskey for le reddit cool factor. again, kys

i drink whisky for my enjoyment. i only visit reddit if i want together specific information because that's what it's good for.

for chit chats that i enjoy, i visit my brotherhood on Sup Forums

outside of america, and ireland, it is actually called whisky by the way

i can imagine a huge 34" curved 21:9 monitor there which would fit pretty well


seriously. you're gay as fuck and you should neck yourself for being a fucking weeb that shames his family and has no real friends that aren't pedos

why do you sound so stressed?

can't you deal with the fact that there are people more mature than you?

>more mature
>watches cartoons at 30 years old

good lord, what a fucking faggot

i haven't seen an anime for the last 6 months by the way

age doesn't matter. what matters is selfrespect, which you obviously lack

It's beautiful.


I respect myself and that's overly obvious. you don't respect yourself and that's clear from your creepy weeb life choices. "laugh out loud. kill your self you fucking faggot"

what is your problem then?

you're a gay fag

i actually don't want to break you down, but there's clearly something down your throat which can't just be swallowed away.

if you want to get rid of it, i'd advice you to not talk around it, this will only worsen your character in real life since you're about to build up a divorced personality. come clear boy

And you bought what?

>I'd advice you
I'd ADVISE you to take 4th grade again, because your spelling and grammar is atrocious.

kill yourself weeb. can't say it enough

is there anything left in your comprehension? you advise people to kill themselves. that's your lack of selfrespect

doesn't even make sense. spend else money on your desk or just... KIL UR SELFF

else = less


i really hope for you that you develope some self awareness.. it was nice to speak with you but this discussion ends now

Getting a bunch of shit in the mail! Excited.

Thanks Senpai

no problemo

holy shit. how can someone talk like this and take themselves seriously like they are in some kind of drama tv show. God damn that's pathetic. do you actually have friends?

H-hi guys

Ordered a new gaymer chair and a 144hz

What's that cable on your monitor?

since you asked so nicely, yes i have very few, very close friends, which would lay their hand in fire for me, which i'm 100% certain about.

any other than that. i'm not doing any drama. the only drama is in your head. once you figure out what anonymous stands for, you'll understand how much this matters




>the glory of the chans! I can be who I can be!
gay. you're a faggot and you're gay.

at least you have time to see the light. honestly. become an adult. recognize that this shit is a death sentence. you can keep the hobbies of Sup Forums. but drop the weeb shit. just delete it. go outside. talk to people. no more anime. you'll thank me later


I actually go outside and talk to people and desu I don't even watch anime. The only thing I do is haven some weeb figures and having weeb papes on my screen.

Desu = the
The most weebly thing I do is being on Sup Forums

This makes you a weeb, right.

Fukken autocorrection


Filco Majestouch

Sick taste in hip-hop, my dude

>dem headphones
>tfw wearing a pair rn

>illmatic, 36 chambers
>not GOAT-tier

oh nevermind, i guess it's time i hit the sack

Happy Thanksgiving everyone

How did you change your mx master color?