Now what?
Now what?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Now what?
Yeah, hmm, what to do now. If only they provided activities for you to do, maybe even buttons on the notification.
buy more chinkshit
Yes goy the evil government is trying to hack you. Go out and riot to make hillary president!
>Now what?
switch from botnetmail to something else for starters?
wtf? which government?
>inb4 your own
>inb4 google protecting you from investigation
>inb4 google actually is not evil
They read your mail and scan your attachments. They track what websites you go to.
But don't worry about that, the government is doing some dodgy stuff. Look at how much we care about privacy.
All governments are evil by nature, how evil depending on the kind of government. That's why people strive to give them limitations.
kind of thinking this too
where do u live?
>not having 2FA enabled at all times
witnessed. Also is there people that exist that care about their accounts that don't use 2fa? cmon it's current year negroes
/thread and /board
Great job user
>Tfw larry's secret dream of a neutral AI helping to guide humanity, born from the average of all our desires and data will never come true because the old guard can't let go of their archaic ways of elite rulership.
That feel.
there will always be a human leader, even with an AI figurehead
apt-get remove windows,
apt-get install Linux
It's mostly been reporters getting these alerts lately according to twitter.
Said the chrome user.
seems legit
While I agree with you guys to some extent, there's ... this:
That looks fake af
>doesn't mention which government
Really makes me think
I was Fucking scared when I got a Flight Routine in my phone right after my dad sent me a flight schedule for a flight I didn't even knew he sent.
Google fetched bus schedules, train schedules and driving routes before I even opened a pdf with the flight ticket.
This proves that Google really know even what brand of panties you're wearing
"The difference between religion and science is: religion is based on a primitive and brutal set of laws and superstition and dogma, where science is based on observation and reason, science will win because it works."
>giving the botnet your phone number
> oy vey those communist hackers tried to steal your password
> but we can help, just give us more personal info its fine trust is
really gets my neurons all fired up
>GNOME bar on bottom
disgusting desu
also disgusting, why don't you just launch stuff from terminal or with the super key?
Turns out the linux world has terminal-illiterate people too, user. I helped one to root a kindle fire and flash cyanogenmod to it last week. His laptop ran Ubuntu+GNOME3. (Btw mine runs debian sid+MATE)
Almost went unnoticed.
well that at least is understandable, Pajeet-speech can be rather painful to read. I prefer Unity because it's more >A E S T H E T I C
Holy shit, genuine edgelord detected
2FA my friend
I'm curious. What would an error look like if someone was trying to MTM a pinned certificate?
It's completely on Google if they want to give your information to the government. Google is a botnet but they have engineers that are just like you or me.
Obviously this message shows that they are on your side...this time.
they're onto you user. make a run for it!
fucking moron.
You can do 2FA with Time-based One-time Password Algorithm
falseflag/red herring to make you trust gmail
Google gives user information to the US gov and doesn't notify the user. They don't need to try stealing OP's password.
This warning is about foreign governments.
Retard. It literally says that they can't be fully trusted with OP's data.
>if they are successful at some point they could access your data
how does that translate into
>It literally says that they can't be fully trusted with OP's data.
1) it doesn't litterally say that or the quote would be "We can't be fully trusted with your data"
2) this implies they can be partially trusted with ops data which would mean you're not referring to the hacker but to gmail so how does
>>if they are successful at some point they could access your data
translate into gmail saying you can't fully trust gmail with your data
what is data really?
Why? So the next time their mailbox is attacked, they get no warning at all?
Dumb fuck.
>Now what?
High chance that's not from Google.
Google is trying to subconsciously (((tell))) you that the evil Russians are hacking you
Don't forget that those are the kind of people who were caught manipulating searches for political agendas, and who openly boasted how they influenced the Arab spring through their propaganda capabilities
STOP USING GOOGLE, FUCKING IMBECILE. ProtonMail doesn't have this problem. Non-PhDs on Sup Forums will disagree. Weigh your advice.
Kill yourself before they get you
0.1% is like 100,000 users god damn
google should stop doing business in saudi arabia
>government-backed attackers may be trying to steal your password
>t. government-backed backdoor
Google knows what brand of dog food you'd feed the dog you haven't even bought yet.
Google is getting pretty close to minority report
Except he's right and you're the retard
Mafuya A Cute
Yes, setup a home server, because that's more secure than a Trillion dollar company taking care of security for you.