Why the fuck are they allowed to impose data caps?

Why the fuck are they allowed to impose data caps?
Where's the outrage?
They're the only company that provides a reasonable connection, everything else is slow ass dial up dsl

it's their service, they can do what they want
don't like it? go to another isp

1 TB is pretty hard to pass

t. someone who streams stuff constantly and torrents every TV show that I watch

I max out at about 600-700gb a month. My only issue with Comcast is that the leftover data doesn't carry over.

I can't
The next highest speed provider is 5/1
Jewcast provides 50/5
>inb4 move
I like where I live
Maybe for 1 person
There's 5 people here that are practically streaming all day

if you have 5 people just pony up for Comcast Business... boom, no caps

thank god i don't gotta deal with data cap bs. my isp is the city. They lease it from some outfit called century link i think. Now my speed ain't lighting fast 50 mbps or somesuch but it does alright. 10 meg down/1mb up. When I download large torrents I just leave my pc on while I'm at work, I'm gone for like 9hrs, so yeah I can pull quite a bit in that time if the torrent is fast.

Because Trump presidency.

It's a fuckload more
We've been using over 1tb a month constantly for years now and there's been no problem whatsoever
Comcast is just a greedy corporation

this happened before November 8, retard

it's like $30 for the same speeds as consumer. if you can't afford that difference between 5 people you're too poor for internet

* $30 more

1tb is pretty good but when they slowly lower the cap month after month what're going to do. They'll claim 99% of the user base uses less then 10% of the cap as a excuse.

They already attempted 350GB caps in certain markets, looks like it didn't work out

Because you're a cuck who will keep using it no matter what and they know it.

they have monopoly in my area, literally no other viable options, att service is like 4mbps down or some gay shit like that. comcast is a nigger

Comcast banked on the idea that Trump would win. Even if Hillary won, comcast would still fight it. Now it just means comcast's early bet paid off big time.

You're fucking retarded if you believe any of that

nice meme
they're a monopoly in many areas

comcast is the biggest beneficiary of removing net neutrality

get ready for even higher bills and worse service friend

>Comcast banking on the biggest upset in the history of the US

This would have happened no matter who won you stupid fuck. Of the two options, Trump is by far the more likely candidate to go in a break up monopolies. Net neutrality is just a meme for Netflix to ass rape ISPs, but continue blaming everything on the POTUS, that usually works out well

Business class offers no caps if you can get it in your area. You have to sign a 1 or 2 year contract.

>Trump is by far the more likely candidate to go in a break up monopolies.


>net neutrality

back to your containment board, adults are speaking

>blaming Trump for shit he has nothing to do with

Why haven't you committed suicide yet? Do us all a favor


hardly, you are giving him credit for something he hasn't done yet either

You can't do anything about it. Get fucked american.

>discussing possibilities
>giving credit

Stay mad faggot

kek 1TB is nothing these days game ISOs are now 60GB+



which would give credence to either side


I've asked this before and got no answer other than to be mocked but why aren't paid streaming services suing the balls off of big telecoms for unfair business practices or some shit? data caps threaten an entire industries business model

Divided by five people is $10 per, stop being poor