Why do CS majors struggle with babby math?

Why do CS majors struggle with babby math?

why do fish struggle at climbing trees

lol out loud math is fucking trivial

>pathetically trivial
it's so trivial that it was only discovered in 1957


Pay attention.

because im just in cs for the degree
im going to be a bus driver anyway

Why do people even need to go to school? If they were smart they could just know it all without learning.

>posts something of a very simple and basic algorithm
>People on this board can't do it

tbqh my main issue is I havent done math some time, I ace'd calc 1 & 2, but I forget what all these symbols mean, the actual math after that is easy to me...

Anyone have good sources on just figuring out all the symbols? Serious. Each book / teacher seems to use a slightly different format.

Min cut max flow?

this so fucking much

bumping this

Math has an issue with its notation to more difficult problems clear. The notations are just not intuitive and just obscures what the problem is about. If they really wanted people to solve an issue like this instead of trying to solve the actual problem at hand they would include a drawing that visually shows what the problem is about.

I'm not sure why this cluster fuck of a notation even exists. It just feels like a random bunch of people adding more shit.

Example, the large E for summation should just be S or even SUM. Why the fck do they insist on using outdated greek characters?

Tradition. If the biggest complaint about notation that you have is greek letters, then that makes you overall statement very questionable.

tradition + severe autism

>I am completely retarded
Enjoy your codemonkey life. If you can't do math above calc 3 you're a shit programmer. Period.

I would say math has a notation problem no more than any generic programming language does. You have to learn what the symbols mean and the syntax of the equations in order to understand them.

The S is used for something else, and Sigma is more compact than SUM. Furthermore, it's been used for centuries and people that do math regularly get used to the notation pretty quickly.
You seem to not grasp how big math is.

Ah math, please fuck my self esteem to pieces until I can't do anything right.

Cause no one takes cs to learn cs. They just wanna program and be code monkeys so they can sit in front of a screen writing fisher price lego code with .net garbage or java. i.e. take existing code functions and libraries and piece together to make something your boss is happy with, company makes millions and you get the crumbs.

Sounds cozy, do I get a retirement plan and 401k out of it?

Rarely use advanced math like that for my job to be honest. I did get a load of crap about those edges notation theory etc, can't remember any of it though and think the last time I used set theory was when in uni. I did get some math and I do use some math though.

Most of the CS jobs are like that. Or just mind numbling stuff working with data all the time. Both will feel like kys tier after a few years though.

Thought only 35% of students even get a job related to the field of CS. So I guess a fair amount go into something like finances where the degree is not very useful.

Congrats on passing your class user

Mommy's soo proud

"Haha Sup Forums I'm so smart i think this math is babby math haha i'm smart! love me Sup Forums! aren't I cool! I'm smart!"
You're not smart and we can all tell you're not smart.

>tfw someone posts absolutely top-tier retarded shit as a troll
>All these retards don't even realize, and instead choose to agree with you.

Does it hurt when instead of biting your bait, people nod and agree, or does that just make it funnier? Here, I'll try :


Procedural programming languages have, for the most part, replaced standard mathematical notation. Even the average person can understand simple procedural implementations of a Fibonacci function in most programming languages. I implemented the Gregory-Leibnez formula in Fortran a while ago just for the hyucks, and it's objectively way easier to understand.

I'm a programmer, not a mathematician.

You see people building spaceships, you are awed and want to join.

You go for an engineering degree, but you are too lazy to put in the effort it takes for engineering. Or maybe you are too stupid.

So you switch to CS, and pretend.

My apologies to the smart and hardworking people who chose CS willingly. When I say "stupid and lazy", I refer to the other 98%.

>graph theory
The only math I had trouble with was relations.
I honestly can't fucking explain it

Because we are lazy as fuck.

>large E for summation
>large E

oh user you made me laugh so hard, ty

Notation should use dead languages so there is no chance of changing times giving a different meaning to all the notations. It's the same reason biologists use Latin for species names.

If you are really complaining about the fact that you can't remember that sigma means sum, your trouble is not the notation.

>for any (symobls) such that (symbols) (symbols) and (symbols), (math equations) (symbols) follows (symbols)
>in other words (oversimplified explanation of above)
>now that you have fully learned this concept in the explanation, lets tack on more barely related stuff
>repeat (all that shit again)
it all comes back. good old theoretical computer science/algorithms, most useless and boring load of shit i ever had to sit through. congrats on getting the A OP.

You dumb cunts. It's obviously a sideways M.

beats me I took cs to pick up qt asian chicks

R is the set of all possible combinations between every element in some set X (that's valid/legal) using some particular relation that you define R to be, where R is a subset of that set crossed with itself

for example:

If set A={1,2,3}
we can define R = {(1,1), (2,2), (3,3)}

in this case, we say (a,b) is in R, or aRb, if a=b
hence, in this case, R is a representation of equality in the set A

>calling that non-conceptual horrid thing "math"

>Notation should use dead languages
But Hebrew isn't dead

If you can't even pronounce maths correctly you're off to a bad start.

not everyone is a autistic savant

it's mostly an american thing
can't blame them, they're literally taught to be shit at math
>pic related

>Not even one number


>not just subtracting 7 and then subtracting 80
Numbers are hard.

add 3 add 10 take away 100 in a similar method described in the picture but less retarded

kids just aren't going to want to learn math because dumb cunts push this shit

It contains 0. But numbers aren't the actual mathematics!


mathfags will never get this