What's good OOP language which is:
1. Not scripting language
2. Not compiled for virtual machine (Java, C#)
3. Not meme
4. Not C++
Does this ever exist?
As a bonus question: should I reimplement classes in plain C?
What's good OOP language which is:
1. Not scripting language
2. Not compiled for virtual machine (Java, C#)
3. Not meme
4. Not C++
Does this ever exist?
As a bonus question: should I reimplement classes in plain C?
Other urls found in this thread:
emacs lisp
>inb4 haskell
That's an oxymoron.
why Java ofcourse
Yes, it's called C
>the least memous response is ELisp
brb reading tutorial
Rust isn't exactly OOP, it has some close approximations which tbhbbq make things easier
go or rust depending on what your doing
user is correct, you want Go or Rust.
>before OOP language
>Not C++
Why not?
I'm just looking for the viable alternative language for C++, if any.
This far I see only memes.
Rust has what you're looking for
D? The only non-joke answer is a joke.
Object Pascal (Lazarus)
Eiffel (only heard of)
What happened to D?
>As a bonus question: should I reimplement classes in plain C?
No, GTK and the enlightenment people failed to make it compelling and so will you.
Are there even maintained, free and FOSS compilers for Eiffel?
>GTK and the enlightenment people failed to make it compelling
How deep did they fail?
nvm, there is liberty eiffel, with one of the few non-autistic GNU logos
27 m/10
Plain old typedef structs should be enough OOP for you
not an argument
good post
>good OOP language
whats the difference between scripting and non scripting languages?
Smalltalk or JavaScript or maybe Swift
This senpai. I love Dlang!
What happend? A lot of things happend. But it's better than ever that is for sure. And "dub" (the d build system and dependency resolver) is just amazing.
get back to work Andrei
>And "dub" (the d build system and dependency resolver) is just amazing.
Does half of that stuff still depend on DMD, though?
If so
>What's good OOP
Stopped there.
There's no good OOP.
>4. Not C++
Sorry I lied I didn't stop there.
C++ is probably among the worst languages for OOP. Their OOP is terribly limited. Read up on what OOP is and you will probably realize just how little of OOP can really be done in C++.
They don't even have first class types.
1: all OOP languages are memes
2: Some lisps are OOP languages, these are exceptions to the rule 1
3: there aren't any "scripting languages"
4: you can compile Java and C# natively
Common Lisp
no one uses Crystal.
>What's good OOP
I'm not sure what you are getting at? The best OOP languages are:
1. Ruby
2. C#
3. Java
4. C++
Everything else
>should I reimplement classes in plain C?
It's called "C++"...
Doing pure OOP in C is doable (see the Ruby source for an excellent example of OOP in C). But it's an awful lot of work, why would someone do this when they are dedicated OOP-languages?
your mother does
I might add that it also depends on the purpose.
If you want something to do scientific calculations you might think about using C# and not Ruby, if you want best plattform-independence Java is better than C# (even though mono is a thing). Or if you have access to a team of naturally gifted ChickenScheme hackers - you might want to use LISP for your purpose..
But I guess your question is more about what should YOU learn? Since you dont give any further informations, you'll get the generic answer:
1. Some knowledge of C and Java is mandatory.
2. C# is so damn close to Java, that it's enough to be great in Java and learn C# for one month (or the other way arround).
3. C++ is a very special langauges, your genetic code decides wether you adore it or despise it - ther is no middle ground. Just try it and you will know.
4. At least one scripting language for your endgame, you can pick up Ruby or Python pretty fast and it's good fun. And if you are a special snowflake: Lua or Perl are also valuable assets.