What IRC client does everyone use? I'm looking for something that I can use across several devices without having to log off on one.
Wangblows Edition
What IRC client does everyone use? I'm looking for something that I can use across several devices without having to log off on one.
Wangblows Edition
weechat in tmux accessed over ssh
weechat as a relay and then connect using glowing bear or any of the relay clients that can connect to a weechat relay.
Anything for us poor Windows users?
You want a bouncer.
Would Quassel remove the need for a bouncer? Is that a decent client?
Does a bouncer have to be setup on the IRC server I'm attempting to connect to? i.e. Rizon or freenode, etc
irssi :^)
I think irssi even has a windows port if you really want to continue using windows.
You setup a bouncer on a VPS and then configure it to always be connected to your IRC servers and channels. Then with whatever client you use you just connect your your VPS.
So I could just host a VPS on my desktop as opposed to having to pay for that shit, yah?
Well VPS stands for "virtual private server" but yes you could host the bouncer on your server and do the same thing. The only major thing you would use is the privacy a VPS provides when connecting with servers. If you are a student or have a .edu email I suggest going to GitHub and getting the student pack. It includes a $50 to Digital Ocean and that's like 10 months of the $5 VPS.
And by "your server" I mean your desktop.
irssi in tmux accessed over ssh
I use this on my Windows desktop, my Windows laptop, my Windows phone, my toaster, my fridge, and my Lagdroid tablet.
you can run irssi and weechat on windows, tmux and ssh too. just use cygwin.
Use putty or kitty to connect to linux box. Launch irssi or weechat from there.
Muh niggz
mirc unironically
not activated though
irssi in an ssh session
i like hexchat or xchat. just what I've always used
This, as is intended.
My bouncer lets me slip into the same "session" as my desktop client from my phone seamlessly.
If you're not super tinfoil there are "free" BNC providers. Rizon also provides their own just for their own network (can't multi) but at that point the privacy is pretty much the same as before.
You still need to run the core on the thing you want always connected.
There's a client for Windows though as well as Android.