Did youtube get hacked?

Did youtube get hacked?

What does it mean when the https is broken?

works on my machine

Something is stuck in the tubes. Fix it by installing Solus. Thx

Werks for me

Get the fuck out of that and wait a day

I thought it was just me...then every site I visited showed that...

MITM attack.

ITT: People that probably failed their computer classes and got yelled at by their professor.

Click on the red triangle and take a screen shot. It should show the error message.

I can tell you're a gigantic faggot.

Check your pc date and time fag

this lol

>Linus Tech Tips
It looks fine to me OP. Just google search your credit card info. That should make it go away.

>6 N
YUP! This is true!

Yup, could be your date/time on your local machine too....

>Did youtube get hacked?


It means you come to Sup Forums and ask stupid questions

Adjust your system time idiot

Check your system time. Most likely the culprit.

>mfw time is synchronized with NTP server
>mfw HTTPS still fails

Check the cert with your browser, post it here.
Check your local trusted CAs to see if you have a Fiddler cert hiding in there. Also check if you have any weird certs in your root CAs, like "Google Internet Authority G2" (they're not a root authority) for example.

Also check if you have InstallShield or related processes running in the background.

Seems like they hacked the certifications.

I just bought a Mac and it just werks on it.

>not go


I hacked youtube :^) beware you cucks hehe

Malcolm in the middle attack?

>Malcolm in the middle attack?


had this happen with amazon, clear cache

update your chrome
there's a bug that makes some certificates expire past certain date

Date in your computer is wrong