what's in your tray, Sup Forums?
What's in your tray, Sup Forums?
ITT: Wangblows users problems
>Gnome/KDE/XFCE/OS X etc doesn't have them. gtfo
What bar
How is it a problem? Are you retarded?
i'm cancer, i know
what's bottom right?
what are top and bottom left?
windows 10 sadlife.
Because Windows is a problem.
>Wangblows 10
Absolutamente Asqueroso
>what are top and bottom left?
Gyazo and Razer Synapse
no in gnome you just get that stupid notification tray that is impossible to open consistently.
what's the app on the right?
I hate tray bloat and background programs.
Actually considering uninstalling Search Everything.
shitty spacing
the time
How did you make win10 great again?
Don't say you use an obsolete OS.
Enjoy your botnet wincucks.
Yeah, I'll replace it with a proper date/time indicator when I can be assed.
ITT: anons unironically enjoying their botnet.
thanks senpai.enjoy your gam... oh. nevermind.
shit replied to wrong person.meant to
Which One? F.lux probably
Oh yeah, fuck him.
pasystray and nm-applet
so many wincucks
says the one whose breath smells of cum.
You're even worse then them.
nice one wincuck
I use W7.
Don't see a reason to upgrade yet.
Did you even read what I wrote?
I wrote: "(..) worse then THEM"
Meaning I don't belong to this group.
You must be retarded
> calling people retards
The irony
not a native speaker you amerifag
He's some dumb ass slavshit, ignore him.
Don't upgrade. I stripped out all the bonnet shit, or so I thought, about 6-8 months ago. Updates are disabled. Yet this morning my PC rebooted itself 5 times to install a massive update which took about 30 minutes, and when I logged in Cortana had been reenabled.
>tfw even i3 has a tray
Fugg, can't believe my system is this old.
Still running without a single hitch.
If I'll ever have to abandon W7, it'll be for GNU/Linux, probably. And I'll still keep W7 in a virtual machine.
Glorius XFCE reporting in
Muh nigga
Not shit.
>having anything other than stock
What am I doing here?
Literally me
Whats is bottom mid? You all got it.
It's f.lux
It's a bad meme, ignore it.
GNOME on Arch.
nuffin interesting, desu
I can't get rid of my insomnia, even with flux.