When was the last time you went outside?

When was the last time you went outside?

I don't remember.

very carefully haha

ask ur mom :^)

Why get outside when you can see pictures like this on the internet, OP?

right now

Right now.

There's something comfy about being outside with 3g on a ThinkPad at 2:23 am.

>you went outside?
outside of my room?
outside of any room?
outside as in "the great outdoors"?

Just a few hours ago to the store, baka at the black friday sheeps standing outside bestbuy wearing fucking parkas.

wtf i didn't write that, i typed baka

s m h

You didn't know? Hiroshima is editing all Sup Forums posts just like the reddit is doing.

about an hour ago

Outside? half an hour ago.

Outside for the purpose of socialising? A funeral in February.

Yesterday and I'm going out in like 20 minutes coz I ain't no neet.


Just this morning

Earlier today when I spent some time with my daughter.

2 hours ago

baka senpai desu KEK

2 hours, i rode to the shop to buy some beer

>There's something comfy about being outside with 3g on a ThinkPad at 2:23 am.
who else /tiptoeing/ here?

I'm eating cereal and it sounds like fucking mianiature atomic bombs going off

A few hours ago to give my coworker some casserole I made.

Funny. I was at a funeral 10 minutes ago.

This morning because of the holiday. I'm agoraphobic so normally I never leave, unless someone offers me a ride from one interior to another. I can't get my drugs because I'd have to admit it to someone and have them take me and that can't happen so I'll never see a doctor about it again.


Why me?

s-sry I'm and I've been drinking the beers, wrong thread.

everything bad is your fault
dont try to cover for her

I'm not a girl I'm just gay


I've drank too much to follow this conversation I have no idea what's going on.

Rimworld is fun.

Last night, 4am, 30 min walk to mcdonalds, it was closed despite being 24/7.

I learned my lesson, there is nothing out there.

About 2 hours ago.

it is, and theres tonnes of great mods for it too that expand it heaps

Should have walked through the drivethru.

Took out the trash today.

Doin good.

Way to go newfag

~1h ago

a few hours ago

baka desu senpai

Almost 2 weeks ago.

4 months, 1 week, 3 days, yes I have a TXT to keep track.
I'm a NEET have been for nearly a decade, haven't had a friend in almost 6 years. I don't play video games all I do is browse chans, watch youtube or download movies and music. I'm a virgin and the last GF I had was back in high.
I don't have any friends on the internet either not ever talk to anyone except strangers on chans.
Very little if anything interests me these days and I'm quite jaded and negative in general, I'm also extremely pessimistic.
I don't consider suicide due to not wanting to cause despair to my family.

Well that's not healthy.

I feel it.

how old are you?

Got some pizza for dinner around 8ish. So 3 hours ago.

Same. I have k9 installed but I just deactivate it each 15m to browse Sup Forums. Im fucking hopeless. I have social anxiety thanks to my internet addiction. And now procrastinating from going to the gym

Did you choose to live this way, or were you dealt a bad hand?

Fuck off, newfag.

my country is very much into nepotism with no friends no social circles or connections comes no proper jobs or a kickstarter into a career and it doesn't help that I have no job experience no qualifications done no courses no uni etc quite literally an empty person with no purpose i was raised without a father and once my moms goes i will have no need to breathe anymore

I live in an area that looks remotly like op's pic. i look out the window and see mountain and woods. own a dog, that get's me outside a lot. plus the next town is ~30min bi foot + 30min busride and i need to go there at least 3-4 times a week. so, last time? this morning. next time in 30min, need to get the dog moving.

> tl;dr:
>living in rural area
> own a dog
> get out quite often

ama, if you need to know how the outside really is, faggits

captcha was "picking all img's with mountains"

> inb4 jewggle-shit

baka desu senpai

>once my moms goes i will have no need to breathe anymore

go to

Not technology.

I just arrived back home from Japan. It taught me that the western world sucks fucking dick.
Not even a weeb here.

Fucking fake chink, I bet he is the
nice and benevolent entrepaneur! All hail Hiro sama! and his glorious new regime free of censorship!

during the summer transition from junior to senior in highschool, I didn't go out once. this was 2 and a half months of not going out. I felt absolutely miserable and wanted to die more then ever.

less than an hour ago, i go outside several times a day, i am not some sort of geeky cave goblin that lives in my mother's basement

baka desu cuck senpai

Fellow NEET here.

Similar situation, nearly 10 years of NEET since end of college, handholdless kissless contactless virgin (not that I personally care since im asexual/2dsexual), also autism, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, kek

I however do have 1 best friend I've known since highschool.

Suicide is one of my option that I'll consider for real in few years. No ambition, no drive, nothing to live for except the next season's anime.

Well my life may seem bad but at least I'm not you. Thanks faggot for making me feel better about myself.


Can some mod plz move this fucking shitshow of pathetic NEETs to /r9k/ where it belongs, thx

I work outside every day

Same, although I'll be offing myself come spring.

>my country is very much into nepotism with no friends no social circles or connections comes no proper jobs or a kickstarter into a career


If you don't have any social capital you're pretty much destined to be a wagecuck. So, fuck having a job. At this point I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a cactus than take part in the rat race in any way shape or form.