Really makes you think...
Really makes you think
checked and keked
>really makes you think
Not really
>really makes you think
why did you type that out instead of selecting the text and replying though? do you know how to greentext user?
>really makes you think
is this what we're doing now? posting fucking screenshots of tweets?
the american electorate voted in a useful buffoon in office, i'm sure we'll have more than enough material the next few years to start with shitty tweets of his before he is in office. imagine if the gipper had twitter at his disposable in the 80s. at least he had the Alzheimers to blame.
>really makes you think
dam you sound smart
me smart? hardly.
just tired of seeing the Sup Forums invasion spread
What did you expect from an old fart?
>really rustled my jimmies
This is absolutely FAKE.
good numbers
Sup Forums IS Sup Forums
If you want your libtard safe space gb2 reddit
The NSA is nothing but nerds who break codes, it's what they do.
Does trump remember the good old days of enigma machines?
>If you want your libtard safe space gb2 reddit
One of the biggest subreddits is a Donald Trump circlejerk.
He's somewhat right.
It's not that you have more brilliant nerds than you had in the 90's.
It's just that devs these days are lazy and code with
So go back to facebook.
>Sup Forums IS Sup Forums
>I know because I've been posting here for a whole year
Donald Trump is literally a Reddit meme 2bqh.
This pretty much. Poltards is a somewhat new Sup Forums phenomenon, 2012 is when they started arriving
I agree, lets end the over reliance on automation.
Problem solved.
People always show how new they are when they say this. There were two fucking boards with the exact same type of content before Sup Forums was created.
>It's not that you have more brilliant nerds than you had in the 90's.
yes there is. the world population has grown so of course there will be more
Maybe if faggots would learn the meaning of the term "air gap."
/new/ never leaked this much. Now there are more people posting globally and shit like this is more apparent. I can say with confidence that Sup Forums is 90% redditshits now compared to let's say 2010.
Do you guys not know that Sup Forums actively recruits people to Sup Forums on reddit, tumblr and normalfag conservative forums?
They're possibly the biggest source of cancer Sup Forums has ever known/
No. Sup Forums has supported Rand Paul for years and Sup Forums never liked him. He is the most pro privacy Republican in existence. Also, Stallman is literally a Communist Jew.
air gap is not an ultimate solution but still would be a great step in the right direction.just read about stuxnet.
It was always there. There were always people blaming /new/ for the same shit and /n/ way back. And in between them, /k/ used to have a similar name too, but it was way less focused.
The board that hates reddit and tumblr recruits from there? Yeah, sure they do..
She looks underage. Is she underage?
Is there more?
/new/ was nowhere near as popular as Sup Forums
Sup Forums has more activity than Sup Forums and Sup Forums put together!
>Rand Paul
Wow this really makes you think
Wow this post has me thinking lots!
He should hire us
I don't remember Sup Forums telling people to gtfo to /n/ or /new/ and I've been here before fermi. The cancer in the last 3-4 years is incomparable.
Yes, because of real world events that have hugely contributed to that.
There was a massive influx of Cockroach posters for a wile due to some things that happened in Turkey, most disappeared afterwards when Erdogan started cutting down on internet access, but still.
There's also been an election campaign taht the entire world has been talking about and Europe is still in the middle of a migrant crisis.
What does he mean by this?
The KGB switched to using typewriters for sensitive documents, BTW.
Brilliant, are you nerd?
What needs to be secured and why does the existence of computers stop this?
You put all your shit on computers you connect to networks? How about don't.
>immigrants are to blame for Sup Forums cancer
never change Sup Forums
>Why did you type that out instead of selecting the text and replying though? do you know how to greentext user?
>huge influx of criminals all over Europe
>people from these affected countries need a platform to discuss openly about it
I don't give a shit what's happening in the real world, all these normalfags invading Sup Forums are pure cancer and need to be told to fuck off. These obnoxious little shits can't even fit in properly, they treat this place as reddit or facebook with anonymity. It's only a matter of time till there is enough cancer and moralfag activists on this site to get anime banned outside of Sup Forums and the original otaku culture of the site gets replaced by reddit trash.
That's one hell of a slippery slope argument.
We're already at the point of no return. I just went to /jp/ and felt like I'm on the gaia forums circa 2008. It's either poltards ot unironcal weebs now.
He's on clover and he hasn't figured out the "Quote text" option.
This is Facebook with anonymity though.
Did you think you were on some 1337 hacker forum?
>had twitter at his disposable
Is this russian HHKB?
He's not wrong. The best cyberdefense method is to not use electronics at all.
Fuck off back to your containment site
Sup Forums is not and has never been a conservative website.
You don't even remember the Ann Coulter raids and the Sarah Palin email hack. We shat on (and continue to shit on) all backwards-thinking, religious nutjob conservatives.
GTFO of Sup Forums newfag. You don't belong and never will.
Tru ;(( ;
>post A. Wyatt Mann images
>frequent use of discriminatory language
Yeah, Sup Forums has always been the pinnacle of progressivism.
have you sucked your daily dick yet
More like a shit hole full of libertarians who don't even know they're libertarians.
>thinks being ironically racist = being an actual white supremacist
I guess the saying is true. If you act like a retard, you attract actual retards who think that the retardation is the norm.
he's got a point though
room full of machines taking days to break enigma > a sub 1000 line script to crack x
>Stallman is literally a Communist Jew.
And he is literally a meme.
If he really said that, he's right.
Nothing is unhackable anymore. Everything has an exploit, and someone out there WILL eventually use it to gain access.
I guess the people posting CP back then were being ironic pedophiles.
Maybe not progressive but not full of these cave-dwelling white nationalist weirdos who now gather and circle jerk to people like the populist demagogic wannabe-dictator dickhead pictured above.
I find it harder to think of a more complete antithesis to tech culture and tech progress than this narcissistic, authoritarian billionaire who loves property and casino and anything loud and garish he can stick his name on. He is a fucking throwback in political evolution powered by the 'THEY TUK OUR JEBS' mid-west white trash welfare claimants who don't understand the nature of economic and technological progress and resent the coastal powerhouses that have changed the world and made American in the world's unsurpassed global technological, cultural and economic hub. Fuck trump and fuck his supporters, you're going to make this country less innovative, less dynamic and turn our highest offices into a global laughing stock.
>Nothing is unhackable anymore.
What is Cubase? :^)
Actually, yes. CP was the butt of most of Sup Forums's early in-jokes, like EFG and pedobear. Yes, it ended up attracting actual pedos to Sup Forums, but we scared them off soon enough.
>Sup Forums is not and has never been a conservative website.
Indeed. But Sup Forums or well /news/ in the old days have always been something other people can't stomach. Because there are real neo-nazis there and not all of them appeard to be double digit IQ ones. People from there started spilling over when moot was fed up with the Hitler lovers there and closed their board. Most people didn't want to hear theories about jews in their anime discussion so Sup Forums was reopened. With the reopening it brought in other people interested in their theories.
If you want to blame anyone for the current situation blame moot for messing with Sup Forums in the first place.
Your post (((smells))) and in a very bad fashion because Trump himself is Zion approved and I have literally no issue with that.
>nature of economic
Find labor force that is as cheap as possible? :^)
>but we scared them off soon enough
>Donald Trump is literally a Reddit meme 2bqh.
wrong faggot
You're being the actual racist here.
>muh WHITES destroy the country
>the people who actually WORK and not just leech off gender studies voted for Trump, this is somehow bad
>property is bad
>coastal powerhouses aka startups who have been in the negative numbers for years, never produced anything of value (twitter etc.) and can only be held afloat by investors
just fuck off already
Sup Forums is the polar opposite of Sup Forums. If you spend time mostly in Sup Forums you might think we are all freedom loving weeaboo trannies.
wtf are you talking about, 'zion approved'. You are NUTS. Something went wrong when we stopped just saying that to people like you and then ignoring you, so I'm going back to that.
>but we scared them off soon enough.
No not really. Wasn't that many years ago they used Sup Forums to share cp. Remember those sink threads? Yeah the images had some extra content.
I just hope Trump wants to improve America in new ways, not by reverting. You can't go forward by going backward. Realities change and need to be accounted for, you can't just relive the nuclear family fantasy of the 50's.
Yep, as I thought, you will just ignore my last sentence.
>wtf are you talking about, 'zion approved'
>He does not know about US-Israel relations
You think people only like Stallman ironically?
>Realities change and need to be accounted for, you can't just relive the nuclear family fantasy of the 50's.
Yes, you absolutely can.
You also can live in capitalism, communism, anarchism, you name it. But most people don't want to.
Pity, I'd love America to go back to the 90's.
>call all Trump supporters racists
>act surprised when actual racists fight back
great work retards
I'd like to go back too but let's be real, you can't go back in time. You need to improve on the current situation.
Fuck off. Here's an idea, how about instead of sitting around on your fat ass watching porn and and blaming every fucking conspiracy and minority under the sun for your problems you actually use the internet to educate yourself to succeed in the information economy, maybe teach yourself a few social skills to help you get by in the service economy if that's too much of a challenge.
Spoken like a true limousine liberal.
whites are a global minority you whiny faggot. stay mad
It's hard not to see a conspiracy when you notice white countries are the only ones inundated with disastrous multilcult brainwashing programs.
Fuck off
>Low income people voted mostly for Clinton
Lmao fucking welfare queen liberals
>High income people vote for something liberal
Fucking Limousine liberals
>Middle class educated people vote for something liberal
Fucking sheltered liberals
Meanwhile welfare queen conservatives are always unfairly hurt by minorities taking their jobs, and if a conservative is rich then he is just really smart.
t. middle class "liberal" from east europe poorhole.
What's your point, exactly?
>yuropoor thinks his opinion matters
The fact that people use social status to discredit any of your liberal or just plainly not retarded views.
You have the biggest fucking victim/handout mentality going. No one owes you ANYTHING because of the colour of your skin. If you want something go out and work for it and if you're just not good enough then sorry, but that's life. Accept defeat and do your best to provide for your kids so they can do better. Stop whining, stop crying, stop blaming everyone and everything else for your problems. Your strongman in the WH isn't going to help you, you've been conned, this guy has pretty much the same opinion of you that I do. Losers.
>No one owes you ANYTHING
tell that to all the faggots and trannies
Do you think that "they took our jobs" applies only to white people? Congratulations, you fucking racist.
It's hilarious how Trumptards will either bury a stupid thing that Trump said, defend it, or say "it wasn't supposed to be taken literally". That man could kill their mothers and they would defend him.
To me it's obvious that he never thought he was going to become president, especially in 2014, so he didn't really watch what he was saying. But he realized that he could have verbal diarrhea and people would still support him, so he ran with it.
>You have the biggest fucking victim/handout mentality going. No one owes you ANYTHING because of the colour of your skin.
Tell that to every non-white under the sun. Whites have known this for a long time but they're told to think everyone else deserves a handout.
>he didn't even want to be President meme
Here : /r/eddit
37 genders
Just men and women (whores)
The only reason why Democrats lost the election was backstabbing of Sanders in a time where just being anti-establishment whatever it would mean gives you tons of votes. Well backstabbing Sanders and shitloads of email leaks, probably the renewal of Clinton investigation could also hurt her.
>holds edge among lower-income voters
>aka blacks and latinos
lmao and they claim other people are racist
>Tell that to every non-white under the sun.
Is that what you tell yourself, user? That every SJW tumbleritta gender studies faggot is representative of his entire race?
Quality Arabs (admittedly many aren't but some are top-level) and east Asians like Thais, Chinks, and Nips have a work ethic and a "no one owes you shit" mentality that goes WAY further than an average White conservative in the USA.
I'm still surprised that despite all the refugee shit, no one actually believes in the there are more than 2 genders meme here
not that I'd be mad
>Quality Arabs