SNSV won

SNSV won.


>Windows 10
No thanks.

what other OS would it come with faggot?

>implying you can't install GNU/Linux

Install Ubuntu on it, it works flawlessly.

>t. mactoddler that gets terrified when accidentally entering bios because he thinks he's getting hacked

wtf I love asus now

>5 minute battery life
I'll stick with my five year old memepad, tyvm

t. retard

care to explain your statement?

kaby lake is extremely power efficient

and that laptop has an extremely small battery because muh thinness

I get 6+ hours of web and video on my sister's i7 6500 zenbook.

and I get 10+ hours of that on my five year old memepad

I'm sure will get that with 10bit hevc vids.

why the fuck would I be watching 10bit shit if neither the screen in my memepad nor the screen in the asus pos are good enough to have it make a difference

DDR3, why?

t. wintard who's afraid of the terminal (native os x feature by the way)

The build sucks dicks. The FHD screen is ass. It's somehow even worse than my chinkpad screen. They keyboard is thin and floppy.

nigger, you can't do shit with the terminal unless it's pulling some basic screenfetch info or just keep it open when taking screenshots. I bet you do a lot of cd .. ls and then close it and you feel like you did something.

You mean like cmd

Fucking lel you really don't know what you are talking about do you?

How's the trackpad on these things ? I'm on a macbook currently and it's so fucking good. I recently tried x260 and trackpad was a big letdown

>Not exclusively using USB Type-C ports

No thanks.