Manjaro fresh install

>Manjaro fresh install
>everything werks
>until the updates
>fucking breaks my system
>black screen, game over

Wew, lad.

Other urls found in this thread:

thanks for updating your blog i was really missing your posts lately :) !!

Works on my machine

Also: they withhold the updates to ensure shit like this never happens.

He fell for the simpler arch meme

macOS doesn't have that problem

That's why you use Solus instead.

>He fell for the simpler arch meme

It's a nightmare to install vanilla Arch, tho.

Hey, Keeeevin!

Nice meme

Antergos and Manjaro literally and unironically exist because it's difficult to install Arch.

It's a shame both of them suck.

>being too retarded to read the wiki


To install Arch is easy. You just need to follow those 100 steps. But Arch suck balls.

I swear to God the distro community is so divided I can't choose which one to use so I just stick to Windows

you should've installed solus instead

>Item cost $85 before "sale"
>Item now costs $114 with a 15% "discount"
Fucking chinks.

I realized the same thing: yes, I could probably follow that 100 steps, but is it worth it?

Its a meme that Arch is difficult to install. It's at least five times easier than gentoo.
Seriously, this OS doesn't even come with a package manager. Its painfull to "uninstall" a "pkg".
Since it got mainstream the big malware distribution kits include exploits for macOS just like for the plebs, so spoiled scriptkiddies will extort the shit out of you.
I have seen macfags dragging icons all over the place instead of cutting it. That's right, you couldn't cut shit in the finder for a decade. Now they have tabs but still no split view.

Arch was pretty easy to install but hard to set up for me, I installed it once or twice and got bored of setting it up withing the next few hours
I can't settle on a distro so I just stick to Windows

Every day the removal of the beginner's guide pays dividends.

OK I understand, kubuntu may be something for you.
I understand what you mean its easy but time consuming. I am still writing scripts to automate some tasks like scanning, snapshots, battery alert.

ehh vidya is always gonna pull me back to Windows anyways
I either need a new mobo with vt-d support or a shitposting laptop to slap linux on

Haha. Those dicks.

>Its a meme that Arch is difficult to install. It's at least five times easier than gentoo.

Yes, because gentoo is insanely difficult to install / setup.
Arch is easier, but, compared to other distros, it's still difficult.

you should of used opensuse
i'm knee deep in pussy since i installed opensuse leap
like damn, my dicc hurts from all the pumping action, need some rest
thought maybe i'd install an arch linux, heard that that thing repels pussy better than job applications repel darkies

welcome to ganoo + linux !

>there are human beings alive on this earth that would rather middle man install arch,via a fork distro than use an installer script

What are some good scripts?


We're talking about Arch and Arch-based distros here.
Debian-based ones are far more stable.

I have used Manjaro for years without breakage. You must be a retard, OP.

I'm pretty sure he was referring to the official Arch iso which is primarily based around the pacstrap script.

There's literally an entire giga thread about updates breaking the system on the Manjaro forum:

>four years before breakage
you are a liar and a scumbag, sir
manjaro was invented two summers ago
you lying commie piece of shit

even their site and keys breaks every year in the around same date

breaks at what point

what hardware do you have

how did you update

seriously, do you want help or are you just complaining about how you can't fix it yourself?

I can find similar threads on every distribution
Roland is gone, that issue will never happen again


Four is different from for you retard. Been on it over 2 years.

Oh wow another shitty systemd thread

>being afraid of systemd in the current year

Community edition have openrc.


Install archbang

Now which one?
What's the difference?

literally what i have an iq of 80 and have done it on 4 machines

Well people with low IQ can do monotonous and meaningless tasks better.

I don't want to create my own thread so here goes
I've tried many distros in the past but I've always went back to Windows. Now I want to switch permanently, and Arch in particular tickles my private parts.
What would be best for a retard like me? A vanilla install? Arch anywhere/Architect? Manjaro/Antergos?

well its certainly no nightmare as you put it

Reminder that Arch is for people who are too stupid to install Gentoo.

If your machine is 64bit, go with Antergos.
But Manjaro is also good (although unstable as fuck).


>Reminder that Arch is for people who are too stupid to install [the one I'm using]

Where is the desktop?