Anniverary Edition

Microsoft finally got to me.
they defaulted my wallpaper, made my start menu look like trash and broke the audio. i wonder what other shit got fucked up?

thanks obama...

I didn't expect those problems

Left pc on for the night, all was well.

Woke up to several background apps having crashed, the same message about audio problems as OP...

Adwcleaner found several register entries for "tracking"(no other info anywhere). I have not downloaded or installed anything since I installed it like a week ago.

After reboot I started a game and GameDVR(which causes a lot of problems) had been enabled again. Also I had set Display Fusion to open certain games and programs to secondary monitor. They all opened on primary. Settings were ignored no matter what.

Just finishing reinstalling Windows 7. Fuck this.

A G A I N,

Yeah windows 10 likes tp mess with your settings. Who do you are, root or something?

I've never had any problems with that shit. When I see someone complaining about stuff got broken after update most of the time it's not windows fault.
If you can't handle a simple windiws configuration then well... it's not very good.

Never saw this problem. And I have an older PC.

It must be your fault.

We can make configurations just fine but when system decides to reset them for whatever reason it's our fault?

>thanks nutella...

>And I have an older PC.
And that's related how?

>implying windows 10 isn't a malware
this. with windows you don't use the pc, you don't own it. It feels like both you and microsoft is using the computer. 2020 is coming slowly, good news is gnu/linux slowly maturing, also gaining userbase
>there's only one kind of hardware, and it's my hardware
world doesn't revolve around you faggots, there are lots of hardware and lots of drivers and different scenarios

The only fault in their configuration is having automatic updates enabled.

I did the AU manually and still several of the settings got reset (DEP for all programs comes to mind). All the trash apps got installed again, some of the privacy related settings got reset as well. Oh and worst of all it ERASED ALL THE FIREWALL RULES.

There was literally nothing I as a user could have done to prevent this besides not using W10.

Maybe windows should let you write config scripts that you can just run whenever MS overwrites your settings.

This is because the big W10 updates are not updates but reinstalls. They keep your files and only some of your settings. The few that Microsoft remembers to import and test for.

>installed every major window 10 update myself a few days before the official release
>never had any problems
How do you people manage to fuck this shit up?

The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.

Pretty easy. You don't have to do ANYTHING. Shit just happens.

of course the dildos are gonna troll, but this never happened before.

somehow MS got past the disabled settings.
obviously i missed something on my current install. good thing i have a pre-anniversary back up disc.

Why are people using this pile of shit ?

it came with my computer and it works, unlike all gahnoo/loonix distros.

take that back motherfucker

He has got a point though

>it works
>I've made an entire thread about how it doesn't, but it works, I swear

Works on my machine. I absolutely hate the new start menu though.

>install linux
>takes 10 hours to make your computer function unless you have a mac

Took me half an hour to install Arch, a year ago, and everything has just werked since. I also update daily.

The only problems I had for linux was wifi, and sleep not working properly. Took a few hours but this was my first install. It just takes a small amount of work.

Wait if you mean that settings got reset after AU then it's what's supposed to happen. I'm not gonna argue if it's ok but we should get used to the fact that stuff resets because major update is literally installation process.

This is a clean AU install from week ago. Sure, adwcleaner remove a few entries from registry but none of them have anything to do with the settings that went missing. Not even in the same tree.

don't make fake posts you linux shilltard, I have never seen any windows 10 having problems.

but linux on the other hand...

Oh yeah. This also cemented that built-in defender really sucks at it's job.

>>never had any problems
Nobody believes you, Pajeet.

its not a fake post unless you are being ironic

It's works for me(tm)
Everybody have seen this meme no matter what OS. Sadly memeing won't solve AU issues.

Try going to services.msc and check audio. Your installation might server-2016'd itself

i fixed it while trying to re-install a driver. the program failed but my audio came back.

now my screen is flickering so i will have to deal with that shit to.