Is it worth the trouble to learn C?

I want to do low-level stuff, eventually.

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Yes, must.

you cant call yourself "programmer" if you couldn't do it.

I'm learning C, just started two days ago. Got my old Dell D160 up and going because I'm poorer than shit. Got Hilbert's book on C for one dollar from a thrift shop a few days ago, now i'm well on my way to become as awesome as some here. It'll take probably a year before I get good but be encouraged OP. I'm a always depressed and I'm constantly battling with mental issues but It's the first time I've sat for any amount of time and written something. So be encouraged. if a loony like me can do it, so can you. And i'm 43 by the way with a history of mental problems But this is the first time I've been able to finally accomplish something that I see for myself. And I'm unhealthier than most because of a life time of drug abuse. But all that's in the past. I can see myself getting married in three years if all goes well.

That sounds awesome user. Keep it up, rootin' for ya.

props for building up the courage to talk about it on a website filled with trolls and cunts

Thank you all. I got nothing else going on and I'm at the lowest point one can get at except for actually being without shelter.

C as a language is great. Its simple and easy.

If you want a job involving software development, you should not start with C at such an old age.
If anything you should learn C++ first and then addon learning C. The people who program C for a living are usually doing embedded system stuff; you will need a bachelors or masters degree to get jobs in those fields, because work experience is hard to come by. On the job training is not how companies do things for embedded systems. They have a very low tolerance for failure and can't afford to train you.
I recommend you go with C#. It will teach you important concepts from the get-go.
I started by learning C++, but now I see that C# would have been a better choice. Why would it have been? Because when you learn C# things like object-oriented programming and design patterns are pushed very early on. You MUST learn how to handle these things. That is what separates programming now from programming 20 years ago.

However, it also depends on what you want to do. Do not try to be an embedded system programmer without a college degree in EE or CS (depending on what specifically you're designing, EE might be a better choice or CS might be a better choice).
If you want to develop applications, go with C#. If you want to develop apps for apple products, learn objective C after C#.
If you want to do web devleopment, go full C#. If you desperately need a job quickly and you're a quick learner, learn HTML5/CSS3, basic JavaScript, a few of the popular JavaScript frameworks, PHP, basic jQuery (for handling AJAX forms), how to setup/configure Wordpress, and how to setup and manage a LAMP/WAMP stack. You can get a job within 6 months if you work hard and smart, learn what you need to learn, and build a porfolio with demo sites. If you're hurting for experience after that point and can't find a job, do a couple of free websites for nonprofits. Pitch your work to small businesses and give them a low price. A portfolio is the key to getting a job anywhere.

>using Borland compiler.

just joined to Bombay university , Rajeesh?

I'm kinda intimdated by all that. I really need to build on something, anything before I chicken out. Because after reading that I must admit I sort of don't want to be bothered anymore. I'm sorry for being a lame duck. But I fear If I don't master something, I"ll spiral endlessly and just give up. I thank you for all you've written and I beg you not to be angry by this response. I'm just afraid I'll get discouraged. I've already started C and surpised myself by how much I wrote down repeatedly and typed. To go back may mean losing steam. i hope not, but after reading that I almost felt like panicking.

again, I dont want to be ungrateful and I may try my hand at C# but that's microsoft isn't it, and don't have to download a bunch of their stuff? Sorry if I offended you.

If you want a job developing videogames (as in the code for them), you're going to need experience with a game engine. Lots of people are saying unreal engine is a good choice, but I think unity3d will allow you to get started more quickly. You can script with JavaScript or C#, but you really want to go for C#. There are plenty of tutorials out there and some provide assets. Make a few small games of differing genres and gameplay. Don't spend more than 2 weeks on these example projects; work as quickly as you can. Your goal in the beginning is not to make a game that will make money, but to make a game that will demonstrate your competence. Once you've done that you can either choose to start your own company (team up with others, or if you're a jack-of-all trades go it alone; lots of coders team up with artists at this point).
If you've got some sidecash you can buy some art assets and easily get them prepped for your game.
There are also many frameworks, systems (I'm referring to things like "item systems" "unit systems" "procedural generation systems", etc), and other assets you can buy if you can afford it and don't want to spend time developing them yourself. Be aware though that games worthy of publishing take many months, if not years, to complete. If you're going into game development, be prepared for the long game. If you're looking for a job, you're going to need to have a stunning portfolio that will be better than college graduate portfolios; this will take time and hard work.

Oh and I cannot stress this enough: Even if you don't meet the requirements for a job posting, APPLY ANYWAYS. All they can do is say "no" - who cares? Most of those job postings are made to try to get the best candidate possible; but you must at least try. Sometimes company departments just get allocated more funding and are told to hire someone. Furthermore, if there is a lesser position open at some other time, they may consider you for that.

I know C but I don't see any use for it, since I'm not into electronics.

Google search "C# Linux".

What the fuck is this? Civilised discussion on Sup Forums?

I know Reddit isn't loved here but I read a comment where some one said to start with C to understand how things works. They said C is closest to assembly and far away from assembly that you can apply it to Java. C, Java/C++ and then PHp, or so I read. I really want to study libraries and get good reading the works of other programmers in the hope of learning somethign that can apply to me. I'm just in love with the idea of exploring programs. Some artist you can understand the person by studying their paintings. Same with writers. I just want to study programs. I doubt I'll ever be able to work with other people. I panic when I'm around too many people And I don't get people so if they look at me too sternly or inquisitively, I may literally lose my shit. I'm not a people's person, at all. I love computers and text and programs because they don't expect anything from you only what you give them. If that makes sense.

Thank you, I will. Wish my luck because I don't want to fail. I so don't want to fail. Not again, not at this. I so want to be able to study something I truly find fascinating. Ya'll be safe. Thank you.

Read "Pro C#" books, the most recent edition you can find.
If you need to know where to download ebooks:

I recommend paying for it because you'll be more encouraged to get your money's worth out of it.
Can't afford it? Then download the ebook. Doesn't matter to me.
I went through the Pro C# 5.0 book (edition prior to current) and I learned a lot, even after years of programming.

Alternatively, if you find tutorial series you enjoy on youtube or something, go for it. Do what works best for you. I learn more through bookreading, but some many not.


I'm going to download it right now, get my pages and start writing everything on the page. That's how i learn anything. I just write it then type it to make it stay, Reading it doesn't reach my unless I write it over and over and over again. Thank you.

Oh and for Pro C#, if you find yourself getting bogged down in the chapters about manually compiling stuff, then just skip it. You should know how to do it but 95% of the time you won't need it. It helps to understand things, but if speed is important then you may simply have to skip it.

Microsoft Visual Studio is actually a really good product for developing with C#, but it may take time to get into. There are more lightweight and cross-platform options out there.
I wish you the best of luck in this. I have experience in Web development, game development, and desktop app development. Out of those, web development is the easiest to pick up and find work for, but it wasn't rewarding for me. The indie game movement has made game development easier to break into so long as you find a good team. Desktop app development companies usually want college grads too, but I guess if you blow them away with an amazing portfolio they'll hire you.

i'm looking for pro C# right now, first two links were a no go but i give up until i find it. even if i have to download a torrent or something. I'll find it. Thanks again.

You could always buy Pro C# 5.0 used (if you don't like ebooks) on amazon or something.
If you don't already have a tablet for reading books, buy one. You can download hundreds of thousands of ebooks and put them all on a lightweight tablet, and read them.
Also if you're serious about learning you need to read ALL THE TIME. Waiting for the bus? Read. Waiting in a long line? Read. Little 10 and 15 minute sessions of reading really get you through books. I read every day for an hour when I take my dogs to the dog park.

If you really can't find a download Pro C#, I guess I can give you the 5.0 (.NET 4.5) version, but you ought to be able to find it somewhere...
I think linux ports of C# use .NET 2 or something, so you don't actually need to most recent edition.

>I want to do low-level stuff, eventually.
Ditch C, learn Assembly.
If you're using flow control other than conditional jump by Accumulator Register content you're not low-level.

If you want to do low level stuff efficiently, then it's a must. C seems hard, especially pointers, but eventually it'll make a lot more sense. I would suggest learning how the stack and heap works. It might give you more insight on what you're doing.

Low level programming is a young man's game, user. Unless you're willing to spend many years learning and trying to experiment on your own, most people will not be able to get a job. It's fine if you're just doing it for a hobby and maybe sort of want to develop some invention or something, but I really wouldn't recommend it unless you're planning on going to college for it. It's just too damn hard to find work without a degree, and most of the time you're going to need a masters degree.

C for driver level stuff