/pcbg/ - PC Building General

Post your component list, rate other anons', ask questions in general.

Always state the purpose of your PC, your budget, AND YOUR COUNTRY if outside the USA.
If you are asking for improvements, clarify whether you want to lower price or to improve specs or build quality.

>Assemble your parts list with price comparisons by vendor and compatibility filter.

>Gaming builds based on purpose or display resolution / Hz
>To activate the Description, select build from sidebar then click on the title over the parts list
>Description contains notes, other options, and build skeleton for easy customization / cost savings

>Have a budget, but don't know where to start? This will recommend you a parts list based on price.
>Consider substituting an i5 6500 for an i3 in any RX470/480 or GTX 1060 tier build
>Consider stock fan+heatsink for any i3 or locked i5 build
>Consider a B150 mobo for any i3 build
>Add a 240GB SSD to the "Great" tier build

>General build advice including chipset compatibility, power supply advice, Windows activation information.
pastebin.com/9Pbm4nHL (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Information about how to assemble a PC, how to select components, etc.

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.co.uk/Palit-GeForce-1050Ti-StormX-Graphics/dp/B01M2ZC61B/ref=sr_1_6?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1480097464&sr=1-6&keywords=gtx 1050ti

Budget gaming Pc looking for feedback.


Is that 850 evo 500gb @ 129.99 a good deal? It also comes with that shit watch dogs 2.

Building a budget PC for my friend:


The only thing I'm not sure about is the Mini Tower case. The build is using a Micro ATX motherboard, so I figured he could save some money by buying a Micro ATX case. I have no experience with these smaller cases, I'm just wondering if there will be any heating issues with a stock i3 6100 and an RX470?

I threw this micro build together in like five minutes. What do you think?

why not just get a 4gb rx 480?

Cheapest 4GB RX480 is $290 in Canada.

I don't know if it's worth the extra $60 considering my friend has an ideal budget of $600 before tax.

To everyone building a new PC, remember to enable the XMP profiles in BIOS if you use RAM faster than 2000Mhz.
Doesn't mean a thing if you have 3000Mhz+ RAM, because it's going to run at the default 2133mhz speed, if XMP isn't activated and it's not activated by default.

Also if you have already built your PC, check your RAM speed and if it matches what it's supposed to be.


is this a good deal? I think its a really good deal!

With mostly be using it for gaming.

>z170 mobo
for 75 bucks thats a good deal for an upgrade path, fight me.

its decent if you want shit dogs 2

so how reliable are solid state drives?

I keep hearing horror stories about data deleting over time

Would a PCI card fit into the 2nd PCI slot if there's a GPU present 2 slots above? The seller tried to convince me that it would, but judging from sight and comparing it on my old mobo, there's just no way.
Would it fit? Am I overthinking this?


More reliable than HDDs. We're those stories from this decade?

depends on the width of the gpu.

what gpu is it?

Depends on how big the GPU is, it would probably be a tight fit if the GPU is anything decent.

Which gpu should I buy? MSI gtx1070 gamingx or gigabyte gtx1070 windforce oc. The gigabyte one is 75$ more cheaper. They both fit my budget, but i think i can spend that money elsewhere.

Buying a Windows OEM key for a personal build causes some kind of issue, warranty-wise right?

A low-end GT 630 and also an old Nvidia 8800GT, with the same profile (height).
Why do they create those slots so close to each other? The first PCI one is obviously going to be wasted with a dedicated graphics card next to it. Do they expect people not to use a dedicated GPU? It would kind of explain it, because it's a budget motherboard.

Windows doesn't come with warranty anyway.

I'm probably going to get this today on the black friday sales. I'm new to this thing and if there is any final feedback, it would be greatly appreciated.

i5 6600k at microcenterrrrrrrr

I figure this is kinda the correct place to ask.

I'm buying ram for my server. But I noticed that it has a PCI express slot available. What should I buy for it?

I don't want to go too expensive. Maybe a cheap $40 videocard. But I'm wondering if there's something else that I should put.

Oh yeah. And it's a low profile slot

Thanks for telling me about that!

Anybody seen any good 4GBx2 DDR3 deals?

My current has been a bit slow recently but I haven't found any good deals

Anyone? I dont want to fuck up.

>Phenom II X4 955BE
>GTX 770 2 GB
>only 4 GB RAM as one of my sticks died
>HDD that sounds and acts like it's slowly dying

Current good deals in my area:
>mediocre Crucial MX300 shit
>SanDisk Z400s, which I don't know anything about, but seems absolutely horrible
>i5 6600k + MSI Z170A PC MATE + Kingston Value DDR4 8 GB + some shitty Akasa cooler
I don't know what the fuck to do. Gonna use it for gaming

Planning to upgrade to an i7 and a GTX 1080 soon after almost a decade of my current build. Is my motherboard fine for this or should I go ahead and purchase a new one as well?
Motherboard is a gigabyte GA-P55-UD3R.

R8 my christmas list build?
Intel Core i5-6600K
WD Black 1TB HDD
EVGA GeForce GTX 1070
2x8 ram

What do you NEED to buy for it? Seems kind of unnecessary to have a (dedicated) GPU for a server.

why no SSD, goy?


How's this; desiring constant 60+ fps, in 1920x1080, in games like Poe and Grim Dawn. Fine with disabling post processing and other graphic options if need be.

Wanted to pick up a 1070 and a 2tb HD today, but the sales aren't particularly impressive.

Should I just buy my stuff now or wait till Monday?

That's where I'm saving money in the initial build. Gonna upgrade to a 1 or 2 TB SSD down the road when some more money comes in

Spend the extra $50 or so to get a 2tb harddrive. You'd be surprised how little 1tb is.

>What do you NEED to buy for it?
That's the problem. I'm just buying stuff for the sake of having it.

>Seems kind of unnecessary to have a (dedicated) GPU for a server
Depends on the type of server, I'd agree. But I'm learning OpenGL right now. I'm doing all of my programming on my computer. It'd be nice to have all my programming located in one area. So that if I'm on my laptop or I'm bored at work, I can continue off where I left off.

And the integrated GPU isn't very powerful to handle all of that + what I'm currently doing on it now.

You can upgrade to 16 gigs if you don't mind going to ddr3. I would suggest switching the vcard to a gtx 1050 ti. Get 16gigs of ddr3.lok for a AMD core for around 60-100 you can get a lot better amd core for cheeper. Then you will have to switch your mother bord also. But doing this you get the extra ram for cheeper or same price wich alot more games need beacuse 8 gigs is starting to stugglr I can post a part list if needed

Could you guys recommend me a 1080p IPS monitor that's on sale? I've been using a shifty TV as a monitor for so long.

I know what I'm getting into storage-wise. Going to replace the HDD with 2tb SSD in time.
Currently gaming on a 700gb HDD with a 1tb external HDD for all my content creation files.

That's fair enough, but a GPU you can get for $40 probably won't be much better than the integrated one you already have.

Tasty looking pic OP, wish were real


tell me why this isnt perfect

Rate my build. i'm at my absolute maximum budget here. Very little wiggle room.

i5 6600k at microcenterrrrrrrr save yaself 10 bucks,
but if you cant thats fine aswell

>$220 overclockable CPU with $7 cooler
>PSU with twice the capacity it needs to be; overpriced, too
>$100 case, 16 GB of RAM, $220 CPU with a fucking 1060

What's more worth it, a 1080p IPS 60 hz monitor or a 1080p TN 120 hz monitor? I'm looking for one around $200, but I don't know what to go with.

*144 hz

Anyone net any good black friday deals yet or still waiting on monday?

Ohhhhh I wouldn't be too sure about that.

I just checked what graphics card I have on here.
$ lspci | grep -i --color 'vga\|3d\|2d'
01:00.1 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. MGA G200EH

I'm not even sure what this is, honestly.

Live in Canada

i5-6600k for $285


i7-6700k for $400

Which one should I get. I will be running some vms and doing some video editing/streaming.

What do you all think about this build over clicking the cpu to 4 or 4.2? pcpartpicker.com/list/4wzTzM

I agree with everything except the 1060 part. Explain

With all the money you're spending, you really should be aiming for a 1070.

Would you say the i5 is overkill for a 1060?

Pls respond


my current build.
i know its shit choice of components, that was mostly my fault back in the days of ignorance.

also: check out #reddit-buildapc on freenode if you want to know why you suck at building computers.

Kind of? Obviously depends on how long you're planning to keep the build and if you plan to get a new GPU at some point. If you're not going to upgrade the GPU at some point, yeah, the i5 is an overkill. A 6500 and h170/b150 MOBO would make for a more balanced build.

Would the same apply for an AMD based GPU like the RX 480, considering the driver overhead? Wouldn't the 6600k be better because the drivers get better with time?

Basically following logical increment's shit tier recommendations, except picking up some Black Friday deals.

Specifically I'm not 100% sure the case will work for this. I'm not trying to play new games or max settings or 1080p 60fps, I don't super give a shit. I'm just tired of having a computer that can barely play fuckin Torchlight, and can't handle Steam games that look like they're from the SNES.

Can anyone confirm this will/will not work, point out any glaring issues?


There's plenty of Black Friday offers today so I'm going for a new GPU

I've already gotten a new monitor with freesync(40-144hz) and now need a GPU

The options are: AMD 480 4GB for 1900 swedenmoneys - works with freesync

Geforce 1060 3GB for 1800 swedenmoneys

Geforce 1060 6GB for ~2500 swedenmoneys

What do? I hear that the 480 isn't that far off from the 1060 in performance, and freesync I supposed to be pretty good

If you want to be confused by vikingspeech: netonnet.se/art/komponenter/grafikkort/amd/xfx-radeon-rx-480-rs-4gb/236443.8988/?utm_source=prisjakt.nu&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=prisjakt_prisjamforelse


Yep. Even a Radeon HD 6450 even beats it. I actually think I have my old 6450 lying around the house. I don't think it's low profile, though

oh if you wanna get in contact with the pcpp mods, again theyre on #reddit-buildapc or there is a discord on the sub

The driver overhead isn't that big of a deal, unless your CPU sucks.

I'd go for the 480. 3GB is kind of starting to not be enough for a GPU in 1060's performance class.

What is your budget?

A lot of games REQUIRE 2c/4t, so the pentium wont do you any good.

>r7 360
Buy a 1050ti for low spec or an rx 470 for mid spec.

Ye, the only having 3GB VRAM scared me off initially...

what do you think about the jump from 480 to 1060 6GB then?

Is the extra performance worth it, seeing as I lose freesync and some moneys?

you are going to need two ram sticks to run DDR

cpu on a deal rn at microcenter
case and psu was given to me
i dont plan on changing this build for years
thanks for roasting me though senpai

just ordered an i7. Am I part of the club now?

how often should someone replace a CPU cooler? and what do you do with the old one i hear they are not safe to throw in the normal trash? can you please tell me the answer without me killing someone? you are all faggots?

>put my 1200 gbp computer in, all the parts in my amazon basket.
>think about it
>maybe I'll have that slightly more expensive case I like too, put it in.
>stare at the basket, 1230gbp, pretty monster PC.
>the last time I played anything substantial was 2012.
>last time I bought a game I actually enjoyed was not buying, it was pirating quake 1 like 2 years ago.
>buy a nice coffee cup and a backpack instead.

I'm gonna go to scotland, boys

Since you already have a freesync monitor, I'd go for the 480. 1060 loses to it in DX12/Vulcan games anyway, and the difference in other games isn't really big enough for the price, especially since you'd lose freesync.

Not him but what's the most powerful amd GPU on the market?

Thoughts? Cost about $640, took the hard drives and one ssd from my old pc, bought everything else.

burn it

Is this a good build to last me a couple years? Already have a 750 watt power supply

Is it worth getting 3000 mhz ram over 2400? My Mobo can support up to 3400

I'm thinking of either buying the i5 6600k with the mb, RAM and the cooler, or the GTX1060, or the SSD.
I already have a horribly outdated Phenom II X4 955BE I'm thinking I could OC some more, a pretty bad HDD which is slowly dying, and a GTX770 3GB

amazon.co.uk/Palit-GeForce-1050Ti-StormX-Graphics/dp/B01M2ZC61B/ref=sr_1_6?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1480097464&sr=1-6&keywords=gtx 1050ti

Been using a 660Ti and I only like buying really cheap shit. Is this alright? It's so god damn small in comparison to my old GPU.

motherboard imo seems overpriced

What would be a better motherboard user?

so if you guys were going to put together a pc today and you had ~1000 to do so, what would it look like? I want at least a 1080 and 6700 for gayming.

Who else /happytheywaitedtillblackfriday/ here?

I've spent maybe $100 less, and that's pretty good

What should I look to upgrade this season? My graphics card memory is on the low side, but I feel like my cpu is weak.

>z97 motherboard
>skylake cpu
lmao dumbass

As much as people hate prebuilts, would this be exceptionally good to purchase considering the price?


Im an idiot when it comes to building pcs and I just want the easy way in.

question: when should I buy a new Intel processor? when zen releases or when it will fail?


How will this fare in a game like Poe and Grim Dawn? If post processing needs to be disabled I'm fine with that.

What did I do wrong?
Nobody I've run this build past so far has seen an issue there

>i3 6100 in 800 dollar build

incompatible mobo with cpu

look at the damned specs when you buy it, the cpu socket is different.

Nevermind. I see where I fucked up. Switching to the z170 version of the motherboard

it's ok i guess

Alright guys, I've wanted to build a high end desktop PC for gaming for more than 10 years, but never could justify actually doing it for one reason or another. I'm finally doing it.

So, I'm setting out on my first build. I'm way out of touch on hardware knowledge so I'm having to learn as I go. That said, I'm trying to go all in, and I'd like to do full loop liquid cooling.

- Am I better off buying a GPU that comes with a water block pre-installed, or buying a GPU and removing the stock cooler to install a block?

- Is there any reason I should go with one manufacturer vs another for a GTX 1080 gpu?

- Same question on motherboard, what's the current opinion on best brand? Was looking at Asus and Gigabyte.

- What online stores do you recommend for purchasing parts? Should I just stick to newegg or are there other retailers?

- Suggested brand for water cooling components? I'm really starting from scratch here on knowledge.

Here's what I have so far.

CPU - Intel Core i7-6700K
GPU - EVGA 08G-P4-6299-KR

I'm going to use a 2TB HGST drive for large storage and installations like games, and a smaller SSD for OS / core software. I'm going to do either dual-boot with a linux distro or full linux with GPU pass-through to a VM.

I've got a ton of questions but instead of putting them all in one wall of text I'll ask as I go.

Omitting the extra monitor and ram it's around $590. What's wrong with that?

Hey Sup Forums.
I plan on getting a used gigabyte 7970 384bit 3gig card and build a rig around it without bottlenecking it. One jewtuber did put an e5640 and it did 100+ fps on ultra @ 1080p games and 300+ fps in cs:go. I plan on getting either i7 930 or athlon x4 860k.
Which processor will use 100% of 7970 computing powah?

should I really give a shit about upgrading from DDR3 to DDR4?

Just ordered this today on black friday how bad did i fuck up?



Can someone help me with a parts list for a media pc for my lounge? Form factor and sound are the most important factors here so a 256gb ssd is necessary. Must be able to output 4k video with hdr and doesnt need an optical drive.

I think, however i could probs get an xbox one s cheaper than anything else here ($329) although not running a real os and what i assume is limited filetype support + (30fps 4k playback?).