/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

Post your questions that don't deserve their own thread here.

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Accidentally drilled a hole in my GPU when I was trying to assemble my new PC, is there a good/cheap way to fix this? Or should I just say it came this way and try to send it back for a replacement?

How much does Amazon actually make off advertising when they sell ad-supported hardware devices? Is it a flat rate, or a slow trickle based on how many users actually buy the shit in the ads and so on?

i'm trying to forward some ports
ive set up a static ip and forwarded the ports in the router interface yet no results
is there something else besides these 2 things that i need to do?

bubble gum

Can you take a picture of it?

>Or should I just say it came this way and try to send it back for a replacement?
That's mail and/or wire fraud, nigger. It's a federal crime.

Yesterday I wanted to cool down my CPU temps for my laptop because they were getting too hot (120c). I fucked up and did not put enough on my CPU, so now it's hotter than before (140c). Do I need to clean the thermal paste again before I put more on my CPU or not?

Second this

>white boy thinks everything is a crime
it is not

You sure that's in Celsius and not Fahrenheit? Cuz your CPU should be dead already.

unblock ports in software firewall

Screenshot of router port forwarding page + ip address of computer useful for diagnosing problems.

>Nigga thinks it's not a crime if he doesn't get caught.

wrong temps, it would turn off on 100°C on its own
you have bad sensor or some shit

and yes, you need to clean heatsink and cpu with alcohol, same as you should have done first time, which I assume you did not since you asking how to do shit for the second round

and remember, it should be very little of thermal paste
its not there to be like a glue between two surfaces, but to help two metal parts touch filling out microscopic empty space

no, it is literally not a crime white boi

Well my graphics card isn't 50 degrees Fahrenheit, that's for sure.

Is liquid nitrogen cooling worth it for the average user?

Probably a bad sensor or an incorrect driver then.

It doesn't matter I suppose. Back to your original question yes you should remove the old paste. Wipe it off with a dry cloth, then wipe it again with alcohol wipes (or just cloth soaked with alcohol).


No. Not even for average gamer.

Does video card RAM matter much? I can save $50 by going from a 6GB card to a 3GB one, and I was planning on getting 16GB of desktop RAM.

The two cards I was looking at:


3gb of vram is small enough to bottleneck CURRENT games slightly. The 3gb card will probably not scale as well as others into the future, so its probably going to be doing relatively better in todays benches than it will be in future benches.

In a lot of games it will negatively impact performance when using anti-aliasing and high detail textures in perticular.

If your goal is max settings @ 1080p and you can spare the money I would stick with the 6gb.

Gtx 1060 enough for a 1440p monitor? I'd be ok with not maxing out settings in every videogame.

Damn, my build was overpriced as is, I wanted to get it

Do you want to reach the orbit fucking Saturn 5 style in your AMD PC or something? If not, no.

Depends on the game but stronger games like GTA requires like 4GB to work well.

I think Witcher 3 and Battlefield too.

I'd recommend going for the 6GB GPU and just 8GB for the RAM


In addition to this, you can add more RAM later on but you can't just add 3gb for the GPU.

Here's my ultimatum
Appreciate all the help thus far but I think I've narrowed it down

Is it worth £70 more for DDR4 RAM and an i7 over an i5 and DDR3?

If you don't use Liquid Helium you're paying for like 11 more AMUs per cooling unit with less performance.
Why would you go with liquid nitrogen when you can get a liquid helium rig for like 100 bucks more, and save money long term?


Just saw this shit on Amazon, what the fuck?

depends how much you value £70
will you make it in a half a day, or a month of saving and eating ramen...

would definitly not be buying DDR3 at this time, it should be only i5 vs i7 discussion

I see, thanks user.

what seems to be the problem child?

When you see it....



I have my computer case opened up, my motherboard doesn't fucking FEEL this hot, it feels cool like everything else in my computer, i-is this just a wrong number guys? I've been told these things aren't always accurate

p-please tell me my mobo isn't fucking dying

My laptop keeps overheating and shutting down every time I try to play a game or open a more heavy site.

I've already cleaned and put new thermal paste, but keeps happening even when I use without battery.

Could it be my processor?

use hwmonitor

does this tell you anything?

pic related, about:config settings in Firefox for increasing mouse scroll rate.

It is an issue in Linux and Ubuntu has no option to set mouse scroll speed.

Is there a workaround like this for Chrome/Chromium? I cannot use any other browser on Linux, scrolling is too slow.

or your gpu

the firewall on your local machine, user.
not the router.

So I just accidentally ripped out my dvi/hdmi cable (the dvi end was connected to my GPU and the hdmi end was connected to my second screen) and now my second screen basically tells me there's no input. The cable seems fine so far and actually works on two entirely unrelated devices perfectly fine, so... Yeah, I don't really know where to go from this point. The hdmi port on my second screen works perfectly well and so does the dvi port on my GPU (both tested with other devices).
Of course I already googled my problems and none of the suggested solutions get me anywhere.
I'd be thankful for any solution to my problem. Hell, I'd even be glad if anybody could point me to a general direction for a solution to my problem, I'd appreciate anything at this point

as in windows firewall? sorry am clueless

It's USB 3.3, works in ports it doesn't fit into

Okay thank fuck it was only 28 degrees

Does anyone know why in fuck's shit it was saying it was 117 fucking degrees celsius?

you make program
you ask mobo for value on sensor at address
you run progarm on different mobo, bad value returned you dont care
you speccyal

Port forwarding settings look correct to me.

Would suspect router or PC firewall is blocking port.

How are you determining that ports aren't forwarding? Using online port checker tool?

There's an easter egg in speccy that enables Fermi simulation mode

>I have my computer case opened up in order to achieve an inferior airflow and no cooling at all.
>I can accurately measure internal temperatures under the CPU and GPU by touching totally unrelated parts with my bare hands.


Family business network looks like this:

wired modem > operational hardware 1, operational hardware 2, wireless router for guests

is this secure enough from anyone connected to the guest wifi?

There are like 4 different temp sensors in most boards. Some programs always report the highest one, some others don't. You want one that reports all.

yeah, i've been checking through a couple of port checker websites

i've also allowed the ports in both the router firewall and windows firewall

any ideas?

sure, assuming guest wifi is set up correctly and you mean by it what we think you mean

lik TP links have thing called "guest wifi" which provides internet but is not connected to switch of the router, so other devices are safe

but of course if theres a hole in their firmware you can be exposed, but regular faggot cant connect to your network willy nilly

Did you set both inbound and outbound rules in windows firewall?

should i restart my router/computer after any of this?

Is it a dumb idea to buy a raspberry pi 3b, and to use it as a media center for my full hd tv?
I have a full hd tv so i dont need 4K playback and hevc right now.

Its just need it to work for max a year, then i'm upgrading my tv and probably will put a decent htpc with a amd apu next to it.

I need new headphones (without a mic), mainly to play vidya.

What would be the best to get for around 100 yurobucks on amazon right now ?

I did read up on guides of how to apply thermal paste, but I never found really specific instructions for my machine. One last question, should the heatsink be screwed tightly onto the CPU? I put a littld pea in the center and screwed it snugly last time and when I opened it up just now I found much of it had been squished off the side and was no longer between it and the heat sink. Is that normal, or should I refrain from tightening it so much?

I put Kodi on my original rpi and used it for just that. It played 720p great, kinda shittered on 1080p.

If the rpi1 was fine I'm sure the 3 will be fine with 1080p.

I don't see the problem yet so the issue might be more obscure. If you go into cmd, and type in ipconfig /all, scroll to where you see a lot of info, and give screenshot of the output?

Wouldn't hurt to reset, particularly the router.

just looked it up, a rpi 3b can do 1080p hevc with some smal overclocking.

But i'm thinking of using it as a media player for a while and then when i have my htpc i will turn the rpi in a server or something.

>Would definitely not be buying DDR3

What do you mean? The model comes with it as standard, is DDR4 a significant improvement? If that's the case then maybe I should forget about the one with the i5 and DDR3
That's the Yoga 900, it has better build quality but worse specs, the Yoga 710 has shitter build quality but better specs

The less paste between the heatsink and CPU the better. if your thermal paste gets squished out that's a good thing.

I don't see why not. If you haven't decided on software yet, I'd strongly recommend Kodi.


V-Moda LP2s have lasted me like 4 years and sound great.
I think they're super comfy, I used to wear them on long flights before I got noise cancelling ones.

>I'd strongly recommend Kodi.

Seems like everywhere i look, everybody is using kodi already.
So ill try it out, but i also have a mate who uses his rpi as a retro console, i'll probably will want to do both.

ah its notebooks
I thought desktop, and only reason not ddr3 is just that you have more modern ram, compatible with newer mobos... so that if it dies in 5 years you have more easy finding use for ddr4 than ddr3


>buying gimmicks

Your DNS server information seems wrong, you probably manually put in the address "" under DNS servers when inside of ipv4 settings. Your router/default gateway is generally not the same as your DNS server, although it is rarely.

Use / as DNS servers (google) or don't enter any information for DNS servers and let your router give you an address or just let your computer automatically get an address altogether.

The way your router is setup having a static IP is not strictly necessary because your router seems to keep track of your PC via other information than your IP address. So even if your IP changes your router can still port forward to correct device.

What can I say, they're complete gimmicks but I fall for them.
It's less the flippyshit I'm after, I just want a touchscreen which in itself is a gimmick but eh.

Is there a big performance difference between DDR3 and 4? Literally can't decide which to go for

>s there a big performance difference between DDR3 and 4? Literally can't decide which to go for

you can clean that off with a belt sander


alright, i changed the dns servers but it still tells me the ports are closed

Hey Sup Forums.
I plan on getting a used gigabyte 7970 384bit 3gig card and build a rig around it without bottlenecking it. One jewtuber did put an e5640 and it did 100+ fps on ultra @ 1080p games and 300+ fps in cs:go. I plan on getting either i7 930 or athlon x4 860k.
Which processor will use 100% of 7970 computing powah?

Whats the last non botnet version of es file explorer? I swear theres nothing better than it, total commander doesn't even come close

turn off TCP/IP version 6
so the ipconfig is not bunch of bullshit


not sure if it helps, but why not

for I bring the good news

get black ops theme for it, it looks great, feels great
all the features

Is there an android app which can view images within a zip archive in order without unzipping?

I honestly mean it, thank you. Youve saved me a lot of hassels.

How do I kick someone using the same wifi as me, if I have access to the router's admin controls?

Apartment neighbors have family over from thanksgiving and will probably be here for a couple more days. One of them is leeching off my wifi, already costing me extra since I got a notification this morning. First time this has ever happened, and the neighbors (elderly) claim they don't know anything about it. Little shit is hiding behind his parents.

I'm at my router's admin control page where I can see all the connected IP's, and one of them is unfamiliar and is even named as "unknown". It's a Hitron router, and there doesn't seem to be any option to kick by IP.

I would of changed the password already but my family members would get pissed since I have to relay the new password to them while they bitch about not connecting to facebook. I know the leech can probably connect back, but I want to scare him first and see if he'll do it again.

Tried google and some cmd stuff to no luck too.

I'm fairly certain if you stuck with you would have stopped being able to connect to websites after awhile as your DNS cache expired or you tried to connect to new webpages, and that wasn't right, but nonetheless.

The only thing I can really think of is maybe the syntax of this is wrong? I don't really have the manual for your router so this is a shot in the dark.

If I was going to fill information in the fields it would be

[tcp/udp] / / / [port number] / / / [port number] / accept

which would make it so that any device from any ip address external to your network could connect to any device at any ip address on your home network at the given port ranges. Port forwarding will however result in anybody connecting to these ports being directed to your computer regardless.


If that doesn't work I'm out of guesses. Reset both devices. Read manual carefully.

Just change your password? Or talk to the kid and say its illegal.

Using chrome. I use image hover when browsing and normally just use Alt+Click to save an image. The last few months it will only work sometimes. Sometimes it works fine and sometimes it just won't save any images at all. Opening the image in a new tab and saving it works fine though. Anyone know how to fix this other than "install a new browser"?

Yeah, I'm thinking of doing that as a last resort but I just want to know if I can kick the little sucker first as a warning. A lot of my own family members still here know the password by heart as they come and go so if I change it right away, they would get upset. I know it's not them doing the leeching either since I recognize their IP, it's just that the neighbors had some kid with them this year that immediately got my suspicion. He was carrying his own laptop no less.

I have a macbook late 2012 13inch retina, im looking to sell it
No scratches or dints however I've used it so much the battery is fucked literally dies at 70% then turns on later for a bit then dies again. I leave it plugged in most of the time, where can I sell this for the best price? Am I literally just selling it for parts?

yeah typing in all that doesnt even let me save it
oh well thank you for your time regardless

whats the router model anyways?

what's the best wireless access point for the money? preferably one that's on sale for black friday

I'm trying to use adb shell with grep command but it says that grep is not a recognized command. How fo I fix this?

it's a livebox 3 by isp orange (i live in france)
havent found any documentation on it at all

i want to keep an external hard drive, which ones should i look into? should i go ssd? anything 500GB-1TB is sufficient.

android doesn't have grep. pipe it into your local grep
adb shell yourcommand | grep whatever

Can anyone recommend a good tablet? I can get the iPad Air 2, Samsung Tab S2 9.7 or Galaxy View at about $550 CAD each.

I'm replacing my busted Nexus 7 2012 and thinking of buying 2 tablets. One for me and one for my folks too.

I am trying to flash my xperia e using setool but when i try to launch the program it says smard card not found, any fix for it?

This is what I've been trying to do
adb shell dumpsys display | grep mBaseDisplayInfo
How do I pipe it?

Just go twll the kid then, this is a crime and your retarded for using a wep password

you can filter his MAC address if your router allows it
you can replace the battery yourself for around $100, might be worth
i dont think there's any reason to get an external SSD, unless you are doing lots of performance-dependent reads/writes.

I'm trying to set up an sql database on which I can query from any computer through the internet. I have a domain name and a free webhost which offers MySQL. Should I create the database there, or just have it running on my desktop, and enable remote access to it? I've heard opening a port for such is unsafe

I meant 'dumpsys'.