Browser thread.
What does Sup Forums use? I recently installed Brave, looks very minimalist as fuck. Chrome can't compete at all.
Browser thread.
What does Sup Forums use? I recently installed Brave, looks very minimalist as fuck. Chrome can't compete at all.
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I use this.
Nice taste.
hello here is my browser
>people are still shilling this stupid fucking browser
i mean, its obvious its actual, non sarcastic shilling at this point, someone is paying them to post about brave
i use links2
>he fell for the canary meme
Enjoy your random crashes
Reported for paid shilling
Nobody wants your shitty jewed browser here
Why is Brave suddenly being shilled so hard? Keeps being mentioned in every browser related thread.
Wow you even have the copypasta ready. Good job.
What's so bad about Brave? Enlighten me please.
That's not an answer. I want specifics damnit.
It never crashed for me, been using it for a year now.
its just another shitty browser, like any other shitty browser
issue is the constant shilling
Most people with half a brain install an additional blocker in their browser
Brave says it blocks ads but replaces them with "acceptable ads". Their definition of acceptable ads is any advertiser that pays them money.
It screws end-users as they still end up seeing ads, and screws websites as their ads are replaced by Brave's ads so they lose the income.
Only Brave win out in this scenario, everybody else gets screwed. Textbook jewing
I see. I guess I'm contributing to the shilling by making this thread aren't I.
You can disable it.
Guess I'll just install an adblocker for Brave, if there is such a thing.
Any suggestions for a good android browser? Firefox has good ad lock but I hate that the tab controls are at the top of the screen rather than the bottom, since I have tiny baby hands. Opera has okayish ad block and controls along the bottom, but if never plays webms in browser, it always just prompts me to do load them.
Brave is just a Chromium reskin with HTTPS Everywhere integrated. It's only unique feature is replacing internet ads with their own ads. Previously limited to malware. It's also questionable from a business standpoint, imagine Google doing this on Chrome.
I can disable it by not installing the piece of shit.
Why would you volunteer to see ads knowing that you are not even supporting the websites you are visiting? Literally what benefit is there to you?
Lmao there's this one guy on Sup Forums who constantly shills Brave.
I remember when I was recording browser speed tests.. he was constantly annoying me to record brave even though I told him to go fuck himself.
I've been struggling with this for a while now. Firefox is the only browser with good adblock but it runs intolerably slow and a lot of media doesn't load with it. Chrome runs fast and does well with media but has no fucking adblock whatsoever which makes 90% of websites unreadable.
Everything else is a just varying shades of terrible between these two extremes. It fucking sucks.
>Chrome runs fast and does well with media but has no fucking adblock whatsoever which makes 90% of websites unreadable.
What in God's motherfucking name are you talking about? Just install ublock on Chrome?
whats with all the brave shills?
Anyone use Vivaldi?
nigga the fuck are you talking about with chrome having no adblock
install a danm adblocker
ublock origin is on the chrome webstore
My deepest apologies. I skipped the Android part. Yea, Chrome on Android not having an Adblocker sucks balls.
it's one guy on Sup Forums.
install a blanket adblocker application
android has to have some of those, on my iPhone i have this Adbl0ck app that puts everything through a VPN, so i dont see ads on anything
You can use netguard to ad lock your entire phone without needing to root it. I hear it can do a bit of a number on your battery, but it works with chrome mobile.
Chrome android has zero adblock options. It fucking sucks, maximum Jew status.
How did you rice that browser???
Mozzarella Cheese Sticks
very carefully haha
This is some next level bullshit. Can't use canary on Linux.
I just switched to edge like an hour ago. If Microsoft already knows everything then there's no harm in using the fastest browser going. Shame I can only use ABP though.
Still this till they eventually fuck it up for good.
if I were using Linux I would just use chromium since its available in most repos
cuck reporting in
Canary is just versions of Chromium that are confirmed to not be fucked, just find a stable version of Chromium and compile yourself.
ok done.
I have good news for you
No. It's for weirdos. Its special unique features only show up when you're an insane autist who permanently has 500 tabs open at once. Normal people who know how to close a tab get no benefit from it.
No one uses Vivaldi?
Actually the fastest browser I have used.
FoxyProxy stopped working with 53.. Got pissed as fuck.
It's the latest version I can get to work with a PPC.
I like your posts though.
What the fuck's wrong with you?
Vivaldi,Opera,Brave, all based on chromium.That's why brave is so bug free even though it's a new browser.
So you have chrome+chrome with hats, firefox and edge and other crap
No. Your shilling has been unsuccessful. Please leave us alone and go try elsewhere. I recommend this website called Reddit.
Firefox 50 fucked a lot of addons and after 53 most addons will get fucked
>a question is shilling on Sup Forums
you are a fucking retard
you need to go back to 8_ch
Plus there are huge security issues when the browser is injecting code into pages what's to stop you being tracked across all sites you browse?! It's legitimately irresponsible to use this browser. I can't believe it has to be said.
At least you admit to your appalling taste.
Any suggestions for this? I tried netguard mentioned earlier and it did Jack shit
What's with the underscore? Call it 8ch you fucking cunt.
Microsoft Edge
Already has uBlock and Tampermonkey support
It's really ugly desu.
I only use Netscape 7.1
8ch is shit famicom
I use Firefox on Windows and Safari Technology Preview on macOS.
all are just shells for gecko, webkit, blink or trident
Yes, and?
gecko is slow as shit compared to webkit/blink
I use it, boot time is about a half second slower, but it's very a e s t h e t i c, and based of chromium, so it just werks. Which is all that matters, right?
so is nightly good or? why is it memed on? what am i missing.
I'm using Firefox since, I don't know, since I started using computers. But with all the shit that's happening now, I don't know what to do anymore. Are the free browsers good enough? I just want a stable browser, with some add ons for better funcionality (for me, I only care about ad blocking and downloading videos from youtube).
I'm using Fedora, I just want to get shit done, preferably with freedom.
pls disregard menu bar, it was accidental
If you aren't rooted then DNS66 works perfectly and is on F-Droid. If you're rooted then AdAway still works perfectly.
>(YOU) count
Jesus christ....
>there are STILL people using a nonfree surveillance device as there web browser
Firefox is the best web browser, because it is free software and has extensions to prevent nonfree javascript applets from running on your computer.
I've been using pale moon for quite a while now, but the last update fucked self-destructing cookies AND made me not able to right click threads on the catalog for some ungodly reason. So I'm back on firefox now, though I'm looking at
Think I'm gonna make the switch. Seems to have more extension support than pale meme.