/ptg/ - private tracker general

Holiday Curry Edition

old thread: Not sure what private trackers are all about?

The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

WIKI : wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

/ptg/ Guide (not official) : gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>People may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned.
>Most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time
>Make sure you sign up for xanax before it closes so you can sell some accounts in a year

Other urls found in this thread:


Xanax is the new What.cd confirmed

PTP is the new What.cd confirmed

nostream is the new What.cd confirmed

Why do people keep saying that Xanax is bad because of open signups?

>What.cd had open signups when they started
>Interview system didn't stop anybody from getting in
>Idiots joining thanks to open signups will be banned because they can't maintain ratio

Waffles taking What's throne confirmed

Why did you remove the google doc for recruitment?

They cut off the head what.cd and three takes it place

Hail hydra

Shellife is the new What.cd confirmed

It's a meme, I think.

>tfw no 80TB IPX build

wow I never knew pham to be so triggered about naming a piracy tracker after a legal drug. none of you gave gfs or you'd know that xanax is a life saver. Sure the site is likely the most curry tracker after thegeeks and their name isn't their issue

Is PTH likely to have open signup at some point?

Only recruitment threads from other trackers.

>>Make sure you sign up for xanax before it closes so you can sell some accounts in a year
Prophet akbar

>Xanax is a honeypot confirmed

>Is PTH likely to have open signup at some point?
They are going to post threads, fuck.
Be patient.

Why the fuck do you care?

>Why do people keep saying that Xanax is bad because of open signups?

That's not the only reason it is shit. You just love it because you can sign up.

>Xanax is the new What.cd confirmed
Do you think a huge company like Pfizer is going to allow one of it's brand names to be associated with music piracy?
I not going anywhere near that place. Not worth the risk.

In no way did I imply that Xanax is good. You did not answer my question.

Lian-li have some ITX cases that can get a lot of drives, up to 12 so you can stuck 120Tb there

Is SceneAccess having server problems right now? A bunch of my seeds are saying "Internal Server Error" and "A connection attempt failed".

They will change names before Pfizer even knows of its existence

Their website was unaccessible for a while too.

>>What.cd had open signups when they started
10 years ago when it was the first gazelle tracker. things are different.
>>Interview system didn't stop anybody from getting in
No reason to interview yet when you have lots of top private trackers to get high level members from as a base.
>>Idiots joining thanks to open signups will be banned because they can't maintain ratio
Why start in a shit way when you can start with the best users from top trackers?

You're just mad because you can't sign up.

>Is PTH likely to have open signup at some point?

never. no reason to.

>tfw using ratiomasterplus on xanax
>already 2nd
>mfw negative stats and they can't even count to 10

Try not to get raped in the showers in jail lads.

holy kek

>PTH already has a primitive version of Logchecker operational
>Devs actually know what they're doing so it will be expanded in due time

c o m f y

How can I get that on ggn?

I doubt feds are going to let any new tracker become too successful while also being open in this day and age. It may be a while, but users'll probably get DMCA'd like its pirate bay

>he's actually going to submit that

is this some shit only a curry tracker would fall for?

And the tracker is still empty
Nice job

oh no, might have to wait a week on top of the day or two it's been

That thing is why I never used what why the fuck would you want devs to add it to pass the curry?

What's your preferred solution for ensuring good rips?

I think he's talking about rippy

They'd fucking better add Rippy.

>tfw don't really care about music
meh, gonna get wherever is good as soon as recruitment opens


>when recruitment opens
Tripping on that curry

>Taking a screenshot to show humorous tabs

it obviously will be in the top trackers desu

>being this new

>Not joining Sup Forums during the gamergate, the fappening, or when Trump won

They just had this suggestion in the suggestions forum, it was shot down by everyone who replied, and then the admin stepped in and said it wasn't going to happen, and to not suggest it again.

I've got a ton of shit from what.cd on my HDD including the .torrent file.
Does anyone know how I can get the release record label etc? For example: 1983 - Warner Bros. Records / 3266-2 / Japanese Target / CD

Just leave it out and some whatcuck like mcfaggot will do all that jazz for you. But theres no recruitment so who cares?

Lol at how popular Xanax has gotten after all the saltiness about how dodgy NoStream was. And now PTH looks to be the competent replacement for wcd, you'd still rather shill Xanax. Fucking hypocrites.

Enjoy your shit tracker overrun with shit users

pls gibs free ubload

so..... no clients allowed or every client is allowed?


rare, but sometimes artwork is included. that usually says it.
at least xanax isn't complete shit yet, as far as we can tell, and we can actually get in. i'm in no way deluded into thinking it's a good permanent solution but having a backup won't hurt in any case

>he is shittalking about people that want free ratio
>in /ptg/ , home of ghostleeching

>reading the forums of a open singup private tracker

Why do you do that to yourself

that browser looks rly sexy

not if anybody can do it.

xanax is probably going to be the next what, everyone saying anything else is delusional

>i'm in no way deluded into thinking it's a good permanent solution

I honestly can't tell if everyone else is deluded or if it's just a big meme

Bretty much, to be a big music tracker you need a lot of users not retarded secret clubs


Should I buy a coupla of this shits?

this, what might as well had been open signups. If PTH was created to be a What successor they need to open up.

Grow the userbase first, then ban the people who don't give a shit.


Just this, private trackers purge themselves, going full "we special snowflakes with 0,1% of the music rutracker have" is not the way

Right now more like 0,001

NoS>>>Xanax>>Passthe headphones

Is this right?


>look at NoS and PTH
>open le sicrit club
>no one is downloading anything that is not freelech
>no one is uploading anything because no one download anything

Seriously, this fucking subhumans need to stop thinking that the tracker is going to be filled magically if they circlejerk hard enough

both wrong

Nice counter-signaling.

hi sarek. how are u today?

x a n a x

True, I uploaded 20 torrents and I'm the only seed and no one downloaded them

At least WCD had seedboxes downloading everything

Current PTH stats?

Maximum users: 750
Enabled users: 616 Details
Users active today: 508 (82.47%)
Users active this week: 512 (83.12%)
Users active this month: 512 (83.12%)
Torrents: 4,421
Releases: 3,079
Artists: 4,734
"Perfect" FLACs: 838
Requests: 0 (nan% filled)
Peers: 4,945
Seeders: 4,901
Leechers: 44
Seeder/leecher ratio: 111.38

>when it hits you that the greatest collection of music in the history of the world is lost forever

literally Alexandria

I took some Xanax last night and fell in a camp fire. Never again

music is for faggots like lasereyess and PSPG

Xanax stats:

Maximum users: 15,000
Enabled users: 11,150 Details
Users active today: 10,739 (96.31%)
Users active this week: 10,739 (96.31%)
Users active this month: 10,739 (96.31%)
Torrents: 11,034
Releases: 9,905
Artists: 7,822
"Perfect" FLACs: 1,303
Requests: 0 (0.00% filled)
Snatches: 18,535
Peers: 39,457
Seeders: 37,698
Leechers: 1,759
Seeder/leecher ratio: 21.43

this isn't as simple as it seems

nope, not going there. calling the tracker after a legally-protected brand name owned by a huge corporation is beyond retarded.

mfw reddit goes crazy over the shitty new music trackers

Went to JPSki
>we a got a d1$©0rd chat server, come chill with us!

>Users active today: 508
Just 160k less users than what, I'm sure that 500 fags will upload 3 millions torrents

user please, this is the 3rd /ptg/ thread today

Give it time.

Can I ask, who came up with the name Xanax? Literally why?

if this is true, the ratio between torrents and users is:

PTH: 5.89
XANAX: 0.98

xanax still has more torrents though, so when they purge stupid users its probably going to be a good tracker

Why do people call trackers curry and what does it mean?



>Why do people call trackers curry
Why do people call trackers Xanax

Thanks, upvoted

Fuck the ratio, PTH and NoS are literally dead, uploaders got bored after the initial fuss and now no one upload/download anything

Xanax is supported by SCC admins, so it will be a pay 2 leech curry tracker, just like SCC

I don't know whether I can be bothered to make accounts on the meme trackers.

I don't really like music so it would be purely for the sake of it

>music is for faggots

>tfw I actually believe this
>tfw I will neve meet anyone who feels the same way irl