ITT: Tech-related things you haven't heard in years

>Requires Win32s

Other urls found in this thread:,_Retry,_Fail?

>tfw no math co-processor

"Insert disk 4 of 8 into Drive A:"

"You want to install America Online 7.0?"

"user, don't forget to mail in those little yellow slips of paper that came with The Sims!"

>This content requires Flash Player
Thank God we got rid of that cancer.



"Windows Vista Compatible"

"This Program Requires A newer version of windows"
"DirectX is required to Run this program. Would you like to install DirectX?"

>Requires WinG

"Invalid System disk, replace the disk and press any key"

"This Program Requires Windows 95 or 98"
"This Program Requires Windows Vista or later."
"Program.exe expects a newer version of windows. Please upgrade your windows version."

>Would you like to install Roger Wilco?

"This program cannot start because (dll file) was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

>[_] Foo
>[_] Bar
>[_] Baz
>[x] CowboyNeal

"Y2K Ready"

How good was Win32s, anyway? I remember installing but never actually using it. If you ran random Win32 shareware with it would it work?

I nostalgia'd so hard


Data error reading drive A
Abort, Retry, Fail?


> type start.bat
@echo off

I was forced to use it recently. It won't die.

Instead, they've made HTML into the worst development environment ever, so now the entire web is Flash! JOY!

I've never really understood the difference between "Abort" and "Fail".

contact me on ICQ

There's a Wikipedia article about it:,_Retry,_Fail?

Fail: return an error code to the program so it can do some cleanup or whatever.
Abort: terminate the program outright.

Well, 98% of programs back then crashed anyway if a disk read operation was unsuccessful.

>Please select your sound card from the list

Shockwave player


and then answering to those questions

"you need arj.exe to uncompress the archive"
tweaking the autoexec.bat to get 10 more kb for base memory so that the game would load.


And god forbid if you had an LCD that was picky about weird modesettings...

>dial-up tone
>windows xp startup sound
>that obnoxious BEEP if you mistyped a password

Wow, haven't thought about arj in fucking years.

I haven't heard an honest-to-god system beep in years.


2.88MB floppies
5 1/4" inch floppies (etc)
Windows for Workgroups
This program requires 575K of free conventional memory.
Active Desktop
Gate A20

>it's the amps that kill


As in oh shit it uses RAMBUS the memory is going to cost $350

MMX not supported
Uninstalling setup
Installing DirectX 7.0a
650MB CD
IRQ Error, ISA conflict
Installing IPX
Installing UDP
Test DirectDraw
Test Direct3D
Test Glide
Formating A:\ 2.88MB
Insert CD2
>Damn, I forgot my log in password on my Win9x OS
>Hit Cancel
Ethernet Hubs
The drum icon when you've just finished installing win9x and logs in for the first time.

>Ethernet Hubs
Hah right. Few years ago I wondered if they still exist [spoiler]to cheap out instead of paying the full 15$ for 100mb/s switch[/spoiler] but those are completely gone.

Good riddance.
It was such a hazzle because I used a crossover utp from me and my brothers pc and the hub didn't like that cable when I brought my PC to LAN with my friends, so I had to use a straight cable.

NICs don't care if it's crossover or not now, and switches doesn't either.

All gigabit ethernet adapters support autodetection of crossed/straight cable (and some 100s do too), but before that heh crosslinked cables were a thing very needed. I bought one in 2004 to be able to transfer stuff between us guys in college dorms. Before we had internet there.

>the pain to make folder sharing work when you don't understand anything about networking and how to set up stuff

Fuck it's been 10 years or more since I last read that.

>Folder sharing between Win9x and Win2000 worked.
>Then someone came around and used WinME and it never worked.
Oh... it's in the homegroup MSHOME and not glorious WORKGROUP.
WinME people...

But yeah, always have a spare crossover.
I have a 300m CAT6e roll and I always make my cables crossover out of habit.

It was a thing when you installed 3dfx Glide drivers.
Damn NT never did work with Voodoo 2 SLi.

>"Please insert the correct CD-ROM and restart the application."
>"Directory X does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
>"Found New Hardware: Generic Plug and Play Monitor."
>"This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down."

>"This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down."
Fucking MGS1 on my granny's Pentium 166MHz with 32MB RAM
Every time you blew up the electric station with the Nikita in the gas filled room 1 second into that cutscene it crashed and did that illegal operation popup.

>Graphics error: Device driver file not found (EGAVGA.BGI)
>Press any key to halt

Does anyone remember those strange ass round network cables
that connected to computers via a T-section and you had to put some kind of end cap on the last piece? Kek

>token-ring networks
my fucking networking book seemed to spend like a third of the time discussing token ring when it was already fucking dead

If it had a black foot on it and a little tiny twig like thing at the end.
One of my ISA cards had that.

Found one that looks like the one I had.
Though I'm certain the ethernet and the 15-din port was on opposite sides.

Coaxial cabling, yeah. I get some Intel card that has all the three types of connector.

Hah, user posted pic while I was searching. Mine is similar. But I only ever used it with the RJ-45. It was in a second hand computer in which it was probably also put from scrap.
They were a fucking nightmare to set up. Had a 5 rig setup for my mates to play c&c.


Same here.
Second hand, $20 for the whole PC back in 1999-2000

had a yellow sandwich shaped sound card that couldn't do 3d sound at all, so Diablo II ran like crap when I had audio on, but had no problem playing winamp at the same time.
Like this but with full-length ISA.

Dayum... that coax followed through all the way to PCI?

Yeah, that Intel of mine is PCI.

What's your MSN name?
Netscape Navigator
Microsoft Golf

Home networking used to be so comfy before the internet days
Playing the same games over and over again Getting into mapping/modding because that was one of the few ways to get new content

>tfw it will never be 1998 again

>TFW total annihilation came out on steam


oh shit totally forgot about TA
>play that huge ass ocean map with my two brothers
>build a shitload of big berthas and fuck everything up
>suddenly get bombed by a whole screen full of bombers
>try to escape via water only to get rekt by submarines

that game was too fucking cool, truly ahead of its time.
I wonder why it didn't get that much attention at its time

>tfw golden age of RTS is over

I wish I had that but I only had 3 PCI slots on my board the other 4 was ISA and since I had a main graphics card, 2 Voodoo 2 cards I had no choice.

Dude Golf!
Have you played Prairie dog hunt?
Too bad you can't run it unless you ran it as 16-bit.

I always dreamed about going 50 years into the future and bring back a top of the line PC to play Shogo at max graphics.

I love that Monolith loader that Shogo and Aliens vs Predator had.

It felt so good when my Pentium 2 with two Voodoo 2 cards had higher FPS than my friends 800MHz Celeron with 8MB AGP.

kernel panic - not syncing - attempted to kill init

It's like a quid on steam, and its DRM free. You can use google and some program to play multiplayer. No more infected torrents.

Video sites still demand flash regularly

I have with antergos on my laptop. I can't figure out how to fix it

Yeah I made a shit ton of maps for C&C1 and RA. I'd get home from school on a Friday, spend 2-3 hours tweaking the latest maps waiting for friends to come over, then we'd get high on poor quality hash and play until 6-7am.
Good times.

>DirectX not detected, reinstalling

Fucking doom3...
>Install the whole game taking ages changing CDs (pre-dvd release)
>You know you have the DX version installed since you've had it installed once, but had to remove due to HDD space.
nah, I don't need to reinstall DirectX 9 again...
>Game uninstalls itself in less than a second.

"DirectX End-User Runtime (June 2010)"

"MSVC++ 6.0"

>"You want to install America Online 7.0?"

"Yes, install Google Chrome as my default browser"

Those dynamic shadows and the mipmapping were fucking great when it came out, never seen anything like it before.
Didn't Far Cry 1 come out at the same time? That was a nice contrast with the open areas and the tropic feel. That water looked way too good

>"DirectX End-User Runtime (June 2010)"
So glad they made every DX9 into a big 1GB+ exe.

>"Yes, install Google Chrome as my default browser"
Forceful, just like M$, making money from privacy is the new black plague.

Yup, same with HL2
All three took one direction and did wonders in their own category.

DOOM - Lightning and shaders
HL2 - Physics and object projecting/multishading
Farcry - Lots of vegetation and large maps.

Oh shit totally forgot about HL2.
What a great time for first person shooters

Like what?

The first version of the Win32 API was just a 32bit version of the Win16 API but had to use different calls. Win32s just translated Win32 API calls to the Win16 counterpart if it existed.

All the overseas hosted "free-netflix" sites that use flash backdoors to create botnets. Ooops did I spill the beans?

While the player base is less than likable, gmod has served me a couple of hundred hours just because of the way it handles physics.
Just wish more engines had such a sandbox game that loaded assets from other games as well as it.

Though I liked physical things, people just want E2 chip and thrusters instead of actual vehicles with self made engines, transmissions, steering etc.
They just hurr durr thruster on a car prop or worse yet, load a car model that uses the Jeep physics that are just... awful.

Fun fact: The asset still remains on the Windows code, but because it doesn't support non-ACPI booting anymore it will never appear.
Pic related shows how it would look like.

Ehhh, I bet there are situations where it can appear, but they are so niche that they will basically never happen.

it may be there as a failsafe in case ACPI decides not to work for any reason?

Or maybe classic MS, "lets just keep dialer.exe/moricons.dll/old_ass_Win16_shit.oldassextension for muh compatibility reasons"

Spot on, but i got rid of flash long time ago

I have seen this around in 2016.
On a corporate intranet mind you.

modprobe -r pcspkr
Blacklist pcspkr module from startup.

Its important to know they exist as theres still a couple hospitals/government agencies that are dependent on ancient shit.

Funny how today you can probably write a fast-enough VBScript to JavaScript "JIT" in plain JavaScript.

There basically isn't anymore. Yeah, legacy shit is everywhere, but token-ring is such a pain in the fucking ass to maintain and administrate that basically everybody has switched to Ethernet. With token ring, a single broken device fucks up an entire network. No-one wants to deal with that shit.

>it may be there as a failsafe in case ACPI decides not to work for any reason?
It's not hard to imagine there's devices where you can manually disable ACPI shit.

Could you actually do that? I never played gmod but I might give it a try if so.

I'm proud of you.

I need to know how to trigger that shit.

Not tech-related you stupid idiot

Let me guess... Tanenbaum?

Windows XP startup jangle

How to turn off ACPI?

I was just on Adult Swim and noticed that you still needed it.

QEMU on Windows
Wait, is that a thing?


You can do a lot in that darn game.
But sliders *(a kind of constant rope that acts like a piston) are still kinda glitchy with multiple props, so make sure you have Wiremod.
My old crap from some time ago
As stated, did some videos when I learned how to bind a DS3 controller to work with gmod.

Did you use a scripting language to make these work or is it physics alone?