Now that Trump is president. Will you all start buying U.S. based Eluktronics? Or pay the 100% tariff fees?

Now that Trump is president. Will you all start buying U.S. based Eluktronics? Or pay the 100% tariff fees?

>U.S. company
>Made in China

>Designed in US

It's pronounced GYNA


I read an article saying they were made in Delaware while i was waiting for my car to be fixed

Its based in Delaware
But are you sure they aren't rebranded Clevo laptops?

Scratch that, they are just rebranded clevo laptops, they don't even design them

The US will turn Venezuela-tier


He's not President yet.
Technically not even President elect either. The Electoral College doesn't meet for another few weeks.

I already bought a Pixel and have US laptops and a all US manufactured computer part custom built Desktop running LFS

Does anyone outside China even have the tools and know how to turn raw materials into microchips anymore?

Hillary lost

That computer is based on a Clevo model.

Is designed on China also.

Hillary lost, so no it won't

5 cent good Chinese workers or 13 dollar piece of shit emo American workers. Niggers won't even be able to buy a tablet on layaway anymore

That's a Clevo you fucking mongoloid.

Not exactly, Clevo's taiwanese.

All custom built PCs will soon sport a Supermicro motherboard eh
Would not complain desu

Apple is going to bring their manufacturing back to the U.S. after Trump is in power so I'll switch to Apple to support American made products.

>Now that Trump is president. Will you all start buying U.S. based Eluktronics?
AVOID* I don't want NSA faggots in my PC

Yeah that's true. Dallas Cowboys aren't in the playoffs. It hasn't been called yet

What? Venezuela went socialist. Do you think Bernie Sanders won?

>Will you all start buying U.S. based Eluktronics?
USA has shipping fees + customs and NSA botnet.
China has free worldwide shipping and Chink botnet.

Yeah i guess i'll keep buying from China.