Tfw became good with Linux

>found a good distro
>got everything working perfectly
>downloaded all my programs, install them
>all working perfectly
>know how to troubleshoot issues and resolve them
>know how to use the terminal and navigate the OS using only it

>tfw at the end of the day it's just an OS
>tfw staring at the desktop trying to think of something interesting to do

already did that too

Install gentoo

post screenshot

Install OS X/Windows and do something productive already.

does your mom know you have drawings of naked little girls on your pc?


thats not rice...

>all working perfectly
what did you expect?
you are using a simple distro with a simple DE.

user dont judge other people's taste in rice, its not nice

im not, your just using default stuff though...

but I'm so tired

I said I had already riced it, I didn't say I have it riced right now. Riced desktops are not very useful at the end of the day.

you use it as a computer like anyone else now
are you mentally handicapped?

Am I supposed to make things harder on myself?

>No point in using Linux cus im 12

Some people actually use Linux for their jobs and research, unlike you kiddies

no, just be productive and use it like a normal OS and use your computer, this is why I hate ricetards, they just want to play around with the system and just stare at their desktop, literal autism

Install solus

no u

but I like to play games and Linux doesn't have the games I like to play

I guess I can use it to shitpost and look at porn and do my actual work (5% of the time I spend on the computer all done in-browser), but I'll miss those gaymes..

I feel ya, my Steam library is autistically huge (600ish games), how could I just give them up?

looks like your problem isn't related to tech but poor choices in life


but then again there's all that bad stuff I saved over the years that I probably do not want to be snooped by the gubbermint

Start installing Linux on more and more obscure devices. Begin with your desktop, move to a laptop, then a tablet, etc etc.

but it's Ubuntu so it's probably going to be anyway

just can't win

I was thinking of just selling it for like 800 bucks but who the fuck would buy an account for that much off a stranger on the internet
but yea my gaming addiction got kinda bad a couple of years ago

What do linux nerds do all day? Pretend theyre programmers and try to make their desktop look cool? fuckin dweebs




Watch anime, dumb cunt. You wish you were half as cool as us jaypee kids.

agree, but if you don't have a life, what else do you do? specially if you're too lazy or dumb to learn or spend your time productively

At least fix the panel.

this is why gnome is the fucking masterrace

Enjoy your touchscreen optimized "desktop" experience.

I don't like your panel. I like mine.

>he doesn't have a touchscreen device to use with GNOME

then what else am I supposed to use that looks decent without ricing and that doesn't require hours to set up?

But Windows is better for watching anime. No madvr with Linux

heh, come back in 20 years kid
Don't speak to me or my wife's anime ever again until you figure out how to use shaders and vapoursynth in mpv.

Xfce or MATE

AVS forum says madvr is the best. Those guys are autists devoted to squeezing every drop of image quality out of their video so I have to take their word over yours.


Sorry buddy, my Vaio L is somewhere on the e-waste field.

If you know what to do it's under 10 minutes. The default panel is too retro. Occasionally lurking /r/unixporn can give you tips.

>weather app in the panel

they are like little children
kiddo, you're fifteen hundred eons too early to be talking to me
i am like a god compared to those lowly ants on the ground

now go back to mining bitcoins for madshit's botnet

btw I use mpv as well and the difference between it and madvr when both are set up right is squat

the difference is that mpv is lighter and isn't ugly as ballsacks

also it's open source which is an automatic plus because all closed source software is botnet by default

Please don't shitpost with Gentoo-tan images.

>5% of the time I spend on the computer all done in-browser
What millenials consider """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""work""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

If you were a piratefag you wouldn't have such regrets

>and isn't ugly as ballsacks

just run it with no gui at all like mpv if that's how you roll

mpv has a gui though

and it used to be very touchscreen friendly as well until they changed it

regardless I don't use trashheap OSes like wangdows to watch anime

don't get why you go out of your way to use inferior software

It's well advertised.

not an argument

it has a psuedo-gui

did you put a real gui on over top of it?

GUI means graphical user interface. mpv has that. There's nothing pseudo about it.

>windows users calling others plebs
loving every lol

I was agreeing saying people will defend something if it is well advertised, Sup Forums approved, or VSR forums approved. Most people don't know what madvr even does, but all the cool kids with it, so they use it. And they keep recommending it continuing the advertising.

Some functions do not have a GUI equivalent. There's no drop down menu to click to get full screen, for instance. That's why it is called a psuedo-gui, it's not all the way there.

under 10 minutes regarding which DE/WM? I always wanted to get a good i3 setup but that shit looks like it takes a lot of time

>downloaded all my programs, install them

1000 bucks say OP is lying. People don't manually download and install software in Linux, everything is handled by the package managers

>but I like to play games and Linux doesn't have the games I like to play
And yet you installed Linux. Literal autism right there folks.

>implying a package manager doesn't download and install things

I3 is my favourite tilling manager because it's easy to rice, literally writing rgb in hex

how 2 setup mpv properly? i have it installed.

I think it's because the default config looks ugly as fuck while the riced ones are hot as hell so it seems like you need to put a lot of work into it

Once you understand documentation of config you can rice it in less than 30 minutes with your finger in your ass

guess I'll slap it in a VM and fuck around with it for a while, thx user