What went wrong?


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>hey guys, what about instead of just adding new stuff and deprecate the old stuff to keep backwards compatibility with kegacy code we just completely change the language specification

>someone who hasnt used python in forever

wait wut happened

Python 3 came out 8 years ago and there are people who refuse to upgrade because that means rewriting their spaghetti code into something that's efficient.

Have you ever met software developers?

They're the biggest bunch of luddites on the planet.

You used the title instead of comment field.

>we just completely change the language specification

If you know python2, you know python3.

Nothing big changed

Any problems with library support with 3?

Oh yeah, I know the basic syntax is pretty much the same, but there are so many timy changes that refactoring old code became a chore.

Also many module developers dragged their feet when uodating their shit to 3.0, which slowed down the adoption rate even more

The jump to Python 3 didn't change enough for people to bother upgrading but did change enough to make people find it too complicated to upgrade.

Also, all the most prolific and well-established books, guides and tutorials are based on Python 2

I accidentally started with Python 2 because I listened to someone say the libraries wont updated and codecademy was using 2.7.

I sincerely hope nobody else falls for that bullshit. Any major library has been made available for Python 3 and its just superior.

You are a stupid cunt jew retard

Newfriends cannot learn python 3. Your experiance with Python 2.7 allowed you to comprehend Python 3.

Yeah but you're gay

The only major issue I have is that socks hasn't been ported over which means httplib2 doesn't support proxies.

Guess who needs httplib2? Google's api interface for python (reeee) :(

That is nonsense

They threw the baby out with the bathwater.

Another example is what happened with Angular 2.

It was invented.

Implement it yourself then

t.Retarded tripfag.

str() went wrong. Who the hell thought replacing a function with another that breaks backwards compatibility is a good idea?

Throwing out the old strings pissed off dumb nerds like . Constantly encoding and decoding is shit, I for one am glad they threw the trash out.

Python 2 was a complete fail.

With Python 3 they finally realized Strings should be unicode by default and made a slightly less retarded syntax.

Still Python is so annoying:

# python

# ruby

No nigger that shit messed up my real time socket message decoding code. Took me like 2 days to find a way to make SWIG work with Python 3

Nothing, but Zed Shaw turned out to be a complete ignorant retard.

>let's change the language/interpreter enough to be incompatible but not enough to really benefit

Basically this.

I prefer powershell/.net to python*

suck it.

>python (any version)
thanks for the laugh senpai

That's a great idea! I think it's time for Python 16 now. Just make sure it's not compatible with anything that came before it so the plebeian programmers don't bring their ugly ancient Python hobbits to this pristine Python 16 multiverse!

this, and also python language wasn't discontinued

But... what you're doing there is complete nonsense

arr = str.split(",")
str = ",".join(arr)


Yes, it was just an example. Still, there's no excuse that you have to evaluate that code like this:


instead of this:

I know that "len([1,2,3])" is just a shortcut for "[1,2,3].__len__()", but that doesn't help pythons case here. If I invent a stupid shortcut which is the 'one and preferrably one way to use', then it's still retarded.

EITHER you go full Pascal and use everything as function arguments.
OR you go OOP where objects have properties and methods.

But this "in-between" is the cancer that is really killing Python. Python tries to be everything at the same time without a sensible and intuitive concept.

The sad thing is that Zed A Shaw went out too early

Imagine if he was here in the popularity that is JS.

Back then Ruby was thought to be big, but nothing could've prepared to the state of the programming right now. Like people actually used Ruby at some point


Dude, Rails was one of the most influential frameworks ever. Literally every langauge has made a Rails clone. The Rails community was full of battles, but it was a super-productive environment. They did a lot of trying out stuff, they made a lot of mistakes, but they also learned from their mistakes. Rails5 is a very mature and very well designed piece of software. Also it was influential for others. CoffeeScript, Ember.JS, Underscore.JS, Elixir (and therefore the Erlang community), even in modern languages like Go, Swift or ECMA Script 6 you can find traces of Ruby. Last but not least, Ruby is by far the best scripting/web language out there. Even if you don't like Rails, there are so many good frameworks like Camping, Sinatra, Cuba..

bottom line:
Zed Shaw meet some people that were mean to the poor Zed and just didn't see how much a genius he is. Also it's somehow the fault of Ruby/Rails that Zed worked for a lot of assholes, because reasons.

Rails and Ruby is dead dude

>break backwards compatibility for the sake of greater good
>keep SELF

>keep metaclasses/mutable classes
>keep py_init(); and the rest of horrible C API
>Perl still has better sandboxing
>keep undeclared variables
>keep long start times

But like he said, lots of other languages have things similar to Rails