>Hear good things about lastpass
>Download it
>Set it up
>All it does is store and autofill your passwords
Why does anyone use this? Any modern browser already has this.
Am I being memed on?
Hear good things about lastpass
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, I guess it's for people who can't memorize their passwords when they have a lot of it.
But what did you expect? Of course it only does this.
it's even more secure - not even you know your own passwords!
more to the point why would anyone use a cloud-based password manager instead of a local application
You can generate very strong passwords at the push of the button and sync them with all of your devices without being stuck using the same browser everywhere.
>need to access it remotely
You really thought this through. I think you mean "self-hosted."
>oh no I might have to copy a file to my laptop!
people overestimate the utility of cloud-based shit.
>have to setup a sync between my server and my laptop
Or you know I can just use this service that generates strong passwords and directly integrates into my browser. You can continue to make your life more difficult for no good reason, though.
> send all those autofilled credentials to someone else's computer, while also sending to google's or firefox's computers
thats the difference.
youre sharing with others
on the other hand
you can go to any computer with a net connection
and log in with full access to all passes you have stored in lastpass
Please, continue to use Chrome or Firefox as your password vault. I love people like you that think it's secure.
How is storing your password anywhere secure?
It's nice to know someone out there loves me
>logging into anything on an untrusted machine
>what is a VPN
>what is your work computer
>Why does anyone use this?
Because they are mentally retarded.
LastPass encrypts your data as soon as you enter it and before it is in your vault. Stop making retarded threads.
>thinking a VPN will protect you if you do things on a compromised machine
>mixing your work and personal usage
>not using KeePass/KeePassX
The only thing bad about LastPass is the chance of them getting hacked and you getting your LastPass password stolen. This probably will never happen though since they tunnel everything.
If you are really paranoid and wearing a fucking tinfoil blanket right now then use Keypass2Android Offline.
>not using pass: the standard unix password manager
I have been using it for a couple of years now. It does generate some really kick ass passwords. Besides, when you have bank accounts, email, work things.. Trying to remember 40 different passwords is just nuts. Especially if you want them to be DECENT passwords.
>tl;dr It's easier to memorize one insane password instead of 40.
Ive actually gone with one Anons suggestion of having password tiers, like one you have for bank accounts etc that's super secure and another less so for all your non important shit
>Any modern browser already has this.
Yo can take your passwords across browser, not just one.
I only use it for sites I don't care about. Otherwise store important passwords on Keepass or related.
>any year
>using anything other than windows
n e a t
I use lastpass on work phone, personal phone, work laptop, work desktop, personal desktop, personal laptop, ipad, girlfriends mac.
You can argue for self-hosted cloud password sync if you want, but fuck keeping all of the above in sync by manually copying a file around each time you make a change
If you can memorise your passwords your doing something seriously wrong.
>tfw not giving into the impulse that "easier is better"
>tfw using vague descriptions of parts of your strong ass passwords online in case you forget some of them
>LastPass encrypts your data as soon as you enter it and before it is in your vault. Stop making retarded threads.
Is that so? Do you have a way to prove that or you're just taking their word for it? Where's their source code? How do you anything they claim about such an important topic is true?
They don't store your password. It's done using a one-way salted hash, so even if they're infiltrated (highly unlikely) all someone can get is your fully encrypted vault.
It has utility if you leave the basement. Neckbeard
Passwords stored in browsers are easily compromised.
Also allows to access password vault accross devices.
Multiple people have monitored their traffic (using wireshark and whatnot) and saw that only the encrypted archive is sent.
However, we don't know if there's a vulnerability (or malicious feature) in their website login that would let them steal the password from there.
Maybe some user knows about some information that would debunk this theory.
Any source for those traffic monitoring results?
I use multiple devices.
Don't remember honestly as this was several years ago, but IIRC that stuff was posted on Sup Forums so you might find something in the archive.
Overrated, just use a txt in an encrypted .rar in iCloud or Google Drive of your choice, its wille be synced. Can iPhones even open .rar files, and can iCloud even store them? Lel