Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with calling everything a botnet and throwing hissy fits?

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with calling everything a botnet and throwing hissy fits?

Don't you realize you're doing that on the biggest botnet of them all? Yes, the internet itself is now a botnet and there's nothing you can do about it. Your ISPs record your browsing data, using a vpn won't help because the requests to and from your pc still go through your isp.

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give me freedom or give me death, motherfucker

if you don't care, why do you care i care

That's nice, retard.

Not everyone lives in the United Kingdom you paki.

I use proper opsec, and i don't even have an op. Run a VPS in Switzerland and setup a VPN. Ain't got anything to worry about as long as you use HTTPS, and 80% of websites use it nowadays. A few forums i use don't have it, but hell, all i had to do was PM them Let's Encrypt.

Sup Forums isn't a european website, it's a multi-culture website, mr. Paki.

Some people want thing to get better, not worse, stop using botnet shit, install gentoo and stop being a faggot.

Haha , i can assure you that the ISP don't get a things of what i'm doing , and i'm only using a vpn at the moment

I'm sure you were nearly halfway to making a good point, OP, but what you described is not a 'botnet' and so it doesn't really make sense.

Sup Forums is an american and japanese botnet

I had to dumb it down for Sup Forums, but I'm sure you understand my point.

Is that a real human person or a doll?

Who is this person and why does she keep getting posted everywhere

She's real, I think...
She's cute though

I agree.

I want to say that this is b8, but I've heard normies say this same exact shit before.

watch this video if you're being serious. youtube.com/watch?v=E_wX40fQwEA

>Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with calling everything a botnet
Because literally everything is botnet

In 2016 can you buy a new laptop computer without a management engine botnet?

Can you buy a phone without a botnet?

How about a desktop computer without a botnet?

Fuck does the Raspberry Pi have a botnet yet?

Nerd alert.

Datamine != botnet
I don't put any personal information into a text box on Sup Forums, evading any consequence of whatever spying Hiro has instituted

Should I update the Management Engine firmware on an x201, or this going to cuck the laptop even more? What about the regular BIOS (which is only slave to the iME) update?

Retard alert.


No you don't understand. Sup Forums doesn't actually mean a real botnet. They mean anything and everything connected to a network of anykind.

>Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with calling everything a botnet and throwing hissy fits?

Because 90% of Sup Forums is autistic.

Feels good to be the 10%.

>requests to and from your pc still go through your isp.
The requests are encrypted. All the ISP sees is that you're sending and receiving encrypted data from a VPN.

>that nose
*throws up*

nigga you gay or a jealous female

anyway she obviously isn't legal but braces and a nice rack. phew

>talking to guy i know
>idk why but we talk about windows
>tell him id install newer ones if there was no tracking n sheeit
>"as long as youre not doing illegal things you are okay i dont mind them spying me"
>ask him a simple question
>"if given a choice of an operating system with spying and without spying, which one would you choose? they are exactly the same except for the spying part."
>he cant give a straight answer
>"w-well i dont mind them spying but would you choose non-spying system or spying if they paid u 5 million $????"

W-well? Would y-you?