16 GB of RAM is too much they said

>16 GB of RAM is too much they said
>It isn't even enough
kms for falling for the Sup Forums memes. at least my gaming laptop supports up to 64 GB of RAM so I can just buy some sticks and upgrade it.

Has anyone else fallen for any dumb autist ramblings?

Other urls found in this thread:


16GB is too much for the average user, but I guess since you like to apply filters to noise then it won't be enough.

>4% zoom
What the fuck do you even want to make

>not doing your own research
>not knowing hardware requirements for programs you run

lel, serves you right.

20,000 x 20,000 canvases for multi monitor wallpapers. I'm reverting to 11,520 x 6480 canvases since that would suffice for 3 x 3 4K monitors and it's within my system's current hardware limits

Tell me user, what do you need 20000x20000px image of static noise being crystalized for?


>having more resources is bad

Have you consider yourself being autistic maybe?

I never said that, I just said the average user wont be needing more than 8GB.

>having a hobby is autistic

Making pointlessly huge canvases and then running filters on them for the sole purpose of consuming all your available memory isn't a hobby.

If you know what you are doing 8GiB is enough for 99% of professional cases. Git gud noob

>If you know what you are doing 8GiB is enough for 99% of professional cases.

nice projection compadre

>Quickly resorting to the classic Virtual machine defence
I'm referring to OP's case: photoshopping

It is when OPs "gaming laptop" gets 3 hours of battery life.

I'm happy with my 3 year old 16gb Macbook Pro that gets 5-6 hours of battery life, and I'll be very happy with my new 16gb Macbook Pro that get's 8-9 hours of battery life when it arrives.

>not having an esxi server at home
>esxi isnt a professional application
for fucks sakes I just installed Cisco Prime Infrastructure and that appliance takes up 12GB of RAM by it self. Each of my two Windows Server 2016 file servers take up 24GB each for deduplication. 8GB is nothing nowadays.

Allocating more than 4GB of RAM to a VM on your personal computer is frankly pretty retarded.

Re read my post, mouth breather

Being a "professional" is a far broader term that the tiny amount of people doing heavy Photoshop work or someone who's editing multiple 5K video streams, something the new Macbook Pro can do just fine by the way.

>you should be constantly swapping ram to disk
dedup wouldnt even run with 4GB

>i wish i could write a post properly

I bet I can do it on GIMP with 4GB of RAM.

>I wish I could read a post properly
>I wish I knew basic crammer

>>Adobe Photoshop CS6

Maybe try using a version of Photoshop released in the past 5 years?
CS6 was released for OS X Mountain Lion, for fucks sake.

Actual "professionals" pay for their fucking software.

>i wish i could spell the word grammar

>dedup wouldnt even run with 4GB

For simple data duplication software?
The developers should fucking kill themselves.

>dedup wouldnt even run with 4GB

You run dedup in a VM on a laptop with a single hard drive?

Ideally I should be allocating even more

>44ghz of processing capacity
>160GB RAM
>25.34 TiB of storage
yes, it is a laptop

I hope you also like your adapters. However comfy MacOS might be the hardware isn't worth it anymore.


CS6 is the last good photoshop release, the next releases aren't even really releases, they're just botnet and bloat

The argument is that 16gb is more than enough memory for a PERSONAL COMPUTER, no a goddamn server farm, you autist.

>So many people in this thread opposed to ricing and using computers with more power than they will need

>I'm happy with my 3 year old 16gb Macbook Pro that gets 5-6 hours of battery life,
That doesn't happen, just browsing the Sup Forums and having a Remote Desktop session open on on my 13" rMBP (mid 2014). I have 4 hours of battery life which will quickly be even less once OS X realizes it doesnt have as much of a charge as it thinks.

Are you angry that you dont have a keygen for Adobe CC? Do you want one?

The argument was for a "professional cases", not "personal computer". And server is my personal computer, along with a rMBP.

I'm mostly just changing USB3.1 micro to Type-A cables to USB3.1 micro to Type-C.
Big fucking deal.

I'll be selling my existing Thunderbolt cables and accessories with my old Mac, so it all comes up even.

i like this guy

>just browsing the Sup Forums and having a Remote Desktop session open

You realise RDP is essentially streaming non-accelerated video, right?

If I used Safari rather than Chrome, I'd be getting 6-7 hours, no problem.

A quick google search suggests you need to change a Photoshop setting. Otherwise, use scratch disks.

yes, and it is on an alternate desktop and nothing is really being displayed on the session besides a static image so its use is minor. Even under the battery menu bar item, the only thing using significant energy is Firefox.


>Actually falling for it

>wanting to be part of the Chrome botnet

>damage control

>I was pretending to be retarded
Newfags ITT

SJW shit aside it's the least meme browser there is. Chrome is botnet and Vivaldi doesn't work. What can you do?

stop being retarded

>What can you do?

If you want maximum battery life on a Mac, use Safari.

The Chrome botnet meme is getting a little tired, it's not a botnet if you don't give it any information on you. I basically use my Google account to sync my tabs/bookmarks and remember my YouTube preferences and that's it.