Well gentlemen?
Remember the Net Neutrality fight in 2014/2015.
Well gentlemen?
Remember the Net Neutrality fight in 2014/2015.
Net Neutrality is literally the one thing preventing comcast from charging extra for netflix and crap.
>Remember the Net Neutrality fight in 2014/2015.
No, I don't believe that ever happened.
Were you living under a rock?
Net neutrality is a controlset developed by Zionist businessmen to take in more cash from ignorant people. Nuke Israel, praise the one True God-Emperor, Donaldio Trumpus
Their pipes, they should be allowed to
Comcast could just start enforcing a data limit, and charge more for people who go over...
This was bound to happen. Hillary was publicly for net neutrality but she was funded in part by every telecom in America. One of Obama's best moves was appointing Tom Wheeler, who despite formerly working for the cable industry has done a lot to protect the rights of consumers.
Isn't this just a DNS issue? I mean, all you need to do is hide the fact that you are connecting to those services from your ISP, right? Couldn't a VPN accomplish this?
>le pol meme face defence
>ISPs have infinite bandwidth, so i deserve to have µtorrent one 24/7
No, were you.
Free market economics.
It's not 'infinite,' but I guarantee that their infrastructure isn't working anywhere near its capacity
If I pay for a certain speed I understand that it's being advertised as "Up to" meaning that many factors can influence the speed of my connection. I would hope my internet service provider is doing its best to get the data to me as fast as my plan allows it to regardless of what the data is.
You also realize that this won't end with piracy. Netflix rates will definitely go up if they need to pay Comcast $400m to continue business as usual. The same goes for iTunes, Hulu, YouTube or any other online service that's big enough for ISPs to want a check.
You're worried about that? Worry more about the spike in electronics prices once the trade embargoes with the East have been established.
China has a larger supply of rare earth metals (needed for semiconductors) than we do and most electronics fabs are in various Asian countries (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan). An embargo is a double edged sword that will hurt us a lot. It might arguably hurt China more in the long run since the Western market is very profitable for them but the short term damage would be quite severe for us and the prices for us would never be as low as they are now though once mines and fabs are up locally they would come down, just not to pre-embargo levels.
I just want to take a moment to say fuck you.
Fuck you.
Hillary clinton would have done the exact same thing, except worse probably
If telecoms were allowed to have competition, then yes
Why would you prefer a large company benefit instead of all internet users in America?
That would be fine if they weren't simultaneously paying off politicians to put legislation in place that prevents competition in specific jurisdictions and making non-competitive agreements with each other to maximize profits in others.
Free market economics works when the companies have incentives to compete. Telecoms have no incentive to compete because the infrastructure costs to set up a network are gargantuan and thus the few new players on the market can easily be pushed out or bought.
So yes, actually, net neutrality is good.
>Their pipes, they should be allowed to
The bandwidth has already been purchased by the consumer. That's like a power company billing Intel extra because someone overclocked their processor and it's using more power. That's retarded and you should feel bad for defending it
Also consider the physical limits imposed on utilities. There is not an infinite amount of space to route fiber/coax/copper. Each additional set of lines is more expensive to install (have to dig deeper, or at least along routes not used or have to work more carefully to not damage a parallel run, and all options pose a greater risk for all other existing lines. This also applies to wireless systems, there is a finite amount of usable RF spectrum and there is no way to create more.
This is why they are regulated, you /cannot/ have a free market with a utility, certainly at least the physical infrastructure. Reality imposes limits that preclude a free market. Regulation should, if done correctly, provide a best case for society and prevent it being just whoever is first taking all and abusing their position.
It's their pipes, but most of it have been paid with tax money. In Scandinavia every company can use Internet infrastructure that is paid for with tax money.
The pipes, up to the streets themselves, are usually always built by the city, city owned and then rented to telecoms, usually as a virtual monopoly.
They telecoms are usually only providing the hookup from the street to the house.
This is why Net Neutrality is important.
Regretting voting for a corrupt businessman now?
>The pipes, up to the streets themselves, are usually always built by the city, city owned and then rented to telecoms, usually as a virtual monopoly.
Lol not in Australia we privatized the whole lot. It went really well and we totally don't have worse internet than egypt. One private company being handed a virtual monopoly on all the infrastructure works so well go free market!!
>>ISPs have infinite bandwidth, so i deserve to have µtorrent one 24/7
There's no such concept as a monthly bandwidth meter for ISPs. All bandwidth is momentary. If the network can handle 100 Mbps of traffic now, it can always handle 100 Mbps of traffic.
The fact that all caps expire simultaneously on the beginning of a month, meaning everybody is effectively unmetered, and the internet doesn't spontaneously implode is proof enough of them being pointless money grabs.
Also, torrent accounts for like 1% of the total network bandwidth. YouTube and Netflix alone are like 70%. So please tell me more about how pirates are killing the internet
Meshnet when?
>The fact that all caps expire simultaneously on the beginning of a month
Mine expires on the 18th
only idiots want shit like netflix
Not an arguement.
When Net Neutrality is killed (again) I will make a victory thread, not to gloat, but to remind us of the long hard road to freedom.