/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

just some good ol /ptg/ boys edition

Old thread: Not sure what private trackers are all about?

The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

WIKI : wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

/ptg/ Guide (not official) : gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>People may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned.
>Most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone got Nostream invite?


Why aren't you on pth yet?

Can anybody invite me into PTH? I was a sysop on NoS (have proof).


did /ptg/ really bring down NoS?
or is all that just a reddit rumor?

sent ;)

Can spaghettio tell us the ins and outs of opsec so nos doesn't happen again?

music is my curry

Is XnX's logchecker fucked or have people seriously not uploaded a perfect flac in hours

tenth for opsec

what tv shows have lots of ~100mb episodes that i can download from btn to get to elite?

I don't think their logchecker even works yet. The perfect flacs are web releases most likely.

we did. check the last thread for pics.

xanax doesnt have a log checker at all

I'm gonna wait a few days before I upload anything to Xanax, because
>open signup
>implying it's not a honeypot
gotta wait for this shit to calm down, get the few DMCA bots kicked.

>tfw baron of xanax
>tfw the .01% reigning over the plebs and currys

Some admin or something leaked an email list, the email list was taken advantage of and people figured out a bunch of admin passwords and sareks password. Shortly thereafter every account was made an admin or sysop, everything was freeleech and everyone got freeleech tokens. Site was shut down after 30 or so minutes of the initial post related


sitting here uploading transcodes to xanax because their staff won't do shit like

Grab some cartoons in standard definition.

>NOS hacked in less than a week


rip NoS

Funny how it's the same people claiming a tracker is curry and shitting the tracker themselves.

>my message is still at the bottom




You guys are fucking assholes why did you have to ruin this for us? Because you weren't invited??? Go fuck yourselves honestly pieces of shit faggot nerds


Go false flag somewhere else

i'd bang desu

Thank you based hacker, for exposing the incompetent fools at NoStream and preventing potential trouble with L.E. much further down the road

>this for us

lol its essentially public people will be shitting out invites soon

>tfw seedboxes bully my 40mbps upload into submission in swarms


>signing up for NOS

you got what you deserve


nobody who uses non-shit private trackers was using nostream

based ahd

hope you're right friendo

Just like What.cd was, amirite


The deserved it desu. With this level of security.

anybody could get into what.cd with an interview whats your point

That it was hailed as one of the "essential" trackers even though anybody could get in.

>Try to download music from xnx
>Accidentally go into xnxx

there's a reason why it's the one and only comfy

Not him, but how could something be an "essential" if people getting started with private trackers couldn't get in?

Wouldn't it be the exact opposite of "essential", then?

PTH recruitment on AHD when?

yeah, they just had enough staff to manage those users which xanax doesnt so we'll see how it goes. so far even discussions about banning certain countries that what.cd did is being met with a lot of negativity.

Does PTH have bonus points?

>tries to type 'a' presses 'n'

>implying jrs would ever shovel curry at you

Does anyone know if a tracker called "HD4Free" is any good?

lol stay with xanax

its complete shit

if you want an account, all you had to do was ask fampai. i'll gladly give you one. ive been trying to get some banned but it's not working. do you want 312c? how about azza or derpta?

1/20th the user base and 1/3rd the uploads, and 1000 more FLACs, wtf is xnx doing?

What's wrong about that?
I want to be able to download entire collections to find new music withou fucking my ratio.
Do you think PTP would be so sucefull without bonus points?
WCD was successful only because it was old and with a huge library

Would you happen to have a unclesalty?

bonus points don't work with music, stay with xanax so you can keep making accounts as you get disabled.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

PTH honestly needs some freeleech

people are waiting to download but dont want to ruin their ratio

didnt get that far down the alphabet, sorry

Sorry, I'm still pretty new and don't understand a lot of the acronyms in your post.

I would love an account, but I was told that private tracker administrators monitor /ptg/. Wouldn't both of us get banned?

Also I was really close to getting PU on what, if that means anything at this point

unclesalty is a cuck

xnx doesnt ban people

>Do you think PTP would be so sucefull without bonus points?
yeah giving that aside from aussiecucks, no one uses them for upload credit, and therefore points only count for invites which 312c bans entire trees, they're utterly useless.

ahd points are just for userclasses

ive never used a seedbox and have tbs of natural buffer on both

Obviously its not good

>bonus points don't work with music
Lol what a retarded argument

the guy who suggested curry.rip got banned

oh, you're in the wrong thread m8 ask in here

holy shit, nostream is a joke.

>pth cucks trying to justify its small torrent library and secret club attitude

>people are waiting to download but dont want to ruin their ratio

The point is that PTH needs to have their torrent index filled with content. It doesn't matter if people download yet. Freeleech will probably happen when there's enough users and enough content.

If you only download mainstream shit then you don't need bonus points, but try to download some small european cinema in bluray, and almost no one will download from you.


then you request it on ide

>Living in a not free country


wait, isn't this /ptg/?

>the fox and the grapes

yes pham

>Nostream is back up

hello sirs, can you send me x*x invite to my hotmail ? thanks my friend

I can't believe how stupid so many people must be to believe that xanax is better than pth purely based on the fact that they have more memebers and more torrents, while completely ignoring the fact that pth has a way higher number of torrents per user and has more perfect FLACs than xanax.

From what I've seen, xanax has shit quality torrents and shit quality users. Pretty sure people are only saying it's better because it's the only one they can get in. Why not just use rutracker instead?

I think it's probably too early to tell which one is going to end up being the superior tracker. All you're doing is speculating the same as everyone else.


>Nostream user mad that his email and IP got leaked


where in the actual fuck did this op image come from?

d-did you make it and never upload it?

Can't bully curry.rip yet because the flac count isn't accurate

>d-did you make it
>and never upload it?
guess not

PTH may have more users per torrent, but Xanax's Log checker isn't working right now, so we don't know how many FLACs are 100% checked, we do know that it has a bigger quantity of torrents under it's belt, and since it opened to everyone for the first two days, there's obviously going to be people that are going to get in and do nothing at all, and eventually get it's account disabled for being a son of a bitch. it's too soon to either compare the both of them or even see which one is the best.

is NoS safe to use?

Yes, all claims of hacks are fabricated

>it's too soon to either compare the both of them or even see which one is the best.
cause what was such a great tracker........

dw user it was just a ddos

It's dead Jim.


i miss kiyiko

he was always good for a laugh

>implying others arent worse

>there's obviously going to be people that are going to get in and do nothing at all, and eventually get it's account disabled for being a son of a bitch.
...by which time pth will have steamrolled xanax in member and torrent numbers. Great idea that, to waste time filling up your member cap with shit users.


where can i download 22 savage's unreleased mixtape?