/ptg/ - private tracker general

Private tracker Trading General edition #7

xanax and pass the curries on the table

we've had ipt, scc, btn, hdbits.com and more!

Old thread: Not sure what private trackers are all about?

The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

WIKI : wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

/ptg/ Guide (not official) : gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes do not ask for invites unless you have some to offer
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them send you bp
>Most of the invite offers here are people legit

Other urls found in this thread:


first for xanax is curry

[email protected]

Pls Send Xanax invite

third for pth is curry

>Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.
or you can wait it out. your call

I have infinite invites on NoStream when it coems back online

I can't believe how stupid so many people must be to believe that xanax is better than pth purely based on the fact that they have more memebers and more torrents, while completely ignoring the fact that pth has a way higher number of torrents per user and has more perfect FLACs than xanax.

From what I've seen, xanax has shit quality torrents and shit quality users. Pretty sure people are only saying it's better because it's the only one they can get in. Why not just use rutracker instead?

hi Zaphod

Logchecker isn't on, xanax hasn't updated the "perfect flac" stats for half a day. There's undoubtedly way more than what it's showing now (2,441)

Everyone was made sysop with infinite invites

user's first gazelle

ive been debating as to whether or not to leave you here all alone.

nekkoru shut down nostream but that's ok because here are her details. give her a call i.imgur.com/psh0oYF.png

c-could i have an invite to XnX?

Are people in this thread retarded? Isn't Xanax open registration right now?

no it reached 20k and closed like 6 hours ago

what trackers should I get on?

come join OT


Nala just called xanax users the scum of the earth

You're not going to take that sitting down, are you xannies?

Is PTH recruiting on BTN? I'm pretty close to the next user class there.

aww yiss


where is the irc?


oh nvm it's on hdbit forum

so are any of the new trackers actually not shit / honeypots


That logo is fuckin ridiculous

XnX or PassTheCuckphones?

wtf do i do? i can only bet on one horse


half the users are stupid communist druggies from wcd PU forums the other half are curries/cheaters/retards who browse /trackers/ looking for invites


the top 5% users of the best private trackers

You can bet on both horses, though. XnX will likely do open registration again in the future, since they were willing to do it once. If you get an invite to PTH, take it. The say they'll be doing recruiting out of standard invite forums soon, but who knows.

>half the users are stupid communist druggies from wcd PU forums

say no more senpai! i will join my people. thanks for making me decide

anyone got link for nostream leak?


Half the users are former WCD users who have content to upload and don't hoard ratio, the other half are curries/cheaters/retards who will get banned fairly soon


Le sekrit club consisting of a bunch of seedbox cucks who only care about hoarding ratio and not actually listening to music, resulting in a shitty tracker with only freeleech stuff properly seeded

What tracker do i need to build up to get into emp?

>half are cheaters
feels like home then.
Thank you ratio ghost!


...oh, wait

>Maximum users: 20,000
>Enabled users: 21,157
what did they mean by this?

some curries are about to get the boot

Those stats mean nothing this is all shit the tracker too.

>Become Power User on TehConnection and do some internal encodes there, then pm the recruiter in their invite
HDB doesn't have a recruitment thread on TehC what the fuck are you talking about user


so /ptg/, who won?


NoSecurity was a no-go from the start.
Xanax could be good if they quickly ramp up moderation and weed out unproductive users.
PTH is taking the right approach, but they'll eventually strangle themselves on obscure content if they don't expand invites, which they're planning on doing.

keep lurking

Is nostream coming back?

>NoSecurity was a no-go from the start.

I bet that if anyone wanted to hack any of the other trackers they easily could. Gazelle is an unsecured mess.

But it happened to NoS due to insecure admin passwords, not an exploit. That's basic shit.

it wont recover

>But it happened to NoS due to insecure admin passwords,
Serious? Where's the description of the hack I want to have a good laugh.

already dead
has massive potential, still undecided
run by tryhard elitists, if they play their cards right they will win but its still early to tell

Heresay on Sup Forums + easily fakeable screenshots, so might not be true. I heard it was a dictionary attack on a leaked user list.

One way or another, they were compromised days after launch without using some unknown 0day. I'll put my effort elsewhere.

From what I gather:
The leaked email list had temp emails that don't require login. Some user requested password recovery option on one of the mailinator emails. It turned out to be a Sysop. Then they ran wild all over NoSecurity.

So when will we know whether Xanax is a honeypot or not? When is it safe to participate?

Just use a unique password/mail/username dumbass.

BTN is recruiting for PTH

sarek's site for hosting image still up


itt post ledditors making shit up because they're afraid pth will overtake their shitty open sign up curry tracker

xanax has shown that it has strong enough opsec to deal with 20k anonymous users, some of whom have most likely tried to did what they did to nostream, you have to give them that at least

they haven't been hacked cause it'a a honeypot, dummy. also it's great to keep the plebs busy while PTH becomes king.

>be gone from the internet one day
>NoScope is dead
Good riddance

how do i go about maintaining my ratio? Seed BEST CLUB MUSIC 2016 DJ SOOZA to make up for more obscure leeches?


this or start uploading shit


We're on a imageboard and you post a link to a external image, you're retard?

lol at this 1/2

>he's not on xanax



20% low-level WCD autists, 70% indians, 10% FBI


100% trustworthy long term members of respected private trackers.

seedbox really hurt music trackers or is a /ptg/ meme



You have proofs or you only are one more shitpost faggot?

please do not bully the curry


very much this. been lurking throughout all of this on irc, etc. and I would say this is the most accurate tl;dr of the current status


>100% trustworthy long term members
>retards like 312c
>using the word "respected" when talking about sites stealing movies, music and shit


>been lurking throughout all of this on irc
Woah mr expert tell us more

pidor suka blyad )))))))

try it, hope so

pth: 200% autists
are you the pony autist

this and the fact that the only way to get in is BTN elite, PTP TM or being a well known former wcd TM,

literally any pleb can get into xanax.

xnx "goes hard"

come on over, it's "lit"

I am the pony artist

where is HDB recruiting ?

where did the diaper go

X is closed now, probably for a while

If anyone has an invite to PTH, can I please have it? I was elite on what.cd working towards TM but clearly that didn't work out. I'm a power user on PTP, 32pages, and IPT.

I'll start uploading my entire music library (70% flac, 30% mp3 and mostly niche genres). I got my invite to what.cd on Sup Forums 3 years ago and that user helped me have some of the best times of my life.

Email: [email protected]

Pic Related: The guy who invited me on last.fm

so only the 20,000 random panjits then.

> irc, etc.
c&p worse, you curry

Have you ever been this curry?

Now I just found my new throwaway mail provider.


Into the trash

>all dis /ptg/ asshurt over a tracker that no one is forcing them to use



First week on Sup Forums?

I completely agree but I only get movies and music, not much else on torrents so I didn't want to clog up torrentleech or another general tracker with an extra account when someone else could use it.


Why is nostream down?