What does Sup Forums think about computer speakers? Deciding between a cheap Logitech 2.1 setup (50 bucks) and a amp/bookshelf speaker setup.
Speaker setups
By the way would a setup like this work:
Polk t15 speakers
Lepai cheapo amp to power the t15s
Polk sub (powered)
How would one wire all that?
>blurry as hell
>effective resolution is more like 480x703
Why do people do this?
It's a screen grab from my phone chill out
This is why phone posters have a bad reputation.
Says the guy sperging over some shitty screenshot
I would like to have a set up of speakers but I went a bit much over budget because I have little impulse control and bought an extra ssd that I didn't need but couldn't pass up on.
Headphones are great for personal use but it's your call/money at the root of it. If you feel you need a speaker set, then by all means. I'm going to be looking for a nice set up in the coming days, hopefully for under $50.
Don't bother m8. People being autistic about it are just wasting bandwidth by complaining.
Yeah I've got good headphones (598) I just would like to have a speaker system too, nothing too crazy though.
Logitech are bro-tier casual speakers. I had a mid range 2.1 system and they sucked ass. Way too bass heavy, good for trap and techno shit, also for watching movies they are decent, but any real music will sound muffled and out of range. Got rid of them asap, now looking into bookshelf speaker setup.
Don't do the same mistake I did OP
I have and I love bookshelf speakers with a nice receiver...
Absolutely go for speakers.
I've tried numerous headphones, HD600, k701, HD598, and eventually settled on Stax lambdas as my favorites.
Then I got speakers, JBL 530s + PSA entry level sealed sub, whatever that model number is.
Now I almost never wear my headphones.
You just can't beat a good pair of speakers.
Do I even need to say anything?
No headphone can beat wearing nothing at all.
Not to mention "wireless", being able to walk around, grab something across the room real quick, never having to take headphones on/off.
Each has their pros and cons, headphones can do some things speakers can't, and vice versa.
In the end, I'm always surprised when I do put my lambdas on, at some things I was missing with speakers.
But in the end, the way the speakers fill the room with sound, and how you can actually feel the bass in your body, rather than just your head, is great. (A bass shaker helps though.)
Headphones better for positional audio and gaming skill, but I find how speakers sorta fill the room to be more realistic, and a lot more enjoyable.
and physically feeling a grenade go off is great. Although you need a solid sub for that.
Overall I just find my speakers a lot more enjoyable.
Also, with a good mic like a shure sm58, you can game with voice activated chat, and not echo at all, although you gotta get a mic boom and position it just right.
And absolutely, don't get shitty computer speakers.
Get something from an audio brand, either bookshelves + amp, or studio monitors.
A good subwoofer is really nice, especially if you aren't using tower speakers, but...
Fuck subwoofers under 300.
Not even worth it, get a bass shaker instead, like 75 for a aurora shaker and a cheap dayton plate amp combo.
>looking for cheapo speakers
>found genius sp hf500a
>genius sp hf500a
Nah, looks like shit.
Get these and that 15 dollar amp that everyone here shills.
Thinking about getting these speakers.
Lepai 2024 is the amp.
It's a real audio company, with good reviews, you could do a lot worse.
This might be a question better suited for /sqt/, but I'll ask here anyway.
I'm primarily going to use them as my pc speakers, but I'd like to use them on my ps4 as well.
How would I actually go about connecting them?
I can't suggest the jbl lsr305 enough. Cheap, reproduces sound amazingly, and has good neutral bass.
But they're about $200, more if you don't have an audio interface. Probably out of your price range if you want a pair of Logitech $50 shit speakers.
LSR 305
The speakers have RCA inputs.
PS4 however, does not have RCA outputs.
Normally, it'd be as simple as just RCA to RCA, 3.5 -> RCA.
You'll want to get an optical spdif to RCA.
Google it, they're cheap.
Then it's easy enough.
But, if that's your use, I'd recommend you look towards bookshelves.
Then you can expand towards surround sound later, and if you game a decent amount away from the speakers, bookshelves will have more volume for a large room.
Some monitors are plenty loud though, so depending on your room/preferences, could be fine.
LSR305s get pretty loud, for example.
If you get those, you'll also want an RCA switcher, unless you enjoy constantly switching cables.
Also cheap.
Ive had 8040 Genelecs for ten years now, and a 12" b&w subwoofer.
How do I connect to JBL lsr305 to the mobo soundcard of my desktop pc?
Use a cable
3.5 -> XLR adapter.
Don't worry, they're cheap.
curse you Satan it's as much as i pay my rent, which is like 20% of my salary.
actually it's more expensive than minimum wage in my country
>inb4 poorfag gtfo
I have a shitty minimum wage job and I set aside money for it. You can do it if you live a cheap ass life.
XLR is overkill, just get a 3.5 to 6.35 cable
TRS works fine too.
Hs8. There is no better speaker
slight hijack but kinda related, been looking for new pc speakers but nothing really works for my set up decided fuck it, go all out. And so im looking at floor standing speakers but im not sure about what brand to go. would prefer a amp buy the same company if not suggestions be nice. i have about $2000 to throw down as a early christmas present for myself to give a price range
2g is retarded, get a set of hs8's and stands. Maybe get a hs10 if you must
this is also for home theater as i have my computer setup to my tv in the lounge room, 2k was just a rough price bracket, im fine to go lower. my problem at the moment is just choosing what brand to go with.
Then why would you say pc speakers? I genuinely think hs8s sounds better than bose set ups but i feel youd rather pay for a brand? Get some bang and olufsons or whatever then
If you can get edifiers r1600 t3 instead. Slightly more expensive but better. If you can't afford passives that's probably the best you can do at this price point.
>computer speakers
Speakers marketed under this definition are often terrible so my opinion on them is "shit" and "don't waste your money".
If its the same logitech 2.1 that I have, then just stick with it. Those things get a lot of bang for that kinda buck.
wish i could afford to do that
>but nothing really works for my set up
Whether you put it on the floor or on a stand doesn't matter too much. The cheaper floorstanders will have little woofer area and internal cabinet volume. You would want a sub either way.
One model that comes to mind right now is the Infinity 263, or whatever they called their 6 inch floorstander.
Going used will also be in your interest. Audiogon, audiokarma, AVSforum, ebay, refurb outlets, or local classifieds a la Craigslist and such will help.
By any chance are you willing to DIY?