hmmm I dont remember ordering anything, wonder what that is
Hmmm I dont remember ordering anything, wonder what that is
>wonder what that is
Did you try opening it to find out?
Is it a MacBook you cocksucker?
No one cares.
let's find out
apparently it is a macbook pro
echo echo echo echo echo
test, do not reply please
don't let this slide, I have the perfect picture on my home computer to post in this thread. will be there in 90 minutes if everything goes planned
It would have been less gay if it was a dragon dildo desu senpai.
>already dongle'd
fuck the system
thanks for ruining it you arsefuck I told you not to fricking reply!!!!!!!!!!!!
>snake_case in JavaScript
>no tests
>that if-else in delete_data
>that indentation in DetailsComponent
>fucking katana leaning against the wall
How can you live with yourself?
Gz on the macbook tho, it's a goodie.
Money well spent.
hide your dock or move it to the side
>snake_case in JavaScript
I mainly do Ruby on Rails development, so I prefer snake_case
>no tests
on front end it's a waste of time for no real reason, other than maybe refactoring
> that if-else in delete_data
how else you wanna test a dialog confirm result?
>that indentation in DetailsComponent
nothing wrong with it
>fucking katana leaning against the wall
fair enough
if the ports are so universal... can you stick a penis in one?
>how can you live with yourself
making coding style errors / having a katana would make you suicide user? lol seek therapy
if (id) {
} else {
You could also just return the promise
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ... });
Btw why are you using setTimeout there?
If your application grows large enough, tests really come in handy.
t. person who wrote a medium sized CMS with Angular
i dun fukd up
>Customary fedora trolling in Sup Forums
>Btw why are you using setTimeout there?
simulating network request
I do agree that tests are very important on large projects, but this is not one of those
holy fuck how embarrassing bahahahaha
You must destroy it to please Stallman. He demands a sacrifice.
Btw it's a NativeScript 2.4 Master/Detail sample project that i use to bootstrap my mobile projects, it uses list view and detail view in dark mode with edit and delete (didn't implement whole CRUD though). It can compile to android and iOS, I can upload to github if you want it
>get macbook
>run windows 10 on it
why? mac OS is about the one good thing about macs
running it with parallels from the external hard drive for gayming
what are you going to run on that thing?
Where the fuck is tHeFalcon when you need him?
master race reporting
so many jelly poorfags :D
How does it feel to code on it user?
Is it worth getting it for basic development, and perhaps some content creation?
if they had normal usb a ports and a sd card slot i would buy one .
Maybe terraria
it'll do both with ease
>OP is a faggot.
But like how does they keycaps fell to use after a long section of coding? Is it any good?
Hey OP, post you're "dongle" if you know what I mean *wink wink*
it's awesome, i love this keyboard more than the one i had on my older macbook, the keys are very stable and clicky