Post all the wifi networks penetrating your home

Post all the wifi networks penetrating your home.

My neighbors are unoriginal

Other urls found in this thread:

Not really much

So you can cross-reference it with leaked Google Maps WiFi database and find out where I live?

Not today, but nice try

"FBI Surveillance Van"

Some guy in my neighborhood has that

Had a chuckle.

>Live in small country town

second in list is our neighbours, anyone wanna guess what their names are?

I envy you. City life is hell.

Yes, but how much do you pay for internet per month. Ours is $100 AUD (~$70 USD) for 500gb on a 20/1Mbps ADSL2+ connection. Fortunately we are quite close to the local telephone exchange, so speeds of 18/0.8 Mbps is what we normally get.

>how to get doxed

Nice try FBI

>tfw it was just me then Telstra came and is now invading my privacy.

I laughed out loud when I saw lowtier-animetrash during one of Louis Rossmann's streams.

One of you New York Sup Forumsentoomen must be near him.

Kek, they aren't even secured you dipshit
Anyone with Android SDK can look up that shit

OP you must live in a tiny shitbox of an apartment.

get cucked

get cucked even more

200/200 here, out in nowhere and only playing 21€

>there are people who pay for slow CAPPED internet

They weren't until someone reverse engineered web-API and leaked the whole thing you retard. Then after the public outburst google backpedaled and made it an official thing

But you weren't around when that happened so how would you know that

>Named my Wifi "TP ;)"
>No one around will get it.

>literary been doing it since wifi location came out
>n-nuh you don't know shit, my argument is valid, I didn't make it up
Yeah, keep implying faggot

I don't get it.

>TP ;).
>TP Wink.

Come on user.



you're all stupid
google "wigle"



Bicycle WiFi?

Rip channels

Only 1, my neighbors.
The 5 GHz band is completely empty.

Latency is always nice and low.

This is mine desu.

that chromecast isn't connected to internet, just saying


My WIFI is FBISurvalanceVan06 or 4chanpartyvan

Pass is always "itscalledausbline" if you every find me! (I use a hotspot and i travel to NYC everyday.)

How would you go about attacking my WPA2-Enterprise (PEAPv1-GTC) without using an MITM?

Idk some brute force



>He doesn't hide access point
>He doesn't isolate clients
>He doesn't disable advertise of his SSID
>He uses Apple shit

KYS yourself


Seeing that UT and rendering again gave me PTSD. I left Windows 10 because my eyes were going to hell due to its shitty rendering.

I'm switching to Gentoo once I get my new computer. I hate Windows.

The worst part is they don't let you set the fonts or the scaling anymore. Real dick move for laptop users with a small screen.

Ubuntu is quite okay, Gentoo/Arch are memes.

1. What advantage does Ubuntu have to Debian?
2. Why is Gentoo "a meme"?

(legacy) is a wireless b network that works with my TiBook on OS9 sometimes.

Debian has has constant issues with wifi and network manager. You can't use latest version of software because they are too slow to update their repos.

Gentoo is for people who want to optimize their kernel for special purpose, not for everyday desktop usage. It is needlessly complex to install and offers no real performance gain over other distros.

Arch is for shitlords with a superiority complex.

Ubuntu is the face of Linux and most widely supported by companies like Valve and Microsoft.

If you think Gentoo is "complex to install", you probably shouldn't be on Sup Forums.

>Post all the wifi networks penetrating your home.
how do i stretch the wifi showing thing in win7 so that i see all of them at once ?

What does it offer against the effort? Time is valuable. Why should I invest in a distro most people have never heard of? The few people on Sup Forums run it in VM's.

No one seriously runs Linux here as their daily driver. Let's get real.

This, senpai

>What does it offer against the effort? Time is valuable.
Yes, time is valuable.
Gentoo saves you time by optimizing your kernel and packages.
You just made an argument against yourself, user.
>Why should I invest in a distro most people have never heard of?
If you want something that's popular, why aren't you just running Windows?
>No one seriously runs Linux here as their daily driver. Let's get real.
How new are you?

3 out of these from our house,
1 is from the neighbor.



>neo-Sup Forums

>they don't let you set the fonts or the scaling anymore

lol wut

The fonts, no, but scaling options are definitely still there

pretty boring desu





Rather straightforward

Glad I live out in the woods. Just me and my router, no one else.

Fucking americans man, I swear. You could probably get yourself some nice wifi passwords with router keygen with that many ssids.

what DE and rice? looks like super flat remix and adapta but how do you get colored titlebars?

>gas the kikes

hello, fellow croatian

Are you for real nigga? 40% of Sup Forums runs arch for the meme, 40% uses winblows 10 for muh games, rest uses Ubuntu, a single retard uses solus, fucking nobody has a mac or anything apple that isn't an old iphone.

The majority of Australia is still on ADSL2, the government's National Broadband Network rollout is an absolute debacle. If you live in a metro area you can get unlimited 20/1 for $70 AUD per month, but country town means more expensive because Telstra sees fit to charge you more just because you have the audacity to not live in a metropolitan area.

Holy shit poorfag how many people do you share your tiny house with lmao hahaha

Come at me.




I don't miss being stuck on ADSL2+. NBN finally came to my area and I've got 100/40 paying 80 monopoly dollars a month. It's fucking bliss.

Unlimited usage? Who you with? Seems like all the fucking ISPs here want $100 a month for 100/40.


Not unlimited. 240gb onpeak but 2tb offpeak. I just save all my torrenting for night.

I'm with skymesh. Before that I was with exetel and they were fucking abysmal. Stay as far away as you can from them.

>Slowly being cooked alive by all that radiation.
>Not having TEMPEST shielding
Pathetic. You will die from cancer and there is nothing you can do.


How to pick a SSID so that it's both uninformative to random people who see it, and entirely unintriguing so nobody will ever bother trying to break in?

Hiding SSIDs (i.e. not broadcasting them) supposedly is a bad idea? Why do so many wifi connection utilities have problems connecting to hidden networks? In windows you can only connect to one if you set it as preferred/automatic, meaning that your client machines will by trying to connect to that hidden SSID no matter where they are, ending up "broadcasting" the hidden SSID on their own, which kinda defeats the purpose.

One source claimed that detecting hidden SSID networks were "trivial" - how so, given that the access point doesn't advertise itself?

What will be the long term effects of decades of exposure to a myriad of radio wavelength radiation anywhere you go? Have any of the corporations who have been pushing the technologies involved even given a fuck what might/could/will happen?

As always, those who make the decisions (with the effects of which millions/billions must live) live in comfort and don't have to suffer any of the consequences (in this case, they live in mansions in areas rural enough so there's no radiation oversaturation at all, the only wifi networks nearby being their own).

>long term effects

decline of the white race

not a bug; a feature

Just use wpa2 and pick a password that is long and yet easy to remember and type in.

Full fucking stop

Ayy neighbor

Most everyone who posted a picture just gave away their location, try me.

Problem is that no matter how long the password, it will be cracked eventually once they capture enough raw encrypted traffic that belongs to the access point.

My neighbours are too dumb to change their SSID so it's just a bunch of default Comcast names

Have a MAC address whitelist?

Supposedly that's (along with SSID hiding) one of "security strategies" which are "trivially bypassed".

Fuck off skid

DE – Gnome 3.22
Shell theme & GTK – Vimix Light (
FF theme: Breeze (Plasma 5).
Icons – Paper.
Gnome addons: Applications menu, Background logo, Dash to dock, no topleft hot corner, openweather, remove dropdown arrows, Status area horizontal spacing, topicons plux, todo.txt, workspace indicator.
Sup Forums: 4chanX + oneechan.

This site ruined my mind

It's shit. All shit. (Except mine.)

He spent all his wageslave money on a macbook, what did you expect. Lifestyle of the poorfags.

this, when there's more than 12 networks on your list youre guaranteed a bad time

it should be "RCMP surveillance horse 58" if the other one is 24