Since it's full of autists here - how Sup Forums organizes music? Folders and file names in particular

Since it's full of autists here - how Sup Forums organizes music? Folders and file names in particular.

This is what I'd like to do now that I'm starting to do it:
>pirate shit
>reneme folder to just: "Artist Name"
>if more albums, inside: "YYYY - Album Name"
>inside the album folder
>file names: "NN - Song Name"
>artwork of the album: "cover.png(or .jpg?)"
>tags are almost always OK

Other urls found in this thread:


Ye I pirate
Have musician dirs in underscore_case
Files are in their respective artist's dir, underscore_case, properly tagged


>how Sup Forums organizes music?

I just keep albums on their respective bands' folders. Don't care about filenames, metadata on your player of choice takes care of that.

I don't listen to music.

Music -> Videogame/Non-Vidya -> Genre -> Artist -> Album

I have ~300 GB of music.

I just let beets organize it for me

Music -> Artist -> album -> CD number if multidisk. I rename folder names but I'm too lazy to change file names.


By source/encoding. Can't have those mp3s cross-interfering with them flacs.

/Music/Artist Name/Album Name/

I leave the file names how they were when I pirated them because they usually have the tags and the tags are what show up in ncmpcpp

I just put the year before every album name and leave them in the same folder since I don't have a massive collection. Same with films.

ex: /music/2002 - Album Folder

I have a bunch of folders of albums. Simple and done. If I want the extra step I put the albums in folders of gonre.

I prefer Music(containment folder)/Genre/Album/music files.wav
I include artist to the title and metadata but Genre and Album make nice groupings of general music.

Folders and file names are irrelevant. What you need is a proper index, e.g. database.

What do you mean? As long as everything is tagged properly you can just throw everything in a single folder. Foobar2000 will organize everything for you.

>still relying on mp3 tags

Artist Name/Album Name/00 Song Name

Soundtracks are under Soundtracks/Series Name/Album Name

what if a song has been made by 2 different artist names that don't always work together?

Then it either goes into whichever is the "main" more important artist, or a new one just for that album. I personally don't think I have anything like that though, specially since I very rarely download songs on their own, just albums and singles.

I don't know what you mean. Give me an example

Actually I think I know what you mean now. I always sort by albums so I would put it under the album the song was on.

However, if it wasn't on any album, I would put it in a "Singles" directory within the artist directory, and then I would symlink it (shortcut for you windows plebs) to all artists credited on the song

collaborations like this:
ilan Bluestone & Grum - SOS

ilan Bluestone makes his own songs, Grum also make his own songs, but this one has been made by them together.

the album is actually just a release with just this song alone.

www. junodownload .com/products/ilan-bluestone-grum-sos/3219484-02/

In that case I'd do what I said in Put the song under Music/Ilan Bluestone/Singles/ilanbluestone&grum-sos.mp3 and then I'd put a symlink to the song in Music/Grum/Singles/ilanbluestone&grum-sos.mp3

interesting, i'll keep that in mind.

/Music/Artist - year - album (format)

Artist > Album > Track 01.mp3, etc.

Artist - Album (Year) (Codec) (Additional Info)

I put all my FLACs in a folder. Amarok sorts them for me, like a god.

here's how my music folder is organized:
>Artist > Album > songs inside.
It's that simple

Artist - Album (Year) [Format]
T b h

Artist - (Year) Album [Type][Info]

Everything in the same directory. Type is present only for non-studio albums. Info for marking parts of multi-CD albums and such.

>Music/Artist/Year - Album/Number - Title.ext

Yeah, I know this is the most popular method. I just prefer parentheses over brackets.


I use mp3tag to put correct tags on all my music then import it to music bee then click organise files then everything is organized based on metadata in files

Comes down to this
Music\album artist\box set title (year)\album title (year)\Disc #\track# - song title

Currently working on getting everything I already have in FLAC - I had just build up my buffer on what and was ready to download everything, now only rutracker since PTH and XANAX are both still shit

There's always a main artist who produced the album. Put that artist as album artist and both of them as artist

My folders are all terribly organised, but everything is properly tagged so there's no real issue in Foobar or whatnot.

By name on my shell. But seriously
Artist/Album/Title, Amarok does it by itself so I don't go around renaming shit.

like this

>16 years old and steals his parent's vicodin

Genre/Artist/{Album,EP,Single}/[YYYY] Album Title [Edition] (FLAC)/01 - Title.flac

Where genre = predominant genre (Metal, Rock, Hip Hop).


>mu/Metal/Black Sabbath/Albums/[1970] Black Sabbath [UK ESM CD 301 Castle] (1996) (FLAC)

I first insure tags are good and has embeded album art.

you can always resort your music later if they have proper tags.

for sorting I do
>albumartists - album/artists - track - title

>Folders and file names in particular.

Music folder > artist name folder > album title folder > (contents of album go here)
I don't also have lettered folders. That seems pointless.

If the album spans multiple discs, I still keep them all in one folder, and I use the naming convention shown in my screenshot.

Note: I own a physical copy of this album, and this is a legal backup I've made, which U.S. law very much permits me to do.

>tfw was shut down

Man I hadn't used the site in a while, but it's sad seeing all my favorite torrent websites from my piracy days get shut down .


>what if a song has been made by 2 different artist names that don't always work together?

The album is either going to be released under a primary artist's name, or "Various Artists." In the latter case, I'd actually have a "Various Artists" folder. In the former, I'd just put the album under the name of the primary artist. ID3 tags would be used to store additional artist information, like "featuring X artist."

See pic related. (I'm well aware my foobar2000 config looks like shit, so no need to comment)

Naturally, I didn't even bother to upload my pic.

>pirate name
>rename folder to Artist Name - Album Name
>have musicbrainz picard tag all the files correctly according to the cd release

i used to not bother with tags, but it's a NIGHTMARE when you're playing things on mobile devices

have a working folder for incomplete shit, it automoves to sort when complete and about once a week I integrate it into my collection, artist/album/song title/cover
for initial sorting and tagging nothing beats beetsif you aren't afraid of the command line or can get it to work on windows which can be a chore, but it runs fine on linux and does what it's supposed to fairly well

yeah but even if you get it direct from the artist, shit is often mistagged

good taste

I have a home server with a locally shared music directory. In it I sort music by artist for the most part (with the occasional soundtrack being the exception). Inside the folders for the artists, I have the music split up by artist.

It's easiest for me to think about when I present an example:

Forgot about Dre is a song by Dr. Dre that features Eminem and various other artists. It is a song on a studio album of Dr. Dre therefore it goes into the Dr. Dre directory tree.

Artist Name > Album Name > ## Song Name

I use a program to download tag data. Then I use a program to rename the files based on tag data to ensure my naming convention is upheld. Finally, I use a program to delete all the tags.

~/Music/Artist/Album/NN Song Name.ext
~/Music/System of a Down/Toxicity/14 Aerials.flac
Not even hard.

~/Music/VA/whatever the name was/00 asdasd.flac
Or, if just a few artists
~/Music/Few Artists/Collab/08 Songname.mp3

throw in all in one folder and use tags like a sane person?

You could use Gracenote (iTunes+VM or RE it) to tag and then:
for i in ./*mp3
mv $i $(md5sum | cut -c 1-32).mp3

>Artist folder: "Artist name"
>Albums: "Year - Album name"
>Tracks: "Track # - Name"
>Multiple discs get their own Album folder
>Additional info that isn't part of the title is included in the album folder name, e.g. [Live] or [Bootleg]
If ever there were a solid case for me having autism, my obsessively organized collection of over 40k songs would be it.

I just go with what it says on the CD.
If it's two artists with a "&" in between, then I usually take it to mean it's a proper collaborative effort and it should get its own folder/designation.

If it's "X with Y" then that usually means it's primarily X with contributions from Y, and thus goes in X's folder.

If it's a split record then each artist gets its own folder, and all of the artists are mentioned in parenthesis in the "album" tag.

I just extract the rar or zip file into the "music" folder and let my media player do the rest.

Organizing is a huge waste of time unless you're trying to have some sort of home media server.

>Folder with Artist name
>Folder with release date - album/single title
>Songs with track no - song name
All the other details in the file metadata.

> /Music/Artist/Album/##. title
> Album art is either embedded or saved as folder.jpg for my WAV files
> Always make sure tags are still perfect.


what programs you use?

Like this.

Same as you but I don't care about song filenames because I always make sure my tags are good.

>for my WAV files
Why? What's the point? Use APE or FLAC. You're wasting space for no reason.

Do you guys store information like composer/writer/producer etc.?

I see tox ;)

Yes, it's clearly in my dock. What about it?

Basically this but with [YYYY] Album and 01 Title instead, don't like having the dashes.

Strip out all just junk tags (comments etc) and make the rest follow a common format.


> (OP)

Though i have yet to look into it

does it also classify songs by "agitation" levels and such semi subjective measurements?
Or was it amarok that had that?

All my tags do follow a common format. But I have to maintain my FLAC collection in case I ever have to reconvert my collection, which I've done a few times in the past 5 years.

FLAC to Vorbis
FLAC to Opus
FLAC to AAC 160Kbps
FLAC to AAC 225Kbps

Musicbrainz into
/Music/Collections/Collection Name/Album Name
Mostly for OSTs and the like.

>Since it's full of autists here - how Sup Forums organizes music?

By launching Spotify

>open spotify
>no music

Kind like this
But I order albums by the year of release