>social IRC is dead
>normies are too stupid to use mumble
So it's either botnet (Discord/Skype) or nothing? How did we let that happen Sup Forumsents?
>social IRC is dead
>normies are too stupid to use mumble
So it's either botnet (Discord/Skype) or nothing? How did we let that happen Sup Forumsents?
So is Usenet as a discussion platform.
But at least Usenet is just ruled by spergs, IRC is just crazy.
>Say nothing
>Get kicked
>Say something
>Get kicked
say if they want to talk to you over the internet then they have to use what you use if they don't you stop talking over the internet with them
if you are a worthless neet this of course won't work
> social irc
> I'm going to declare a certain aspect of something as a failure, is I myself have failed
lol, I bet you are a macfaggot
Now a-days I only irc to download books that for some reason I can't find on libgen.
me too
9/10 chance IRC was dead before you were born
you're a normie if you use skype or discord. friends and family are the biggest botnet
i bet you have a facebook and twitter and more than 5 contacts on your smartphone as well
normies gonna norm
They know your autism level by IP.
What's wrong with Telegram?
>social IRC
lmao just go outside
>implying Sup Forums isnt a massive botnet...
Jesus Christ, stop using this GODDAMN word. It's "normalfag"!
i have one friend and so i do not have this problem
>having any friends at all
Fuck off back to plebbit
Proprietary botnet.
>implying people too stupid to use IRC are worth talking to
Oh, I sure hope not. I've sexted my girlfriend several times through Telegram. I wouldn't want that stuff floating around on the interwebz without my consent!
Reading your sexts as we speak.
t. NSA
Discord is for devianart faggots
>caring about privacy when socializing with normies
what's the point?
imagine some middleman looking at your letters you send to your wife. it's like being cucked.
No response. He must be a macfaggot indeed.
oldie detected
I just use small imageboards for im
No need for clients, works for all platforms
File uploads and shit
And quaranteed no normalfags ever
Telegram crypto is shit and it doesn't encrypt by default. Server isn't FOSS
Signal is the best thing normies can use.
>doesn't encrypt by default
>friends and family are the biggest botnet
greentexting for truth
It used to be that way. My apologizes.
discord is so fucking terrible
it's got more javascript bloat than javascript itself
slack is one alternative normies use
that was whatsapp I'm pretty sure
Everyone in this thread should kill yourself.
IRC is dead because every channel ends up moderated by some 9001 autism sperglord that bans every new person. Had so many channels die on me from this. Sure I could have started a channel or moderated one but I'm not that autistic.
What irc do you use for that?
what about teamspeak?
>tfw you hang out in an irc channel where you know everyone and everyone is pretty chill
You btfo'd 90% of Sup Forums
>not erping and vibing with your trap loli AI bot
gtfo normie
IRC and mumble are outdated you dumb fuck discord is the same but free and easier to use
Most of my friends talk with me over steam... or over SMS/Phone calls if I know 'em IRL.
What about tox? It's open source and peer to peer, altough groupchats are not working like they should...
choose from ruby,erlang,haskell,lua,rust and golang for me tolearn
Tbh I'd rather be normie than this much of mentally ill
>tfw too dumb to write my own loli AI
This desu. If people care about you they'll be willing to try your chat system of choice.
Tox, Signal, Telegram, Wire
Signal is best
>won't use Discord because it's "botnet"
>uses the internet and owns a smartphone
joke is on you i use encrypted post cards for my daily shitposting
>what is tor
it's not Wire
Will my mom enjoy using "Wire"?
The problem with Tox etc. is that you can't discover new people. You have only your contacts. You can't find new groupchats or IDs, which is fine in a way. Another platform is needed for finding the IDs in the first place.
This is what OP meant with "social" IRC. Channels are more tightly knit together in a network. People move inside those network spaces, from channel to another or between networks. You can have very specific channels, or general discussion. You have a presence with your nick, but you don't have to register if you don't want to.
Nowadays privacy has become important. Apps are marketed saying that it makes your communications more secure. Users are told that they can't maintain privacy themselves. This development turns communities into closed silos, or echo chambers in the bigger communities like Facebook.
too bad you're both
enjoy the google botnet services goyim
not him, but probably irc.highway.net at #ebooks
Only the server is proprietary.
Crypto is shit, yes, but Pavel is really trustworthy.
Yes, good UI
>phone number
>unknown funding
>run by a jew with dreads
>run by sjws
>american servers