Cyber Security Consultant - AMA

Did this last weekend, let's try it again.

ITT: Cyber Security Consultant - AMA

Other urls found in this thread:

Describe your day to day works


How your network?

Alright I'm not here to consult for free.. lmao

Any tips then?

DMZ, FW, NIPS, HIPS, Honeypot, ACL, DLP, Proxy, Ransomware Protection, Anti Phishing, Educated Users, etc, etc.

I'm gonna run a tor exit node out your asshole

I'd like to see you try ;)

What a shitty AMA,you refuse to answer haft the questions faggot

Im learning.too where do i practise?

Do you clean the toilet?

What is your preferred antivirus/antimalware solution?

AV: Bitdefender
AM: Malwarebytes

AV: McAfee (ePO)

What is your reason for choosing Bitdefender over others, like Kaspersky or ESET?

Kaspersky is also top notch. I just see better performance with Bitdefender. Both are at par.

Eset used to be pretty gold and light CPU usage but they aren't on their game anymore. THey just simply aren't as a quality product or service anymore as compared to BItdefender or Kaspersky.

everyone in this thread is autistic
go kill yourself op

Do you have a degree

Do you do ass2mouth to your boss?

Are there any FREE antivirus solutions out there that are even worth looking at? I already pay for Malwarebytes Premium, I dont really want to pay another $80 per year for Bitdefender if I dont need to

How.many tools u've created.and for what purpose? Or u use other created tools? If so which ones?

Confirmed for meme spouting "consultant"


In my opinion, malwarebytes premium isn't required. just regular free version.

However, if you want a good antivirus that will actually keep you say unlike MWB, then yes you have to pay for something good like bitdefender or kaspersky,

should i do my cissp or oscp

Countless tools. If you don't then you won't go far.

Python, Perl, Macros, programs for extracting and parsing data and doing mass reputation lookups and nice reporting, calculations, etc.

CISSP is the standard for our work, get it. ITILv3 is best for consulting, get that too. OSCP if you want pentesting. IMO get all 3.

confirmed op is retarded

Then you won't get far in the industry. Clearly you are a script kiddie.

>Then you won't get far in the industry
You didn't either.



Is RDP safe to open to the internet, given a decent password?

>Defending fucking CISSP

CISSP here, no issue with RDP over internet, make sur it's FIPS and SSL + NLA activated and encryption.

U JELLY BRO, i make 160k straight up with my cissp, you oscp brothers can't deny

how did you get into the business? what were your credentials prior to? any tips for someone looking to go a similar career path?

Go to school for the field. You can get an entry level position with an IT&Business program. I went to a rare specialized program specifically for security, risk, pentesting, and digital forensics.

Easiest way in is via doing some type of Tier 1 security analyst work, usually easy to get into a Managed Services company. Their turnover rates are usually high. Once you have a years experience there' no where to move but up or to the side and up.

What is the easiest way to protect a site to site vpn network? What are some common practices needed to keep a windows domain env safe ?

thoughts on Mr.Robot

what should be your main os while hacking, windows, osx, or linux

it's realistic! i feel like Elliott sometimes, going down the rabbit hole.

angela can suck my CISSP cock anytime, and i would go CISA on darlene.

I am an AWE-cert holder. "Consultants" like you are empty suits that can run a nessus scan at best. Just the fact that you defend cissp as being worthwhile shows your true colors as shekelgrabber and nothing more.

You will always pretend to "know" security, but when your kin faces me, they shrink because they realize that their bullshit terminology and empty advice are just cookiecutter shit rehashed for every fucking client.

You talk security. But you will never realize how far you are from the whitehot core of this wonderful industry with your ignorant holier than thou attitude



yep, shitty AMA, he needs to go back to /r/netsec and suck a cock

he's serious man i saw him hack nsa.
target me mang

I had to stand a speech by one of your kind

I have to say you people are boring as fuck you should hire someone to translate the shit that comes out of your mouth.

look at this guy, all gay.

I was reading about moder sec and re.

Today people use math for RE and vrd

what kind of math is required to do this shit?

basic algebra and calculus from ur mother

> I was only 39 years old
> I loved Stallman so much, I had all the FSF-approved distros and GNU corelibs
> I pray to Stallman every night before shutdown, thanking him for the software I've been given
> "Stallman is love" I say. "Stallman is life"
> Linus hears me and he calls me a freetard
> I knew he was just jealous of my devotion for Stallman
> I called him a proprietary cunt
> He kernelpanics me and sends me to go to my userspace
> Im crying now, and my shell hurts
> I lay in bed and its really cold
> A warmth is moving towards me
> I feel something touch me
> Its Stallman
> I am so happy
> He whispers in to my ear, "share the software"
> He grabs me with his powerful free-as-in-freedom hands and puts me on my hands and knees
> I'm ready
> I spread my libreboot cheeks for Stallman
> He penetrates my GRUB
> It hurts so much but I do it for Stallman
> I can feel my init system tearing as my package manager start to update
> I push against his force
> I want to please Stallman
> He interjects a mighty interjection as he fills my homedir with his love
> Linus walks in
> Stallman looks him straight in the eye and says. "It's all free now"
> Stallman leaves through my X window system
> Stallman is love, Stallman is life

are you white?

yes i'm pure.

how can i be like you

You seem to be under the wrong impression that I am a cyber security consultant.

>Brown nosing execs
>Sucking some dicks

Mr. Robot is a true edgefest. Didn't get past 5 episodes.

What certs and things do I need to know ?

whats it like to be a glorified script kiddie?

What is the best distro and why is it Whonix?

what do you use to parse huge pcap dumps? looking for odd domains in dns queries? filtering out known good ad networks from web traffic? checking ips against blocklists? ignoring torrent traffic and other large files?

Which certs to take?
How to take a path into infosec

how long does it take you to run a mile?

What SIEM do you use?

is the growth in the job market for your field greatly overstated?

Not op but how huge is huge? I do most parsing with some python, or filtering with wireshark. Any other ways to do it?

Fellow cybersec here. There's a huge deficit for legit cybersec workers in my country.

So, I'm a 4th year cs major with a info security concentration and have been working as a manufacturing engineer for a few years. Will the engineering bullet point on my resume be enough to get me past entry level after I graduate? Should I bother with certs?

Interesting. Demand for specialized work in that field can only go up from my perspective. Seems like a good time to get in as long as you know what you're doing

Absolutely. Now is the time to get in to cybersec.

>no social eng.
haha no

Well memed

You the coolest security fag on the net!


>ITT: Cyber Security Consultant - AMA

If that were actually true, you'd put a gun in your mouth before you used the word "cyber" in your own job title.

>AV: McAfee (ePO)